Features of the cultivation and reproduction of various grape varieties

Grapes can be grown wherever there is plenty of sun and moisture. The most favorable conditions for him are in the countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea basin, in the Caucasus, the Balkans, in southern Africa and Central Asia. However, thanks to the efforts of breeders, a huge variety of varieties have been bred that grow and bear fruit well in various climatic conditions.

A bit of history

The history of grapes goes back to antiquity. There is evidence that already in the IV century BC. e. wine was exported from Armenia to other countries. In ancient Greece, grapes were considered a gift from the gods, and on the territory of Georgia they have been cultivating them for more than 8 thousand years.

In Western Europe, grapes began to be cultivated much later. In the 18th century, King Frederick of Prussia ordered the founding of vineyards on the Rhine in order to have his own wine. This gave the result: Rhine wine was no less popular than French or Hungarian. But the climate of Western Europe (in particular, the short and cold growing season) gave an impetus to the development of varieties more adapted to such conditions.

In Russia, despite the harsh and long winters, grapes are a very widespread culture. The presence of a large number of varieties with different ripening times allows it to be grown even in areas where there are no wild relatives of this plant.

Vine plantation

Grapes can be grown in any area with enough sunny days

Features of growing and reproduction of grapes

The grapes are undemanding to soil fertility, they can grow in areas unsuitable for other crops. A large amount of humus is even harmful to him: there will be a large increase in green mass and a poor harvest. However, the plant does not tolerate saline and waterlogged soils, on which water stagnates for a long time, and in lowlands it is often affected by fungal diseases. The best place for the growth and fruiting of grapes will be on a hill.

You can propagate grapes by cuttings, layering, seeds or grafting. Its cuttings root very quickly, so this method is most often used. Getting seedlings from seeds is a rather lengthy process, while the plant does not always inherit maternal traits and begins to bear fruit after 4 years. But it is seed reproduction that is used for breeding work.

Grape cuttings

Grape cuttings root very easily

The vine has a highly developed root system, which is well buried in the ground and therefore does not freeze out. The roots provide nutrients to a vine with a lot of leaves and fruits. However, without proper care, the vineyard quickly turns into an impenetrable jungle, which leads to the spread of diseases and a sharp deterioration in the quantity and quality of berries. To prevent this from happening, stepsons, extra brushes and leaves are removed several times per season.

There is a certain order of work in the vineyard, regardless of which variety is planted and in which region:

  1. In the first year after planting, the plant is watered weekly, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed. When watering, you can add complex water-soluble fertilizers.
  2. Of all the shoots that appear on the seedling, 1-2 of the most developed are left. This is necessary so that by autumn they will ripen well and be able to overwinter.
  3. The following spring, the vines are tied to a trellis. In different regions, these terms depend on weather conditions.

    Grapes on a trellis

    Young vines are tied up on trellises in spring

  4. After budding, excess shoots are removed.
  5. Before flowering, when brushes are visible on the shoots, normalization is performed. The number of brushes left depends on the length and condition of the vine. Usually 1-2 brushes are left at the beginning of the shoot, and all the upper ones are removed.
  6. After flowering, pinching is carried out, which improves the nutrition of the brush. After pinching, the active growth of stepsons begins from the leaf axils. They are also removed periodically so that nutrients go to the formation and growth of the hand.

    Grape picking

    Grape picking is carried out after flowering and the formation of clusters

  7. 3-4 weeks before harvesting, the leaves are thinned: remove all the old ones in the lower part of the bush, as well as those that close the bunches.
  8. In preparation for winter in October (before pruning), the grapes are well watered.
  9. After that, all unripe shoots and foliage are removed.
  10. 2-3 vines are left, they are tied and bent to the ground.
  11. To prevent mice from damaging the vines in winter, they cover the bushes after the onset of the first frost. The best hiding place for grapes is sawdust. An additional layer of straw or fallen leaves can be added to them.

