Growing sunberry seeds from seeds and its beneficial properties

Many scientists have been looking for a way to slow down aging for many years, reduce the risk of cancer, improve vision, but so far there are only excipients from such funds. For example, the famous sunberry berries are famous for similar properties. Any gardener can grow the harvest of these berries, even with basic knowledge.

The benefits of sunberry berries are not only in a large number of useful ingredients, but they are also delicious. They are used as raw materials for making jam, in cooking, confectionery, or simply eaten.

Sunberry history

Today Sunberry berries can be meet anywhere in the world... On the territory of our country, they are just beginning to grow such a crop, but local breeders have already achieved not small positive results in this matter. Sunberry is famous for its dietary and beneficial properties of the poet, they so quickly gained their popularity and spread throughout the globe.

Sunberry is the fruitful work of renowned Canadian breeder Luther Burbank. He was engaged in development according to the Darwin method and obtained this useful variety of berries by crossing different types of parental forms. Traveling around the world, Luther Burbank found and used in his development nightshade, which grew exclusively in Europe, as well as another variety of these berries from the African continent.

Crossbreeding helped to inherit from the African varieties unpretentiousness to care and climatic conditions. Moreover, it is significant increased the size and yield of berries... Native to European soil, nightshade has given Sunberry the unique flavor that is so appreciated by foodies around the world.

The height of Canadian blueberries can reach 150 cm. You can recognize the plant by the characteristic features of the stem, which has a four-sided structure and powerful stepsons located on it. It is especially interesting to observe the shrubs during the ripening of the crop. The entire plant, with proper care, can be dotted with large bluish-black berries that are about the size of a cherry. From each bush, you can collect at least one bucket of harvest, and this is quite easy to do, since blueberries are collected in clusters, which have an average of 15 pieces of berries.

Ways to use Sunberry

How to grow a sunberrySunberry in translation from English is called - sun berry... It is difficult to say why this particular name was chosen for this blueberry variety, because, in fact, shrubs can grow even in the shade and at the same time produce a large amount of harvest. Even in spite of its unpretentiousness, the sun berry still loves warmth, like all varieties of nightshade. A variety of foods are derived from blueberries such as jams, marmalade, wine, and syrup. Sunberry has found applications in medicine.

Long-term observations of doctors gave a result that clearly indicates positive properties of berries with diseases such as:

  • neuroses;
  • joint pain;
  • headaches;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • cystitis;
  • hypertension;
  • vision problems;
  • varicose veins;
  • angina pectoris.

In addition, blueberries are also used to treat ulcers or festering wounds. For this, the berries are crushed and mixed with sour milk in proportions 1: 1... For angina, a different blueberry treatment technique is used. Sunberry berry juice is mixed with water in proportions of 1: 3 and gargled. In addition, we must not forget that this type of blueberry also has soothing and even hypnotic effects.

Harvesting for the winter period will be useful, because just at this time the body often lacks useful components, but you need to do it right. In order to eliminate the nightshade taste in sunberries, all berries are required before harvesting pour boiling water over and let them stand in this state for several hours. After the time has elapsed, the water is drained and you can start processing. It is recommended to preserve the berries with a small amount of sugar, because this way the final product will be much tastier.

Contraindications to the use of sunberry

Sunberry has many beneficial properties, but also stands out and a small amount of negative consequences.

  1. Sunberry harmThe main contraindications are most often blueberry intolerance, but this negative quality manifests itself in individual cases. Also, blueberries are not recommended for women who are pregnant. The bottom line is that sunberry causes the uterus to contract muscularly, and this can subsequently cause complications during childbirth. On long driving trips, it is best to stop eating blueberries, because they cause relaxation, drowsiness, and in some cases even laxative effects.
  2. Sunberry can be poisonous if the berries were harvested in the wild, so such experiments should be abandoned. You can only be sure of the health benefits of blueberries if they are grown at home.

Sunberry growing process

Growing Canadian blueberries is usually done from seedlings or seeds. They read planting or sowing seeds at the time of planting tomatoes. The whole growing process can be broken down into several steps.

  1. Planting seedlings and sowing seeds begins with placement in open ground with dimensions of 70 by 70 cm. Canadian blueberries are resistant to lodging, and also do not require a garter, unlike other varieties of this berry. The stems can easily grow in the desired direction. Stepchildren need to be tied up only if they cannot withstand the large weight of the crop and lie on the ground. This must not be allowed, but it is better to lay all the branches on slingshots or install auxiliary supports.
  2. Growing sunberry berriesSunberry can perfectly tolerate changing climatic conditions and even withstand light night frosts, so it makes no sense to cover the plant with foil. Before the onset of winter with stable low temperatures, you will only need to cut off all flowers and buds. This method has long been practiced by many experts in the agricultural sector. This technique significantly increases the yield, and the berries begin to ripen completely.
  3. Unlike other sunberry shrubs, blueberries are annuals, but harvesting new seeds to grow the plant next year shouldn't be difficult. To do this, you need to select the strongest, multiple-fruited brushes with large-sized berries. This method helps to preserve heredity, early maturity and a large amount of harvest.
  4. There is a small drawback when growing Canadian blueberries. This is a long ripening of berries, but it pays off due to its unpretentiousness to the climate, the amount of moisture and high yield in the end. This is probably the main trump card of the Sunberry, because unlike other berry bushes, this variety of blueberries will always bring enough harvest for harvesting. You can make jam from berries or eat them fresh, and there will be no problems with this, because the shelf life of fresh blueberries can be easily extended. To do this, completely uproot the bush, clear the roots from the ground and hang it with the root system down in a room with room temperature.In this state, blueberries will remain fresh for a long time.


Drinking sunberry often helps to solve many problemsthat are related to human health. Negative consequences can be traced in rare cases or if you use a wild crop. That is why it is recommended to consume only blueberries that have been grown at home from seeds or seedlings. Any novice gardener will cope with growing and caring for Sunberry berries, the main thing is to use all the rules and recommendations.

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