Amur velvet berries and their application

Amur velvet is a perennial deciduous tree with an unusually beautiful openwork crown with feathery leaves placed on it. It is about 28 meters high. If the leaves of this tree are rubbed in your hand, an unusual aroma will appear. Its trunk has a soft cover, velvety bark, light gray. Amur velvet leaves are odd-pinnate, slightly elongated at the top. Its fruits are rich in nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Features of Amur velvet

The leaves of this velvet tree contain up to ten flavonoids, a lot of vitamins, essential oils and tannins. They are rich in phytoncides and have anthelmintic and antimicrobial properties.

Small Amur velvet flowers gathering in an inflorescence. The fruits represent it black shiny balls ripening by autumn.

This tree is considered fertile, loves moist soil, is resistant to strong winds, drought, has powerful roots that are located deep enough in the soil. It is not afraid of transplants and winter. It reproduces with the help of seeds, and can live up to 250 years of age.

The healing properties of Amur velvet

The healing properties of Amur velvetThe healing properties of this tree have long been used in folk medicine. Flowers, leaves and bark are used for the manufacture of infusions and decoctions, which have a deodorant, astringent, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

For example, a decoction of fruits and bark helps with pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, pleurisy and pneumonia. Various skin diseases are also cured.

Tincture of Amur Velvet successfully used to treat:

  • dysentery;
  • stomach;
  • diseases of the oral cavity.

A decoction of the bark of a young tree is very useful for jade and leprosy.

Many experiments have been carried out, according to the results of which it was found that preparations from Amur velvet have a fungicidal effect, lower blood pressure, and also increase resistance to various tumors.

Useful properties of fruits and contraindications

The berries of the velvet tree have medicinal properties and are excellent lower blood sugar due to the high content of essential oils. Fruits normalize metabolism and are able to cure the pancreas.

Amur velvet berries are recommended for people with diabetes. This is done in the morning on an empty stomach, in no case with water, but simply chewing. When taken regularly every day for six months, blood sugar levels return to normal.

The medicinal properties of the fruit help to fight the flu and colds. To do this, take 1 - 2 berries before going to bed, which should be chewed. After that, within 6 hours it is forbidden to drink any liquid... One intake of fruits will be effective at the very beginning of the disease, and if it lasts for quite a long time, then this must be done several times.

Amur velvet berries are good at lowering blood pressure. To do this, they should be taken every day, thirty minutes before meals, 1 - 2 pieces.

Despite the large number of positive properties of the velvet tree fruits, they also have contraindications:

  • berries contain such substances, the use of which in large quantities harm the human body, so you cannot take more than 5 of them at a time;
  • small children are strictly prohibited from these fruits;
  • they can cause allergies;
  • using the berries of such a tree, it is not recommended to drink coffee, alcohol, strong tea, and also smoke.

Velvet bark application

Amur velvet bark decoctionIn a velvety tree, the bark is no more than 7 cm thick, and due to its thick layer used as natural cork.

The bark of Amur velvet well eliminates inflammation and lowers fever, and in case of dysentery, it perfectly relieves inflammation of the colon. And the infusion from the bark of this tree together with the leaves is used for lung disease, exhaustion, infectious hepatitis and pleural diseases.

In Tibet decoction of velvet bark traditional healers recommend to people suffering from:

  • lymphadenopathy;
  • polyarthritis;
  • kidney disease;
  • allergic dermatitis.

In addition, the bark infusion heals surgical wounds. To prepare this remedy, you need to insist 100 g of bark in 0.5 liters of water. Two days later, this infusion is put on fire and heated. Then it is poured into a bottle, placed in a large pot and boiled for about 30 minutes. Then 15 g of boric acid, 5 g of novocaine are added to the composition and put on fire for another 10 minutes. The prepared infusion is impregnated with gauze and applied to the wound. After a fairly short time, the wound heals.

Preparation of tincture and decoction of Amur velvet

Infusion of leaves

Use it to improve digestion... To do this, pour 30 g of dry leaves in 200 g of boiled water. This mass should be infused for two hours, after which it is filtered and squeezed well. Take the infusion 3 times a day, 3 teaspoons before meals.

Tincture of leaves

This tincture improves the condition with cholecystitis and chronic hepatitis. To prepare it, you need to pour 30 g of dry leaves with a glass of 70% alcohol, after which it is insisted for two weeks. Filter and take 15 drops every day.

Decoction of bark

Is Amur Velvet Useful or Dangerous?It is used as a choleretic agent. To prepare it, 10 g of dry bark is poured with a glass of boiling water, put on fire and boiled for about fifteen minutes. Then the broth is cooled and filtered... It must be taken three times a day.

Thus, we have sorted out what the Amur velvet is and what healing properties it has. Its fruits are considered especially useful, which are used to treat many diseases. Do not forget that the berries have contraindications and should not be taken more than 5 pieces a day. Otherwise, they can seriously harm the body.

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