8 effective ways to extend the life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase

When a beloved man gives a beautiful bouquet, you always want to keep it fresh as long as possible, but usually on the second day the cut flowers begin to fade. Experienced florists know how to care for a bouquet, and we will tell you the effective ways that they successfully use to maintain the presentation of flowers.

Daily water change

Flowers consume a lot of liquid even after they have been cut, and some of them, like anemones, even continue to grow. That is why the quality of water is extremely important for maintaining the beauty of any bouquet.

Usually women immediately pour tap water into a vase and put a bouquet, but there are too many salts in it, which quickly destroy the plants.

For cut flowers, the following water is suitable:

  • filtered;
  • boiled;
  • defended during the day;
  • rain.

In this case, the water must be changed daily, and its temperature before immersing the flowers must be at least 20 ° C.

Regular pruning of stems

Before placing the bouquet in a vase of water, cut the stem by about 3-5 cm, and then shorten it by another 1 cm every day.This is necessary so that the end of the stem does not rot and moisture flows better to the leaves and flowers.

You need to cut the stem like this:

  1. Take one flower, place the stem under running water at room temperature.
  2. Use a sharp knife to cut off the edge of the stem at a 45 degree angle. Pruning shears are not suitable because the cut is uneven and the end of the stem is squashed.
  3. Quickly place the flower in a vase and continue trimming the rest of the stems.

During pruning, the edge of the stem must be in water, otherwise air will immediately penetrate into the fresh cut, which will further prevent the full absorption of moisture and, as a result, the bouquet will begin to fade.

Vinegar / Citric Acid

During the day, a small layer of mucus forms on the stems, which are in a humid environment, and bubbles appear in the water. This is a sign that bacteria are multiplying there and fermentation begins. To prevent these processes, a weak solution of 15 ml of vinegar or 0.5 tsp must be added to the vase. citric acid, diluted in 1 liter of water.

And also the vinegar solution is able to soften hard water, which will have a very positive effect on the bouquet.


In the process of natural growth, the plant receives nutrients from the soil and as a result of photosynthesis. You can replace such food by “feeding” the flowers with sugar.

To use sugar to keep the bouquet fresh, you need to:

  1. 1.5 tsp. Dissolve sugar in 1 liter of water at room temperature, pour the solution into a vase.
  2. Put the bouquet in the sugar liquid.
  3. Change the sweet solution to a new one once a day, since bacteria rapidly multiply in warm stagnant water.

During each change of sugar solution, the stems must be washed under the tap.

Trimming the bottom of the stem

Some flowers have a very hard stem, and they do not drink water well from a vase, so to increase the suction area, you can divide it into several parts as follows:

  1. Split the stem at the bottom with your fingers and insert a piece of match in the middle - more suitable for chrysanthemums.
  2. Lightly tap the end of the stem with a hammer for rose and lilac.
  3. Scratch the bottom of the stems of tulips and daffodils with a needle.

For other types of flowers, these manipulations are also suitable, but when choosing a method, you need to rely on the maximum similarity of their stems with those listed above.


Acetylsalicylic acid is a great preservative for cut flowers, but before adding it, you need to do the following:

  • cut flowers correctly;
  • prepare filtered or boiled water;
  • pick up a glass vase, as plastic will not work.

You need to add aspirin to a vase with a bouquet like this:

  1. Grind 2 aspirin tablets with a rolling pin or hammer.
  2. Pour 1 liter of prepared water into a vase and add medicine there.
  3. Stir well and place the bouquet.

Aspirin disinfects surfaces and prevents plant decay. In addition, the acid activates an increased need for moisture in flowers, and they begin to drink more, due to which the leaves and flowers are better hydrated and do not dry out.


In addition to feeding through the roots, flowers are able to absorb water through the leaves. It is enough to spray the plants 1-2 times a day from a spray bottle with a fine spray, and they will stand much longer.

The main thing is not to get on the buds so that they do not start to rot prematurely and become covered with dark spots.

Washing the vase regularly

It is necessary not only to change the water in the vase daily, but also to wash it. Rinsing under the tap alone is not enough, so you can use baking soda as a safe detergent.

A solution prepared from 100 ml of warm water and 15-20 g of soda is suitable for cleaning the vase. It is enough to dip a rag or sponge in it and carefully rub the walls of the vase. Soda will not only cleanse deposits, but also disinfect the surface.

By doing these simple tricks, you will significantly extend the life of a bouquet that is dear to you. Moreover, aspirin, vinegar and soda are inexpensive, and it is not difficult to change the water in the vase regularly, spray the leaves and cut the stem.

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