How to care for and propagate dracaena at home

This beautiful plant has long been loved by gardeners. The beauty of a tropical plant attracts eyes and creates a good mood. Such large plants, in most cases, are installed in offices; a small palm tree fits perfectly into the interior of any apartment.

This African plant, with proper care, can live in an apartment for about 15 years. It is very easy to care for and propagate it and does not require any special care.

What types of dracaena is divided into

Many varieties of dracaena... The most popular household species grown by gardeners are:

  1. List of varieties of dracaenaDracaena unbent. This plant got its name because of the strongly inclined leaves. The plant is distinguished by a weak stem that starts branching right from the beginning of the root. The leaves are elongated, bright green with a yellow longitudinal stripe. Such a dracaena ennobles the room.
  2. Dracaena Surculosis. The plant belongs to the shoot-forming species. This exotic palm tree is very different from other varieties. Dracaena is distinguished by its bushy shape, dark green leaves, oval in shape, with golden splashes. The flower decorates the room, it becomes more comfortable in it.
  3. Dracaena is fragrant. The height of this plant can exceed three meters, the size of the leaves, which have a wavy, hanging appearance, exceeds 80 cm. Such a tropical palm tree blooms with pink flowers emitting a pleasant aroma. For such a pleasant smell it was called fragrant.
  4. Dracaena Deremskaya. This tall variety has a powerful tree-like trunk. Its leaves are dark green, half a meter long. On the leaves, depending on the variety, there may be multi-colored stripes. This dracaena blooms only in the wild.
  5. Dracaena Marginata. The first time this variety was discovered in Madagascar. The height of this plant in natural conditions can exceed five meters. This is perhaps the most unpretentious view. This indoor palm clears the air from formaldehyde. The plant is often grown where factories and large plants are nearby.

How dracaena reproduces

Description of dracaena breeding methodsWhen the dracaena grows gigantic in size and begins to rest against the ceiling, its appearance becomes not very attractive, you need to start reproducing it.

The easiest way to reproduce at home is a plant of the following type:

  • deremska;
  • bordered;
  • Sander.

You need to propagate the plant in March or Aprilwhen the growth process is activated. Dracaena propagation can be done in several ways:

  • By cutting the top.
  • Stem.

To reproduce dracaena at home, use apical cuttings, more than ten centimeters long. In addition, you can propagate the plant with pieces of the trunk, small layering. To do this, it is necessary to warm up the soil, apply heteroauxin.

Cut off the top of the plant put in a container with water and small lumps of charcoal are added. After about 90 days, the plant begins to appear roots, after which the dracaena can be planted in a large flower pot.

At the cut off site, the formation of new shoots will occur, which will give buds located on the sides.

Dracaena is fertilized during its active growth, which begins in April and ends at the end of August. Top dressing should be done once every two weeks special fertilizers, which contain all the nutrients that houseplants need. They can be bought at any Gardens-Vegetables store.

How to propagate dracaena using stem cuttings

Instructions for propagating dracaena stem cuttingsThis breeding technology is used only if the top of the dracaena has wilted. A healthy stem is taken, more than two centimeters in diameter. His cut into piecesless than 20 cm long.

Each cut must be done with neatness, in places where the leaf is attached to the stem. Use a very sharp tool to cut the pieces.

How to propagate dracaena at home with stem cuttings? There are several ways to do this.

Vertical propagation... The bottom of the cutting plant is immersed in fertilized soil about three cm. From above, the soil must be sprinkled with sand, the layer thickness of which should reach 6 cm. In this case, the cutting will not need to be replanted again. It first takes root in the sand, and only then into the soil.

Horizontal propagation... The cuttings are laid on a damp surface, then slightly pressed into the soil. The ambient temperature should not exceed 24 ° C. Rooting is best done in greenhouse conditions.

Rooting differs in apical cuttings from stem cuttings in that at the top, only roots are formed, and shoots begin to germinate at the stem.

When horizontal rooting is applied, stem destruction occurs. The reason for this is the high consumption of nutrients for the emergence of new shoots. How to plant a dracaena after the shoots appear? As soon as they begin to feed from their roots, the finished cuttings are planted in pots.

Reproduction by layering... In everyday life, such reproduction occurs using apical shoots. They are immersed in a bowl of warm water. For disinfection, several tablets of activated carbon are added to the water. Experts advise changing the water more often. It will take 90 days and the shoots will have roots. All that remains is to plant the stalk in the right place.

Lighting and temperature conditions for dracaena

Description of the necessary care for dracaenaIn order for dracaena to reproduce successfully, it is necessary to observe the correct temperature regime and have a certain lighting.

Plant loves average temperature... The thermometer should not exceed 32 degrees. The range of 15-18 degrees is considered a comfortable temperature in winter. During this period, you need to abandon abundant watering.

If there is poor lighting and very warm content, the plant loses its beautiful appearance. Dracaena in the daytime does not tolerate sunlight. It is better to put it in a slightly dark place. In complete darkness, the plant withers quickly.

For good formation and growth, the plant strong lighting needed... It grows well under fluorescent light. A one and a half meter palm tree will grow beautifully in the light of two such devices, with a power of 18 watts. Moreover, the crown of the plant should have maximum uniform illumination.

If you properly care for this plant in your room, then it will delight its owner with a gorgeous look for a very long time.

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