Grape varieties: criteria for separation

Centuries of breeding work were not in vain. Nowadays, you can pick up grape varieties for cultivation in almost any climatic zone, with the exception of swamps and tundra. For regions where it does not grow under natural conditions, many frost-resistant varieties with high palatability have been developed. For the winter in cold regions, such grape varieties are covered, but only young plants up to two years old. From the age of three, frost-resistant grapes can winter without shelter. For example, Amurskiy variety can withstand up to –29 ° C, Isabella variety - up to –32 ° C, Cay Gray - up to –42 ° C.

Vineyard in winter

From the age of three, frost-resistant grape varieties winter without shelter.

In addition to the degree of frost resistance, grapes are divided according to the ripening time. This is another criterion for choosing a variety for different regions. If in the south late varieties ripen quietly in September, then early and medium varieties are more suitable for the Moscow region, which can be harvested in July - August.

New varieties are being developed in all countries where grapes are grown. The most famous varieties are:

  • Georgian selection - Rkatsiteli, Tsiolikauri, Tbilisuri, Saperavi, Tavkveri, etc. More than 500 grape varieties are grown in Georgia. Wild grapes also grow on its territory, which are used to develop new varieties;
  • of Italian selection - Kishmish Regina, Viva Hayka, etc. On the territory of Italy, grapes have been grown since ancient times. The abundance of sun, sea air and volcanic soil favor this;

    Grape variety Kishmish Regina

    The Kishmish Regina grape variety of Italian selection is successfully grown in Crimea

  • Japanese selection - Gorby, Tien Shan, Highbury, etc. A distinctive feature of Japanese varieties is winter hardiness and unpretentiousness;
  • American selection - Seneca, Bluebell, Ontario, etc. The main direction of breeding is winter-hardy non-sheltering varieties;
  • French selection - Pink Clarette, Grenache, Pinot Noir, Semillon, etc. The favorable climate of France allows growing a large number of grape varieties.

Overview of grape varieties

A lot of grape varieties are grown in the world: white, pink, red, black, with different tastes and shapes of berries. All of them differ in terms of ripening and purpose, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

White grapes

White grapes lack anthocyanins - substances that give the berries a blue color. However, it contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to human health.

Table: characteristics of white grape varieties

Varietya brief description ofRipening periodAppointmentdisadvantages
ArgusRound berries with clary sage flavor, brushes up to 2.5 kg, low bush. Resistant to disease. Frost resistance - down to –26 ° CEarlyDining roomDamaged by wasps. Berries are prone to cracking and decay in wet weather
Beauty of the NorthThe berries are round, slightly tart, with a herbaceous flavor. It is successfully grown in the central and northern regions, in Siberia and the Far East. Frost resistance - down to –26 ° CEarlyDining roomLow resistance to disease. Often damaged by insects (wasps)
Antony the GreatThe berries are large (up to 18 g), sweet with a nutmeg flavor. Bunches weighing from 0.8 to 1.5 kg. Suitable for cultivation in the south of Russia, in Moldova, Ukraine, BelarusMiddleDining roomLow frost resistance, requires shelter
Lady fingerAnother name is Khusayne Bely. The best Uzbek grapes. The yield is high. Elongated berries, excellent tasteMiddleDining roomSusceptible to fungal diseases. Low (down to –10 ° C) frost resistance. Fruiting in the fifth year after planting
RkatsiteliThe berries have a pleasant specific taste. Frost resistance - up to –15 ° CLateTechnicalLow frost resistance
FloralThe berries are sweet with a slight sourness, harmonious taste. When fully ripe, they acquire a honey tint. Frost resistance - down to –27 ° CLateTechnicalAverage resistance to diseases and pests

In addition to those indicated in the table, white grape varieties include:

  • early ripening: Alexa, White Miracle, Bianca, Blagovest, Galbena Nou, Gordey, Nakhodka, First-Called, Svetlana;
  • average ripening period: Dixon, Druzhba, Nastya, Russian amber, Phenomenon.
  • late ripening: Chardonnay.

Photo gallery: some varieties of white grapes

Pink grapes

Pink grapes have a sweeter flavor than white grapes. They can be painted in different colors - from light pink to bright purple.

