Among the varieties of indoor flowers, dracaena stands out for its unusual beauty and original appearance. She gained popularity not only with attractiveness, but also with simple cultivation. Dracaena is believed to be easy to care for.
Despite the ease of care, problems can also arise with dracaena. You can often observe how the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry in the plant. Why do dracaena leaves turn yellow, what to do, and also why do dracaena leaves dry? We will try to figure out what is the reason and help the housewives in caring for their favorite plant.
Dracaena and caring for her
This exotic flower has long been loved by many. He will always decorate any room with his appearance. Dracaena belongs to the Dracene family. It is also called a false palm.
This evergreen shrub or tree grows in its natural environment in the tropics and subtropics of Africa, less often on the islands of Southeast Asia. In total, there are over 100 plant species, but only 40 species are grown in greenhouses and no more than ten at home.
Her beautiful green leaves bring zest to the interior of the room. There are some types of dracaena that do not resemble traditional dracaena in their appearance. In care, almost all dracaena growing at home are not very demanding.
If you take care of her properly, problems should not arise. With careful and competent care, the plant can live at home for up to 15 years. Sometimes the plant can bloom, for example, dracaena fluffy.
Experts recommend paying special attention to the normal development of a houseplant watering and temperature... Dracaena feels good if there is no temperature drop in the room. On average, it should be 18-25 aboutC. From sudden changes and drafts, the leaves suffer, their edges begin to freeze and then dry up.
Dracaena: tips of leaves dry, what to do
This question is asked by many flower lovers, because almost everyone who has a dracaena is faced with this problem. We will try to consider the most common reasons why the leaf tips of dracaena dry out.
Watering. This is also one of the main reasons. There is not enough moisture, irregular or poor watering. As the clod of earth in the pot dries, the dracaena needs to be watered. Even in winter, the flower is watered at least once a week.
- Drafts. The plant immediately reacts negatively to cold air and drafts in the room. It should not be placed on a windowsill during cold seasons, or kept close to the air flow from the air conditioner. From the cold air, the soil begins to lose much moisture, the leaves of the flower react to this painfully.
- The soil. It affects the appearance of the palm, so it should be chosen correctly. Over time, from irrigation and due to hard water, the composition of the soil is disturbed. The compacted soil prevents the root system from developing and as a result, the leaves dry and fall off. You can solve the problem by transplanting the flower into a new potting mix that is fresher and more nutritious.
- Lighting. Dracaena loves light, but without direct sunlight. She needs diffused lighting in a well-lit place.Burns appear on the leaves in the form of spots from the bright sun, then they dry.
- Diseases. Infectious diseases are transmitted through soil from other diseased flowers. Diseases are also transmitted when flowers are too close.
Air humidity... The flower belongs to the tropical species, so it needs to create favorable conditions with a comfortable level of humidity. It is believed that a suitable moisture level for dracaena should be between 60-70%.
There is no such level of humidity in our apartments for various reasons - heating, summer heat. It is necessary to increase the humidity, spraying a flower warm water from a spray bottle, use air humidifiers.
Why do the leaves turn yellow
Dracaena leaves live for about two years. Old hardwood starts to turn yellow at the tip.
If this happens leaves must be removed... It often happens that the leaves of a young plant begin to turn yellow for unknown reasons.
Experts say that yellowness appears for several reasons:
- improper care;
- improper watering;
- insufficient nutrients;
- pests.
The appearance of yellowness provokes over-watering the plant... In the summer, it is recommended to water the flower 1-2 times a week. At high temperatures, it is advisable to put the flower in the bathroom more often and spray it.
This procedure has a very positive effect on the deciduous mass, refreshes it. After bathing, no moisture should remain in the leaf axils. For this reason, the leaves often begin to turn yellow.
The plant is very responds well to feeding with a high nitrogen content. Liquid fertilizer with nitrogen can be added to the water for irrigation so that the dracaena receives all the necessary substances during the period of intensive growth.
This phase takes place from March to August. Top dressing is sold at a flower shop and must be bought, since a lack of nitrogen will cause yellowness on the leaves.
Pests and diseases
Even with proper care, it is not always possible to protect indoor flowers from various troubles. Diseases and pests are often the cause of diseases. Sometimes on the plant you can see brownish brown spots.
This sign indicates a lesion with a scabbard. It sucks out cell juice from dracaena, after which the leaves turn yellow. Get rid of the pest special means will help, as well as wiping the affected areas with soapy water.
From damage by aphids, the deciduous mass can turn yellow, as well as curl, turn pale and fall off. Common pests for dracaena are thrips and spider mites... This is evidenced by a gray-brown shade.
To get rid of thrips, you can use the following remedies:
- Inta-vir.
- Decis.
- Actellic.
If small white spots appear on the flower, and the leaves begin to turn yellow, it means that it is affected by a spider mite. It can be fought with a soap solution or means "Acaricide".
In addition to pests, the plant is afraid of infectious diseases and fungal diseases. Dracaena may turn yellow due to heterosporosis. First, the spots turn yellow, then brown with a dark edging. From a fungal disease it is necessary spray foliage with fungicides.
Phyllostictosis is considered widespread, when it affects dracaena, light brown spots with a yellow edging appear on it. For treatment, you must use fungicides.
Too high room temperature, high air humidity and lack of nutrients bacterial infections develop... It manifests itself in the form of medium-sized ulcers. This disease is difficult to cure, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the dragon.
Do not panic if suddenly the leaves of the dracaena begin to turn yellow and dry. You can decide what to do if you look closely at the flower and then help the flower. It is advisable to do this in a timely manner in order to preserve your favorite green decoration.
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