Why do indoor plants dry leaf tips

Tips from experienced flower growers for the correct maintenance of indoor plantsNo matter how careful the care of indoor plants is, problems still arise. Very often there is such, at first glance, a slight deviation as the appearance of dry leaf tips. This little nuisance can be very troublesome.

Drying tips do not always lead to wilting or leaf fall and affect only 1% of its surface. But it looks very ugly, the appearance of the flower deteriorates quite a lot. Let's try to understand why the tips of the leaves of indoor plants dry and how to deal with such a problem?

Drying reasons

When the tips of the leaves begin to dry in indoor plants, the following thought immediately arises: the air in the room is very dry. Indeed, insufficient humidity is a common cause of this phenomenon, but not the only one. The following points cause the tips of the leaves to dry out:

  • A list of possible causes of leaf tips drying out in indoor plantswatering plants with low-quality water, especially if it is not settled and hard;
  • excessive soil moisture or insufficient watering;
  • damage to the flower by pests;
  • improper feeding - excess or lack of fertilizers;
  • direct sunlight on the leaves;
  • very high air temperature in the room;
  • filling the entire soil with the root system of the plant.

To understand the specific reason for the dry tips of the leaves of indoor plants, they should be carefully examined. Particularly pay attention to the shoots and the underside of the leaves to identify the presence of pests.

Be sure to check the container in which the plant is located. It is possible that she became too tight or roots appear from the drain hole.

The moisture content of the substrate should be determined, how quickly it dries between treatments. If it is rather difficult to estimate it "by touch", you can buy in a flower shop special indicatorswhich will show the degree of soil drying.

It is necessary to analyze the feeding schedule and compare it with the recommended one for a particular plant. For example, citrus leaves dry out. due to lack of iron.

And if you often feed non-flowering crops, this leads to serious disruptions in their development, which at the initial stage manifest themselves in the form of such a nuisance.

The quality of the water should be assessed. If running tap water is used for irrigation, it often becomes cause dry ends, since it contains admixtures of chlorine and fluorine, salts and other heavy substances, leading to a change in the characteristics of the soil and changing its balance.

They also determine the degree of air humidification, its dryness and comfort for plants that love moisture.

Implementation of hygiene measures

Description of hygiene measures for indoor plantsRegardless of why there are problems with dry leaf tips, hygiene measures are taken first.

Eliminate the risk of soil contamination and salt deposits. For this, from the ground surface remove white plaque, and its surface layer is replaced with a fresh and clean substrate. They clean the leaves of the flower from dust and moisturize them. Change the humidity of the air by placing a container of water near the pot.

Such measures are carried out regardless of whether it was possible to determine the specific cause of this trouble, since even an increase in humidity allows secure the plant from pest infestation.

How to fix the problem with dry flower tips

If the cause of the problem lies in dry air, the solution is as follows:

  1. Use of sprayers.
  2. Installation of special devices, humidifiers.
  3. Plants placement in flower display cases.
  4. Installation of trays or pallets with wet expanded clay, pebbles or moss, on which a flower pot is installed so that its bottom does not touch the water.

Water quality

This problem is also a fairly common cause of dry tips of indoor plants, so changes to the watering pattern should be made.

It is necessary to check what water is used to moisten the soil. Perhaps it should be acidified or it should be especially soft.

It is recommended to give up running water and it is better to let it stand for several days. After that, it is carefully drained off. Instead of tap water, use thawed, rainy, boiled.

How to properly care for indoor flowers

The nuances of caring for indoor plantsThe ends of the leaves can dry out due to an excess of moisture, which contributes to decay and disruption of the air permeability of the soil. Check drain hole and drainage.

If there are no problems with this, you need to let the substrate dry completely and postpone watering for a while. If it is found that the drain hole is too small, the plant must be urgently transplanted.

The leaves of indoor plants can dry out with excessive drought. In this case, flowers need water more often and more abundantly... But at the same time, the water should not stagnate in the pallets.

The next watering is carried out only when the top layer of the soil dries up a few centimeters for moisture-loving plants and the middle layer is partially dry (for succulents and common crops).

To forever get rid of the hassle associated with the selection of the frequency of procedures, you can purchase pots with automatic watering.

The ends of the leaves of indoor flowers often dry out due to pest infestation. Therefore, the plant should be isolated from other crops as soon as possible in order to avoid their spread.

Leaves you need wash with soapy waterand also increase the humidity of the air. To eliminate pests, it is recommended to use special insecticides. During plant transplantation, the pot must be thoroughly treated and disinfected.

The tips of the leaves can dry out due to improper lighting, temperature, feeding regime. In this case, one should create normal conditions for the growth and development of flowers.

Thus, we found out why the tips of the leaves in indoor plants can dry out. This happens for various reasons. What to do in this case?

Having found out the specific cause of the problem, they begin to eliminate it. Only then will the leaves of the plants be again full of strength and have an attractive appearance.

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