Table: characteristics of pink grape varieties

Varietya brief description ofRipening periodAppointmentdisadvantages
AmirkhanThe berries are large, oval with a weak nutmeg flavor. Bunches weighing 0.4–0.8 kg. Frost resistance - up to –24 ° CEarlyDining roomMedium disease resistance
Don dawnsThe berries are round, large, and have a harmonious taste. Bunches weighing 0.7–0.9 kg. Resistant to disease. Frost resistance - up to –24 ° CEarlyDining roomNot resistant to powdery mildew and moderately resistant to mildew
AngelicaKsenia is called in another way. The berries are large, oval, very juicy and sweet. Bunches weighing up to 1.5 kg. Resistant to fungal diseases. Frost resistance - up to –25 ° CMiddleDining roomThe variety is prone to pea berries
AsyaBerries of simple taste, large (up to 15 g). Bunches weighing 0.8–1 kg. Frost resistance - up to –22 ° CMiddleDining roomMedium disease resistance
AtamanThe berries are very large (up to 20 g), sweet and sour, with a harmonious taste. Harvesting in the south - after September 15th. Bunches weighing up to 1.5 kg. Frost resistance - down to -23 ° CLateDining roomDoes not like thickening, requires frequent thinning
FlamingoBrushes up to 800 g.Pink berries with a waxy coating, weighing up to 10 gLateDining roomThe bush needs normalization

There are other varieties of pink grapes:

  • early ripening: Gift to Irina, Rylines Pink Sidlis, Brilliant, Parisian, Chameleon, Jaguar;
  • medium ripening: Favor, Romeo, Ruby Jubilee, Senator, Vodogray, Dubovsky pink.

Photo gallery: some varieties of pink grapes

Dark (black) grapes

Black grapes have a completely different taste from white and pink, in which there are notes of astringency. It normalizes blood pressure and is very useful for people with heart disease.

Table: characteristics of black grape varieties

Varietya brief description ofRipening periodAppointmentdisadvantages
Early MagarachaSweet and sour berries, round or oval, are used to make wines. Frost resistance - up to –18 ° CEarlyTechnicalProne to shedding ripe berries
DenisovskyThe berries are medium-sized, sweet, with a bright nutmeg taste. Frost resistance - down to –27 ° CEarlyTechnicalNo information
AlyonushkaThe berries are large, elongated-oval, without seeds, sweet, aromatic. Frost resistance - down to -23 ° CMiddleNo informationLow resistance to fungal diseases
Northern shoulderThe berries are juicy, sweet, wine-tasting, medium-sized. Frost resistance - up to –32 ° CMiddleTechnicalProne to shedding berries
AugustThe berries are small, black, weighing up to 1.7 g, with a nutmeg-floral flavor. Grown in the North Caucasus regionEarlyTechnicalSmall berries and bunches
DecemberThe berries are large, ovoid, and have a good taste. They have excellent shelf life - they can be stored until December. Bunches weighing 0.3–0.5 kg. Resistant to disease. Frost resistance - down to –27 ° CLateDining roomNo information

In addition to those listed in the table, black grape varieties include:

  • early ripening: Triumph, Witch's fingers, Athos, Gala, Giovanni, In memory of Dombkovskaya, Muromets, Zabava;
  • medium ripening period: Taiga, Levokumsky, Krasin, Furshetny, Odessa souvenir;
  • late ripening: Cabernet Sauvignon.

Photo gallery: some dark grape varieties

Cognac and technical grape varieties

Technical grape varieties are specially bred for processing. They have small brushes with small berries, but sweeter and juicier than table varieties. For the industrial production of juices and wine, only technical grape varieties are used. You can also eat it. Technical grades include:

  • Crystal,
  • Fortune,
  • Muscat Odessa,
  • Floral,
  • Regent and others.

    Grape variety Regent

    Regent - frost-resistant technical grape variety

For the production of cognac, certain technical grape varieties are used: only white or pink and always without the taste of muscat. It can be:

  • Rkatsiteli,
  • Aligote,
  • Cleret,
  • Uni Blanc (Trebbiano) and many others.


