Bazhena means coveted: everything about a grape variety with an intriguing name

Modern winegrowers live not only in warm regions, and the further north the vineyard is located, the more its owner rejoices in the emergence of new varieties and hybrid forms of sunny berries with very early ripening periods. After all, this is so important with a short northern summer. Bazhena also got into this galaxy of new grape varieties.

Let's get acquainted with the desired

A young hybrid form of grapes, which appeared about ten years ago, thanks to the efforts of the Ukrainian Zaporozhye winegrower, amateur breeder Vitaly Zagorulko. The originator gave the grapes the wonderful Old Slavonic name Bazhena.

Zagorulko Vitaly Vladimirovich

Ukrainian Zaporozhye winegrower, amateur breeder Vitaliy Zagorulko

Vitaly Vladimirovich used the famous Arcadia and the well-known variety as parental forms Gift to Zaporizhzhia... In many ways, the daughter turned out to be like her mother.

Bazhena with her parents in the photo

Not forgetting that the Bazhena grape is a very young hybrid form and continues to be studied, let us get acquainted with its already identified characteristics.

This form of grapes ripens very early - in 100-110 days (about a week earlier than Arcadia, simultaneously with Delight).

It pollinates well because it has bisexual flowers and does not need pollinating varieties that bloom during the same period.

Bazhena - white grapes, ripe berries have a light green yellowish color. They are large, ovoid, their linear dimensions reach 42x23 mm, and weigh up to 15–20 grams. The pulp, poured with juice, is firm and fleshy. The taste of the grapes is peculiar. Depending on the accumulated sugar, it takes on different shades from cherry to apple. When fully ripe, a very light nutmeg may appear. Tasters rate the taste of fresh berries at 4.5–5 points.

The size of Bazhena grapes is large - from 0.7 to 1.5 kg. Maybe more, depending on the agricultural background.

Bazhena tolerates winter frosts well, according to various sources - from -21 to -25 ºС.

This grape form has a good immunity to fungal diseases at the level of 3–3.5 points and does not require more than two preventive fungicide treatments to be completely healthy.

Ripe berries have a fairly dense but edible skin that resists cracking well with a sharp change in soil moisture. Also, this feature of Bazhena, together with the ability of berries to stick well in bunches, makes it possible to transport crops over long distances.

Arcadia is a unique grape variety! Every year dozens of new developments appear, and he, a native of Soviet times, is still in the top ten grape varieties of the world assortment:

Bazhena grapes - video

Bazhena on the site

Gardeners do not note any pronounced features of planting Bazhen grapes or caring for it. Her seedlings and grafts take root well.

Due to the low frost resistance, these grapes in regions with cold winters require shelter after pruning, which, depending on the climate, is done for 6-8 eyes or 2-3. Short pruning is fine, as the lower buds are also fertile.

The load on the bush must be normalized, since two or three flower brushes can develop on the shoots.On young bushes, after pollination, choose one, where more ovaries have formed, the rest are removed. With age, Bazhena becomes stronger, with the accumulation of old wood on the shoots, two bunches can be left, as the originator advises.

Let's compare a daughter with a mother (table)

The advantages and disadvantages of any grape are better seen in comparison. Bazhena looks like the parent variety Arcadia. Let's compare their characteristics.

Maturation (days)100–110115–125
Bunches (kg)0,7–1,50,5–0,7
Berry (mm)42x2328x23
Grapes (g)15–207–15
Tastepeculiar fruitypleasant but not outstanding
Frost resistance (ºС)-21–25-21
Immunity to fungal diseases (points)3–3,5to mildew - 3.5, to mildew - usual

As can be seen from the above data, Bazhena is slightly superior to Arkadiy in almost all respects.

How to prepare a place for grapes, plant seedlings and care for them:

Reviews about Bazhen

My Bazhena went with a big overload, I put it higher in the posts, I pulled out the whole crop without damage in size and bunches and berries, only delayed ripening, and on the bush it was under 50 kg. Lyudmila.


but the taste is not impressive

I completely agree with you about the taste. I had about a dozen berries on the vaccine this year…. Just large. The taste is mediocre, the color is green with gray. I really wanted to use pruning shears below the vaccination, but decided to give Bazhena a chance next year - maybe it will get better, more beautiful

Igor F.

Bazhena is a newer form with a berry size twice the size of Arcadia and ripens before it, but here I agree with Denis, a novelty, you need to look closely at it, so I have a couple of its bushes, and Arcadia about 60 bushes.

Luda Avina

Due to the early ripening period, Bazhena is increasingly planted in their vineyards by those who grow berries for sale. After all, early grapes are sold more expensive. For lovers of northern viticulture, Bazhena can also be attractive due to its early ripening, and therefore, the possibility of its adaptation to local conditions.

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