The meaning of yellow chrysanthemums, what they are given for

What do yellow chrysanthemums meanUntil now, no one knows which country is still the real homeland of chrysanthemums. However, most of the researchers believe that it is the East. More than 3 thousand years ago there were mentions of it in China, and the Japanese coat of arms contains an image of this flower in gold color.

A little about the flower

"Zolototsvetnaya" - this is the translation that has its name from Latin. For its beauty and warmth, it is considered to be the queen of autumn.

Previously, this flower existed only in yellow, this is its native color, which it symbolized power. And therefore, the clothes containing this flower in any form had the right to be worn by the emperor himself and his family. But ordinary ordinary people were still allowed to wear a chrysanthemum to their wedding.

Chrysanthemum species

Currently, the flower exists in various colors and types. That allows you to create an absolutely unusual and beautiful bouquet for any occasion. It counts over one hundred and fifty different types this flower. Types such as:

  • Shrub;
  • Having large flowers;
  • Ball-shaped;
  • And etc.

The chrysanthemum, which has a spherical shape, will act as a symbol of tenderness and love. Such a flower, of course, is perfect for a gift to your wife and girlfriend. And its vibrant hues, such as wine - reds, cherries and reds, are certainly suitable for older women. But for men, a color is suitable, which will be a symbol of wealth, influence and nobility. It is the yellow color that will symbolize all this, and is perfect for a gift to a man.

Chamomile is the most famous type of flower in Russia. In the southwest of our country, you will undoubtedly meet her. Its flowering period falls in July-August, and its height reaches 70 centimeters.

Another variety common in Russia is oak. They are called so because they have a very large similarity of the leaf in shape to the oak. A feature of this species is that it can bloom even under a layer of snow.

And since this flower has the ability to preserve its appearance for a long time, it can be given to everyone and for all occasions. This flower will tell about all your secret feelings for the person to whom you are giving the bouquet. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with all the features and symbols of this flower.

The meaning of yellow

Yellow chrysanthemums and their meaningIn countries like Italy and France, the flower personifies mourning and sadness... In these countries, wreaths and compositions containing it are laid on the graves of the dead.

But in the East, the flower is considered to be an energy source, so it is used to make various medicines and anti-aging face creams. Therefore, a bouquet of donated chrysanthemums is considered as a wish to a person of good health and long life.

In fact, great importance is attached to the color of the buds presented as a gift. Often there are:

  • White;
  • Purple or lilac;
  • Red or pink;
  • Blue;
  • Yellow.

Sincere, open and honest intentions are embodied in white flowers. But how valuable a friend is to you, they will help you to show purple and lilac flowers... Red, of course, indicates love. But when expressing your feelings at the initial stage, you can give pink chrysanthemums without hesitation. And if you want to emphasize the wisdom of your chosen one, your wife, then, no doubt, buy blue buds.

But the most common is yellow. It means the intention to confess to your soulmate in the most sincere feelings, in love. They express a great desire to always be with their beloved, show boundless trust in her. Yellow flowers are worth giving in case you want to propose to your beloved.

Where did the name chrysanthemum come from?In China, sun-colored plants are endowed with very beneficial values. A chic composition, standing in a tall vase in porcelain or ceramic, is considered the most powerful conductor of Yang energy and lures good luck into the house. And in order to increase their effect several times, it is necessary to combine these yellow flowers with such symbols of longevity as pine, crane, bamboo and deer.

Many believe that a more accurate designation of yellow chrysanthemums in a gift can be found precisely from its quantitative content. So, for example, one yellow flower speaks of the uniqueness of the person to whom it is given. A composition of three flowers does not carry any semantic load, and bouquets of 5 buds are usually given if they want to express gratitude or simply to relatives. But already strong affection and love are expressed with a bouquet of seven flowers. For friends to express their strong friendship, armfuls of 9 flowers will do.

A flower arrangement can decorate absolutely any holiday and any event. These suns, presented as a gift, will delight you for a very long time and fill your home with comfort.

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