Methods for breeding violets with a leaf at home

Violet is a popular indoor flower that can decorate any room. If you take care of him correctly, he will delight his owner with abundant flowering. There are many varieties of such a plant.

Many gardeners are interested in the question: how do violets reproduce? The most common way is with a sheet. Reproduction of violets by a leaf at home is carried out in two ways - directly in the ground or in water. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to choose the right leaf for planting?

The successful cultivation of a new flower depends on how correctly the leaf was chosen for propagation. For this, planting material should be taken only from a perfectly healthy plant, but at the same time, one should take into account the fact that the leaves located in the bottom row of the outlet cannot be used. They are already old and after their rooting, they will not be able to form children for a very long time.

Also, for reproduction, you cannot use the leaves that are near the center of the outlet... The fact is that during the collection of planting material in this place it is quite easy to damage the center of growth of the violet, and this negatively affects the flower.

The material that will be used to plant a new specimen should be taken from the second or third row from the bottom of the outlet. It is these leaves that are considered optimal in order to quickly take root and get children. Also, for flower reproduction, only healthy and resilient leaves are selected that have a characteristic color of the leaf plate, without any scratches, spots or other damage.

Many flower lovers order planting material by mail, which is often loses its elasticity... In this case, it should be completely soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours, after which it is dried.

How to properly cut the stem of a leaf for rooting?

How to plant a violetMany inexperienced growers believe that it is enough to pick a violet leaf and plant it. In this case, nothing good should be expected. The planting material, namely the stalk, should be properly prepared for further rooting. This is done in different ways.

The first method is to trim the stem with a sharp knife or blade. These devices are required before the procedure. rubbed with alcohol... The violet leaf is placed on a hard surface, after which a bevel cut is made in one motion at exactly 45 degrees. Depending on the diameter of the container for growing a flower, leave a leg 3 - 5 cm long, after which the leaf is put to dry or a fresh cut is sprinkled with activated or charcoal.

The second method is that the tip of the stem is simply broken off at the required distance from the leaf plate. This method is carried out in the event that there is no sharp knife at hand or there is nothing to disinfect its blade.

How to propagate a violet leaf: methods

To root the planting material, use for method:

  • in water;
  • in the ground.

Reproduction of violets by a leaf in water

Reproduction of this flower at home in this way is considered the most popular.In this case, it is necessary to use a container of dark glass, into which cool boiled water is poured with a tablet of activated carbon previously dissolved in it. The stem is immersed in water no more than 1 cm.

The liquid level in the container should always be kept under control and, if necessary, added. The speed of appearance of roots on the cut of the stem directly depends on the variety of violets and the temperature in the room. The rooted leaf should be transplanted into the ground when the length of the roots at the cut will reach one centimeter.

The danger of performing this propagation method is that the cut may begin to rot or turn black. In this case, the damaged part is removed, and the sheet is placed in a new container with clean water.

How to plant a violet in the soil? First of all, the stalk should not be very deep, otherwise the young rosettes will make their way to the surface for a rather long time, as a result of which they will weaken and will not hatch at all. The soil around the cutting is compacted and moistened, after which the container is covered with polyethylene, creating a greenhouse effect. As soon as young foliage appears above the soil surface, the film must be removed.

Reproduction of violets by a leaf in the ground

How violet reproducesFor this method, usually use disposable plastic cups, at the bottom of which drainage holes are made with a sharp object to prevent stagnation of water in the soil and to avoid the development of rot.

Also, the following drainage is placed on the bottom of the cups:

  • pebbles;
  • pieces of crushed foam.

Such a layer should cover the bottom of the container by no more than 2 cm.The soil is poured on top of it, but not to the very top, leaving free space for the sheet to be located at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees... For planting it in the ground, make a small depression. After planting the stem, it is sprinkled with soil, which is lightly tamped for the stability of the planting material. To prevent the sheet plate from touching the ground, it should be propped up with a toothpick.

Reproduction of violets from a leaf in this way is carried out in a special greenhouse. If it is absent at home, you can create a greenhouse effect by covering the container with polyethylene and placing it in a warm and bright place, regularly moistening the substrate. In no case should the planting material be placed in direct sunlight, since high humidity and heat can destroy the violet from the leaf.

It is necessary to transplant the violet to a permanent place only when new leaves reached in diameter over 3 cm.

Reproduction of violets from leaf fragments

This method of reproduction is used for very rare species of violets, or if the leaf has begun to rot. To prevent the rot from spreading further, the stem must be broken off at the very base of the leaf plate, and the leaf itself is cut into several fragments with a sharp knife. The main thing is that the fragment has at least one vein.

Quite often, violets are propagated using 1/3 of the top of the leaf with a horizontal cut. Such a fragment is left for a few minutes in order for the film to cover the fresh cut, after which it is processed charcoal or activated carbon... After that, the plate must be placed in a container with soil so that the cut fits snugly against the soil. Polyethylene is used to create a greenhouse effect at home.

This method of breeding violets from parts of the leaf results in many more babies, because they emerge from each vein.

Necessary conditions for growing violets

In order for a violet from a leaf to quickly take root and subsequently grow strong and healthy, you need observe the following recommendations:

  • What conditions are needed for the reproduction of violetsthe soil should be light and nutritious, well permeable to air and moisture;
  • the optimum temperature for growing is 22 - 26 degrees;
  • uniform and regular watering should be carried out;
  • daylight hours should be at least 12 hours;
  • the air must be constantly humidified.

Thus, multiplying a violet from a leaf at home, though troublesome, is quite justified. The main thing is choose the desired method and follow all necessary recommendations. Only in this case will it grow strong and healthy, delighting the owner with its magnificent flowers.

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