Four mistakes of summer residents during the preparation of ash

Wood ash is used by every summer resident. It plays an important role in the cultivation of garden crops. Ash performs the function of fertilizer, providing planting with the necessary minerals, improves the quality of the soil and protects plants from pests and weeds; contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium necessary for them.

We will tell you what mistakes should be avoided when preparing it.

Common errors when burning ash.

Even in the elementary business, you can do something wrong and negate the time and labor spent. This also applies to the preparation of ash. Unfortunately, not all gardeners understand how important it is to properly light and extinguish a fire and what materials can and cannot be used when burning.

Harmful material

For ash, you can take only natural raw materials. Burning chipboard and plywood is inadmissible - a layer of glue is applied to them. It is also forbidden to take boards on which the remains of paint or paintwork have been preserved. This will lead to negative consequences for plants and human health - harmful chemical impurities will get into the ash, from which they will go directly to the crops and their fruits. For the same reason, cardboard is not suitable.

Ingestion of plastic in ash

You cannot burn wood for ash where you previously burned household waste. Remains of plastic, particles of rubber, candy wrappers, bags will be mixed with ash, and then fall into the ground. They contain hazardous chemicals that have carcinogenic properties. Such plant nutrition will be not only useless, but also toxic. This applies even to the ingress of very small amounts of debris into the fertilizer.

Pour water over the fire

In this case, all useful elements present in wood ash will go into the ground along with moisture. You will only have ashes that have lost their value. Better to throw a thick cloth over the fire, the fire will stop burning without air flow.

Improper storage

It is important to collect the finished ash immediately. If you leave it outdoors, gusts of wind will carry light particles throughout the area. Suddenly watered rain will spoil the fertilizer, washing out useful substances from it. Such a negative impact will significantly reduce the effectiveness of ash as a top dressing. Store it in a dry place, free from moisture.

How to get the right ash for your vegetable garden

You don't have to spend money, and getting ash is very easy. It is only important to wait for calm weather and make a fire at a respectful distance from the garden and buildings - 6-10 meters, no less.

  1. We recommend choosing birch and willow from tree species. They are distinguished by the richest composition. At the same time, young trees are ahead of old ones in this regard.
  2. Use dry twigs and leaves for lighting, not cardboard or paper.
  3. Only burn natural materials. Use logs and branches for this that do not show signs of disease and insect damage. The fertilizer quality will directly depend on the material you choose.
  4. In addition to wood, you can also take dry tops of potatoes, beets, carrots, sunflowers. They are safe for people and animals, saturates the earth with minerals.

Ash is an affordable and effective mineral fertilizer. The main thing is to choose high-quality raw materials for burning. But do not overdo it with the amount of fertilizer in the beds: ash acidifies the soil, and many vegetables do not like it.

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