Mini-tree in a pot: how and what to feed a bonsai, so that it pleases with a dense crown

Bonsai is a bonsai tree from Japan, very similar to the common one. The plant can reach 120 cm or be very tiny - up to 5 cm. For a smaller copy, oak, sakura, pine, ficus, maple are used. In order for a tree to please with a dense crown, it must be properly fertilized.

Fertilizer composition

An important component of caring for a miniature bonsai is feeding. It has a double effect: it nourishes and strengthens the plant. Fertilizer should contain the following components:

  1. Nitrogen. Fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen are needed early in growth. Top dressing promotes the development of leaves, shoots, accelerates the processes of cell division, protein production. As the leaves begin to grow, the tree requires mixtures with a high nitrogen content.
  2. Phosphorus. Participates in metabolic processes, stimulates cell division, kidney swelling. This element takes part in the development of the root system, protects against diseases.
  3. Potassium. Helps flowering, fruit formation, has a positive effect on resistance to drought, low temperatures. The element prevents the development of fungal diseases and the appearance of pests.

Each plant has its own characteristics. Juniper needs organic mixtures during active growth. Carmona recommended feeding in the form of solid organic mixtures. Conifers need food half as often. Lack or excess of fertilizer negatively affects the plants. The correct ratio of nutrients helps bonsai to form a dense crown.

Soil application

Universal complex mixtures are diluted with water according to the instructions, only half as much. Liquid fertilizer is poured into the soil after watering so as not to harm the root system.

Top dressing is allowed through the pallet. The mixture is diluted, poured into a wide container, where a pot with a plant is placed. They are harvested after the plant has absorbed all the liquid.

It is not recommended to apply fertilizers on top of the soil; moss is often placed on the top layer of the substrate to retain moisture. For dressing use solid fertilizers in the form of balls, granules. They are buried in the soil, then they dissolve during watering and evenly penetrate to the roots. They can also be placed on a substrate or in a special basket. Powdered powder is scattered on the soil surface.

Fertilization terms

The time for feeding lasts from early spring to mid-autumn. Young crops are fertilized every 2-3 weeks with special mixtures for the breed and season. Mature trees need feeding every 4-6 weeks.

In the spring, when the maximum growth of plants begins, nitrogen is needed twice as much as potassium and phosphorus. The recommended ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 12: 6: 6. In summer, these proportions are 10:10:10. At the end of the season, for deciduous trees, potassium and phosphorus need twice as much, nitrogen less. In the fall, it is useful to add bone meal or crushed fish bones. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are needed in a ratio of 3: 9: 9. In winter, trees are fed once a month, without nitrogen.

When growing dwarf trees, you must follow the rules. You can not feed:

  • sick, weakened plants;

  • immediately after trimming;

  • recently transplanted, it will damage the roots;

  • hibernating during the winter;

  • during flowering and immediately after.

Growing a mini-tree is not an easy process, but interesting, it requires patience and knowledge.With the right approach to business, even a novice gardener will be able to create a bonsai at home.

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