Grapes Sensation: a very early variety of excellent quality

The Sensation grape is so named for a reason: this variety has very beautiful berries that have an attractive presentation and excellent taste, but at the same time, surprisingly simple agricultural technology. Even a novice gardener can grow it, and since it has high frost resistance, it can be found in most regions of our country.

Breeding history, description and characteristics of the grape variety Sensation

There are many grape varieties that were not born in scientific institutions, but in amateur gardens. Grape variety Sensation is one of them. It appeared at the beginning of this century in the Rostov region: it was bred by an amateur winegrower V.U. Kapelyushny. This enthusiast has produced many wonderful grape varieties; unfortunately, in the spring of 2017, Vasily Ulyanovich passed away.

An amateur winegrower was a mechanical engineer by profession, but since the 1970s. almost completely devoted his life to a hobby that allowed him to bring out a line of grape varieties that spread throughout Russia, as well as in Ukraine and Moldova. V.U.Kapelyushny had a huge vineyard in the Aksai region, where he experimented with table varieties, almost immediately ceasing to engage in technical assortment. In the 1990s. VU Kapelyushny worked on breeding together with the honored agricultural scientist I. A. Kostrikin from Novocherkassk.

His authorship belongs to such well-known varieties as Count of Monte Cristo, Crimson and many others, but the enthusiast considered the Sensation one of his best creations. This grape is the result of crossing well-known varieties: Talisman and Rizamat are its parental forms. On the basis of this pair, the well-known Julian variety was also obtained.

Grape Talisman

The talisman is a wonderful grape that gave birth to many new varieties

The variety in question belongs to the category of super-early table varieties, it quickly begins to bear fruit, is a universal grape, but is best when consumed fresh.

The Talisman grape is a variety that has long earned recognition, although it has not yet turned thirty years old. In the years of his birth, he became a kind of sensation, since there were very few such varieties. Currently, the main role of the variety is that many modern hybrid forms of table grapes are derived from it:

The sensation is grapes, which are not difficult to recognize at all, since they are easily recognizable even simply by the appearance of ripe berries. Its bushes very quickly grow to a large state, young shoots ripen well during the season, but about 30% of the length in the fall has to be cut off: the tops do not completely grow wood. Bunches are formed on almost every shoot.

Frost resistance High sensations: the bush can withstand cold temperatures down to -24 aboutC, although at present you will not surprise anyone with such an indicator: most modern varieties have approximately the same temperature limits.

The general disease resistance of this grape is at an average level, but to the most dangerous diseases (mildew, powdery mildew and rot) - one of the maximum... The variety is capable of multiplying by all methods known to winegrowers: grafting, layering, etc., but the most popular and simplest is the rooting of cuttings, which gives almost 100% survival rate.

The flowers are bisexual, which allows one bush to do on the site: replanting other varieties for pollination is not required. The variety is characterized as super early: a little more than three months pass from the opening of the first buds to harvest.

Even in the suburbs of Moscow, the first berries of the Sensation can be tasted in early August, however, in particularly fruitful years, ripening is a little late.

The bunches are very large, from cylindrical to conical, weighing up to 1500 g, or even more, the packing of berries in them is of medium friability. Unfortunately, so many bunches are usually tied that the bush cannot withstand them, and some have to be removed at the beginning of summer. Berries on bushes do not require mandatory harvesting immediately after ripening, do not deteriorate even in a very rainy summer and are almost not affected by wasps. Bunches do not lose their attractive appearance during transportation.

Bunch of grapes Sensation

Sensation's berries are not just large, they are considered huge

Despite the fact that Rizamat grapes require special growing conditions, all of its disadvantages are leveled by high yields, an amazing view of the bunches and a great taste of berries:

The berries of this grape are very large, without "peas". Their shape is finger-like, the largest size of individual specimens is over 5 cm, weight is about 20 g, but there are also one and a half times heavier ones. The color depends on the degree of maturity and is transitional from yellow-pink to reddish. The pulp is firm, with a high content of juice. The taste is pleasant, closer to sweet, the aroma of nutmeg is insignificant.

It is not for nothing that this grape got its name; by all its characteristics, it can be considered one of the best superearly table varieties.

Features of planting and cultivation of grape varieties Sensation

Grapes Sensation in agricultural technology is similar to most grape varieties. It attracts summer residents by the fact that, despite the high strength of growth, it does not require huge areas: neighboring bushes can be planted within one and a half meters. The sensation can also be grafted into the stem of any other old grape plant. And since its yield is quite high, and the berries can be stored for some time even without removing them from the bush, it is enough for an ordinary family for personal consumption to plant just one bush of this variety: for two or three months you will be with tasty and healthy berries.

Harvest Sensations on the bush

Sensation's yield is so good that an average family of berries will last for a long time

For landing, you need to choose the sunniest place, protected from cold winds. The planting technique is the most common, it is better to do this in the spring, in April, and in the fall prepare the planting pit. It should be large, from 0.8 m in all three dimensions. Drainage is placed at the bottom (gravel, pieces of brick) and a thick pipe is brought out to water the bush directly into the roots for the first time. At the bottom of the pit, the soil should be well fertilized (everything except fresh manure will do), and on top - clean, fertile soil.

