Planting grapes in the fall: with seedlings, cuttings or shanks?

Many inexperienced gardeners are sure that grapes can be planted exclusively in spring: over the summer, the heat-loving culture adapts to the soil, sprouts and prepares for winter. However, planting grapes in autumn is also permissible and even has a number of advantages over the spring procedure.

Pros and cons of planting grapes in autumn

Planted grapes

Most gardeners who grow grapes on their own plot choose the autumn planting of new specimens. There are several reasons for this:

  • there is a wide selection of high-quality seedlings on the market that do not need to be stored until they are placed in open ground;
  • seedlings over the summer form a powerful root system, therefore they quickly adapt at the planting site;
  • in spring, the plant begins to develop with the onset of the first warm days.

Lack of planting in the fall is the risk of sudden frost. If the plant does not take root before the onset of severe cold weather, it will not survive until spring.

Planting dates in autumn

Planting grapes in a pit in autumn

The time of planting grapes in autumn is determined based on the air temperature and the forecast of the onset of frost. Optimal indicators are not higher than + 15 and not lower than + 5. On average, these conditions begin from the end of September and continue until the beginning of November. It is important that, before the soil freezes, the plant has time to take root and put on small roots.

Specific terms for different regions are presented in the table:

RegionApproximate dates
Middle lane, Moscow regionFrom late September to late October
Siberia, UralFrom mid-September to the entire first decade of October
Southern regions: Crimea, KubanFrom mid-October to all November

Preparation: site selection, soil preparation and planting material

Grape planting pit

An ideal place for growing grapes is a plot on the south side of a house, a blank fence or a farm building. The main condition for the correct growth and development of culture is a sufficient amount of sun and protection from the through wind.

The site is dug up and planting holes are placed on it. The distance between them is 2 m, between the rows - 2.5 m. Planting pits for grapes are prepared in a special way:

  1. Remove the top fertile layer to a height of 40 cm and set aside. The lower one (40 cm) is also taken out and placed separately.
  2. The fertile layer is mixed with humus (2-3 buckets), complex fertilizers (300 g), wood ash (2 kg).
  3. Pour the mixture into the pit and water it well.
  4. After absorbing moisture, the bottom layer of soil removed from the pit is poured on top, mixed with a bucket of sand.

A certain preparation is carried out with planting material. High-quality seedlings should have developed flexible roots 10-15 cm long. The color of the shoots is bright green. Before planting, the roots are soaked in cold water to fill with moisture. When planting in the fall, experienced gardeners do not recommend adding stimulants to the water. To prevent fungal infection, seedlings are treated with fungicides. The recommended drug for these purposes is DNOC.

More details about the preparatory work are described in article.

Landing rules

Planting grapes in open ground in autumn

Planting technology depends on the method of propagation of the culture: seedlings, shanks or cuttings. And other methods of disembarkationhowever most of them are practiced in the spring.


Grape seedling

When planting grapes with seedlings, it is important to properly deepen the "heels". They are located on the south side, placed 50 cm from the soil surface.The upper peephole should be 15 cm below the ground. The seedling is tilted in a north-south direction.

The nuances of autumn, as well as spring planting of seedlings are described in separate article.


Grape cuttings

Pre-rooted cuttings are planted in trenches 1 m wide and 50 cm deep. They are placed at an angle towards the south. The roots are cut to 10 cm below the second knot. At the bottom of the trench, drainage is laid, mixed with fertile soil. Cuttings are placed in a ditch, sprinkled with humus and earth mixed with rubble. The top layer is left without drainage to a height of 2 cm. The cuttings are covered with plastic bottles to create a greenhouse environment. For the cuttings to take root successfully, use these tips.


Chubuk of grapes under a bottle

Short shanks are one of the most effective ways to propagate grapes. They are planted in two ways:

  • To the school. They dig a trench 30–40 cm wide and 40–50 cm deep. Sand is poured at the bottom, then a layer of black soil or a mixture of soil with humus. Chubuki at an angle of 45 degrees is placed in a trench with a slope to the south, watered with warm water. This method of planting is temporary, so in the spring the rooted shanks are transferred to a permanent growing place.
  • Into the pits. With this planting method, spring transfer is not necessary. The shanks are immediately placed in a permanent place and covered for the winter.

Care of young growth before winter

Grape shelter in autumn

Caring for planted plants consists solely of watering. Moisten the soil moderately, otherwise the roots may rot. As soon as the temperature reaches below zero, young plants are covered. Shoots are wrapped in foil and placed in trenches. Cover it with spruce branches or cover it with a layer of sawdust. It is enough to cover the cuttings covered with bottles with a layer of soil and cover with pieces of roofing material.

With the correct organization of planting grapes in the fall, the first harvest can be obtained in 3-4 years.

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