    For the production of cognac, only white or pink table grape varieties are used without the taste of Muscat

Growing grapes in the regions of Russia

There is a wide variety of climatic zones on the territory of Russia: from subtropics to tundra. The most favorable conditions for growing grapes are in the south of our country: the Crimea, the Caucasus, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. In these regions, you can grow various table and technical varieties with any ripening period of berries.Mild winters make it possible to cultivate grapes on an industrial scale in a non-covering way without the risk of freezing of plants. For example, in the Crimea, the Damsky finger, or Khusaine Belyi variety, which freezes at temperatures below -10 ° C, is successfully grown.

Grapes in Crimea

Crimea has the most favorable conditions for growing grapes

In the Volgograd region, grapes of all ripening periods have time to yield. Warm weather from April to September, and sometimes in October, makes it possible for late varieties to fully ripen. But in winter there are frequent significant drops in temperature. For successful cultivation in this region, it is better to give preference to frost-resistant varieties (not less than -25 °) or take care of a good shelter of vines for the winter. With the covering method of cultivation, it is possible to obtain excellent grape yields in varieties with low frost resistance.

Shelter grapes for the winter

In the Volgograd region and other regions of Russia close to the south, it is popular to cover grapes for the winter with film or spunbond

For cultivation in the North-West of Russia, in Udmurtia or Tatarstan, it is preferable to use varieties of early and medium ripening. With a covering method of growing, the frost resistance of the selected varieties may not be very high. For a non-covering method, the following varieties can be recommended:

  • Svetlana (-25 ° C),
  • Phenomenon (-24 ° C),
  • Krasa Nikopol (-25 ° C),
  • Muromets (-26 ° C),
  • Redness (–26 ° C).

    Red grapes

    Due to its good frost resistance, Krassen grapes can be grown without a covering method in central Russia

Thanks to the work of breeders, the cultivation of grapes in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East is quite possible. In the southern regions of these regions, some late varieties can also ripen, but it is still better to give preference to early and middle ones. For a non-sheltering method of growing, we can safely recommend Japanese, Russian and American varieties:

  • Triumph (-40 ° C),
  • Taiga (-32 ° C),
  • Levokumsky (-35 ° C)
  • Northern shoulder (–32 ° C).

    Grapes in Siberia

    Great grapes can be grown even in Siberia.


The berries are fleshy, the peel is firm, but not very thick, has a pleasant aroma and good taste. Odessa souvenir has an average frost resistance, and therefore, of course, like all table grape varieties, it must be removed, stacked and covered for the winter.



For me, all grape varieties are similar to each other, like two drops of water. But Isabella is an exception. It is unlike any other variety! A dense brush with round berries (about 1 cm in diameter). The skin is rather thick, bluish-black, knitting a little. Barbarously gnawing into a grape, the first thing you feel is the insanely delicious sweet juice. Next comes the light, sour pulp. And here the first distinguishing feature from other grape varieties - the flesh of Isabella is similar to chewing jelly. Yes, there is something similar in drinks like Fruiting, where coconut jelly floats, only the pulp of the grapes is much softer, softer, juicier, tastier))



My Friendship is also 5 years old, taking into account the frozen greenery last year, I took off 7 kg, since there were few grapes, they ate everything. He took it off in mid-September, moderately sweet, there was a harmonious acid. Great nutmeg. As a friend said - the taste of childhood, now this is not sold. They started trying at the end of August. The bunch still hangs here, the acid is gone completely, very sweet, the nutmeg is gone a little, but you can feel it. So, in our latitude, we wait all the way for wine ... P.S. Lies well. 2 weeks at room temperature no problem. Probably because of the harsh skin, but crunches.

Vitaly Kulikov


It is possible and necessary to grow grapes and delight yourself and your loved ones with the taste of this wonderful berry in any region. When there is a great desire to achieve a goal, any obstacle is surmountable. Plant this wonderful plant in your plots, get big yields, enjoy the unique taste of berries. Good luck to you!

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