The grapes are planted deeply, leaving no more than two buds outside. Water and mulch well. Sensation care is usual - rare watering, top dressing, mandatory correct pruning of grapes in autumn... Water is needed during the growth of berries, and watering is contraindicated during the ripening period. Top dressing is a pair of buckets of humus, buried under a bush every two years, and the annual introduction of wood ash (up to half a bucket). Foliar top dressing by spraying the leaves is also useful, but you can do without them.

For preventive purposes, it is advisable to treat the grapes with a solution of ferrous sulfate in early spring, and if sores appear in a later period, use Bordeaux liquid.It is better to do without synthetic pesticides.


Iron sulfate is the simplest fungicide, but Sensation for disease prevention is usually enough

Pruning is carried out after leaf fall. In the spring, only clearly dried and excess shoots can be cut. In autumn, poorly ripened tops are cut off, and also formative pruning is carried out, trying to give the bush the shape of a fan. From 6 to 8 eyes are left on the shoots. After pruning, the grapes are removed from the trellises, and with the onset of cold weather they cover it for the winter. Shelter is not required only in the south, in other regions it is not worth risking. In most areas, it is enough to cover the removed vines with spruce branches of coniferous trees, putting the poison against rodents nearby... You can shoot the shelter at the end of March, with the arrival of spring weather.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety in comparison with similar

Now it is possible to compare the Sensation only with the best modern varieties, since grapes from the last century are clearly losing to it. This is a variety that can be put on a par with Tason, Libya or the Long-awaited: in some ways some of them are better, in some others. But in terms of fruit size and ripening time, Sensation is one of the favorites on the market.

The description of the variety given above allows you to give it a complete characterization. As with any garden plant, it contains both advantages and disadvantages, but the first list is much more. The undoubted advantages include:

  • fairly high frost resistance;
  • ease of reproduction;
  • the presence of both male and female principles in flowers (self-fertility of the variety);
  • good transportability and excellent appearance of the crop;
  • pleasant taste of berries;
  • lack of "pea";
  • very early ripening and fairly high yield;
  • resistance to the most dangerous diseases.

However, resistance to fungal diseases, which was mentioned at the time of the appearance of the variety, has so far been confirmed only partially. Only the highest resistance to mildew is unambiguous, and the question of susceptibility to other diseases and resistance to phylloxera has not yet been fully studied..

The super early grape variety Julian has been known to many gardeners for several years as a hybrid with an amazing taste and a specific fruit shape:

There are very few insurmountable flaws in Sensation. Experts believe that the obvious disadvantages are:

  • decline in fruit quality in high-yielding seasons;
  • drying of the vine in frosty winters: withstanding low temperatures, the grapes do not die, but they are greatly dehydrated, as a result of which it takes a long time to recover.

The disadvantage is that a significant part of the potential harvest must be removed: everything that has tied up, the bush does not pull out.

Despite the above disadvantages, many growers try to plant this variety: both summer residents and farmers who grow grapes for commercial purposes. The variety is not capricious, it grows in almost any area, has gained popularity even beyond the Urals, including in the Far Eastern region.

Video: the opinion of the grower about the variety Sensation


The reviews left by professionals and amateurs on various forums are only positive about him.

SENSATION makes me happy with the harvest, the brushes gave out even larger. AND BERRIES. The color is brighter. The brushes had to be thinned more than once. Brushes on average 2.5 kg. The vine ripened well.

Spikina Galina

On a number of grounds, the Sensation is very close to V.N.Krainov's troika, but slightly different. Indeed, wasps react to it less. The color of the berry is slightly different, it seems to me more transparent. In terms of ripening on a short-term bush, it ripens a little later than three, but it is preserved better.

Mikhno Alexander

Excuse me, about the "capriciousness" of the Sensation, I'm surprised. I am an absolute kettle in viticulture and make a bunch of mistakes. Therefore, for the time being, only the strongest and most capricious are surviving and beginning to bear fruit. The first on this list was Sensation.In addition to her, some more gave signals, but the Sensation is beyond competition in beauty and taste. After that, I finally fell in love with grapes.


At last the Sensation has grown. They could only vaccinate on Dobrynya. On PP 101-14, on Andros and Vierula, she rejected vaccinations by the fall or next year. We must try in a culture of our own. Definitely ripened earlier than the Transfiguration.


Probably, this variety is not a revolution and not a sensation in viticulture, but many people like it and has a right to exist. The influence of the planting site, soil or varietal peculiarity - on my site, Sensation has a brighter aroma, higher sugar content and an early ripening period. I'm not going to clean it up. The berries of this variety are large, pink, tasty, and go well on the market.

Monakhova Vera Andreevna

Video: the author of the variety V. U. Kapelyushny about his Sensation

Variety Sensation is still young and not fully understood. Perhaps it will also bring some unpleasant surprises, but at the moment the impression of specialists about it is mostly extremely positive. It is a wonderful ultra-early table grape, recommended for cultivation in all gardens. At the same time, it is better for an inexperienced winegrower to practice on other, more proven varieties.

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