Spring is coming, and summer residents go to their backyard and summer cottages to sow them for further harvest. But there are many obstacles along the way. For example, when potatoes are planted, the fight against the Colorado potato beetle begins at the same time. The ideal option for such a fight is Prestige.
Instructions for the use of the drug "Prestige"
Even before planting potatoes, each landowner prepares to fight the Colorado potato beetle, which prevents potato tops from growing normally. You can buy many different products, but the most effective today is the drug "Prestige". But here many people thinking about using it may have a question about how safe is it for humans... Probably, first of all, look on the website what the prestige remedy for the Colorado potato beetle looks like in order to understand what you have to deal with.
If you go back a little in history, you will notice that our ancestors from such pests used a wide variety of infusions, most often made themselves with herbs. Now, pest remedies, the basis of which are chemical preparations, have spread. But now there are a lot of them and sometimes it seems that they are simply distinguished by bright labels and catchy names. Therefore, many land owners decide to switch back to the old old-fashioned methods, which make it possible to get rid of the pest and wireworm well.
Among all this variety, only the drug "Prestige" stands out, which does not require any skills and abilities to use it. And the instruction is usually always attached to a small bottle, which tells about how many liters of water it needs to be diluted.
Prescribing the drug
The main function of the Prestige preparation is the destruction of pests and wireworms. What insects can this remedy affect? So, the drug "Prestige" is intended to control the following pests:
Colorado beetle.
- Medvedki.
- Different types of wireworm.
- May beetle larvae.
- Aphid.
- Cicadca.
- Mole.
- Fleas.
- Other insects are hunters for summer cottages.
It is necessary to start the fight against pests in advance, so that the remedy begins to act even when the plant begins to grow and until the moment when the potato continues to bloom. The duration must be counted from the moment when processing and planting potato tubers... This will approximately be 30 days. The drug "Prestige" not only affects pests, but also helps to get rid of various kinds of fungal diseases, rot and mold.
There is another advantage of using this product on potatoes. Anti-stress can be attributed to it. The thing is that the climate may not always be favorable for the development of a potato plant. These are constant temperature drops, and lack of oxygen in the soil, drought, lack of light. And the drug "Prestige" will help the plant survive these climatic conditions.
The composition of the drug "Prestige"
It has been proven that this product, used to combat potato pests, does not cause any harm to health. But only in the composition of this drug there is such a substance as imilacloprid. The people usually use this remedy called "insecticide" and it is believed that it is harmful to the human body. But you should not be afraid of this.
The preparation also contains the substance pencycurin. But its action is short-term, since this substance usually quickly decomposes into components that no longer have toxicity.
Therefore, potatoes treated with Prestige do not harm the human body. By the way, in order to check this version, studies were carried out repeatedly and scientists proved that already on the 50th day all toxic components disappear.
But on the other hand, this drug perfectly saves from beetles and works much better than all other drugs that are currently produced in large quantities.
Rules for using the drug "Prestige" from the beetle
Using this drug, you must take very seriously not only your safety, but also follow the instructions that are always attached to the bottle with a darkish liquid, or written on the label located on the bottle of the drug itself.
Manufacturers of the drug from the Colorado potato beetle immediately warn that it is necessary to use it correctly and recommend not using any other drug, as this will be unnecessary.
Terms of use of the drug for pest control, including with wireworm:
- The calculation of the solution and water will be made according to the instructions and the amount of potatoes that will be planted.
- Potatoes are measured in buckets.
- The proportions of the solution are calculated at the rate of: 1:10 (1 bucket of potatoes (10 kg) per 10 mg of the poison and 100 mg of water is added here).
- The potatoes must be poured onto a prepared base (you can use an old oilcloth).
- Treat with a solution.
- Leave the potatoes to dry (it takes 2-3 hours).
- Plant the resulting product.
Safety measures when using the drug
Pest and wireworm solution is considered hazardous and belongs to the 3rd class... Therefore, it is worth knowing and adhering to the basic rules for working with this solution, which allows you to fight the Colorado potato beetle. First of all, you should know the following:
- Rubber gloves should be worn with the beetle control solution.
- A gauze bandage should be worn on the face of the person handling the tubers.
- A work gown is required.
- The headgear should protect the hair.
After treatment with a solution of tubers from the Colorado potato beetle, you must not only take a shower yourself, but also take off all clothes, which at the same time was on you, and wipe. But mouth rinsing and hand washing are also ideal precautions.
It is impossible to eat food during the treatment of tubers with a solution to combat the Colorado potato beetle, and also to allow children or animals to come to this place. To the place where potatoes will be planted, it is worth moving the product in closed bags.
How to store the solution correctly
In order for the drug against pests and wireworms to be stored for a long time and retain all its properties, it is necessary comply with all storage rules:
- It must be stored in a dry room, the temperature of which is from -5 to +30 degrees.
- If the solution is already diluted with water, then it should be used on the same day.
If you want to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle, other pests and wireworm qualitatively, then you should use the most effective drug "Prestige".