Sweet and large black currant: the secrets of a unique variety

It is difficult to find a gardener who does not grow black currants on his plot. Such a product is extremely useful and has excellent taste. However, not every summer resident can boast of large and sweet berries. Of course, black currant varieties are of great importance, but there are also nuances associated with the processes of growing a bush.

Blackcurrant - Historical Healer

Since the times of Kievan Rus, blackcurrant varieties have been revered not only for their taste, but also for their beneficial effect on the human body. The uniqueness of the bush lies in the fact that not only the fruits of the plant are used as a medicine, but also the branches and even leaves.

Today, a lot of black currant varieties are irretrievably lost. Modern black currant are divided into three general groups, each of which has exclusively individual properties and characteristics:

  • dessert;
  • early;
  • late.

Of course, each group includes a huge number of varieties, both small and large black currants. As a rule, large berries are considered when their weight is at least 1.5 g. Modern scientists have bred many varieties of black currant, the berries of which are striking not only for their volume and "marketable appearance", but also for their gorgeous taste.

Differences and features of planting black, red and golden currants:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/smorodina/posadka-smorodinyi-vesnoy.html

The best varieties of black currant

How currants growIt should be noted right away that a very large black currant, basically, is the result of crossing various varieties, although there are some species that bear fruit in large berries from nature.

The following types of plants are very popular among gardeners:

  1. The beauty of Lvov and Dobrynya.
  2. Comfort and Sanuta.
  3. Cherry and Jubilee.

It is important to understand that even among large varieties of black currant, there are some varieties that differ in volume and weight of berries... The most large-fruited currant, which, in addition to this advantage, is also very tasty, is:

  • Nuclear, Pygmy and Sibylla;
  • Globe and Romance;
  • Selechenskaya and Dobrynya.

The above species are extremely popular among summer residents and gardeners. The thing is that these varieties of black currant absolutely do not require special attention and any special processing. The most elementary supervision will give the gardener excellent, large and sweet berries.

Characteristics of large and sweet currants

The use of black currant is very useful, and this fact has long been recognized not only by national connoisseurs, but also by medical luminaries. However, there are some nuances. For example, people suffering from stomach diseases, cannot consume all varieties of black currant en masse. A good effect is achieved only when there is a normal tolerance of the body to acids, which are very rich in black currant varieties.High acidity can lead to problems.

Solving the aforementioned problems, scientists have developed a simply excellent variety of large-fruited black currant, which contains a minimum amount of acids and is extremely saturated with useful trace elements. The variety "Belorusskaya Sweet" is quite rare and unfamiliar even to experienced summer residents, but it is definitely worth buying.

Blackcurrant Northern Pygmy - where does such an interesting variety name and its brief characteristics come from:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/smorodina/smorodina-pigmey-opisanie-sorta.html

The following varieties of black currant can boast of an excellent vitamin composition:

  • Ant and Exotic;
  • Sibylla and Venus;
  • Raisin and the Wizard.

Each of these types was bred by talented breeders and fully corresponds to the natural conditions from which this or that plant is taken.

Properties of the best varieties of large currants

Medicinal properties of currantsThe dream of every summer resident or gardener is a plant that perfectly took root in specific natural conditions and would not require much attention. It is these species that breeders are trying to create, facilitating the work of gardeners and presenting them with the best that can be taken from currants - a large-fruited product and its excellent taste.

For example, the Muravushka variety will bear fruit very plentifully even in the absence of any supervision. Also, the leaves of the plant stay green until frost... This variety of currant is very popular among those people who are lovers of "live" design. Currant planted in autumn varieties Muravushka already by spring creates the impression of a natural fence, which is very beautiful and elegant.

Such a large-fruited variety of sweet black currant, like Exotic, bears fruit with berries, the weight of which is at least 3.5 g. The undoubted advantage of the plant is its resistance to various diseases and pests. Exotic berries are very good for compotes and jam.

Sibylla can be called a kind of victory in the field of selection. The bush of this variety is simply striking in its fertility, bringing large and sweet berries, where the weight of each is not less than 5 g. Such fruits are amazingly tasty and wonderful amenable to all kinds of processing... In addition, the breeders of the Urals, who gave life to this plant, took into account the natural features of the region. Sibylla is not just unpretentious, but even tolerates slight frosts perfectly.

Large and sweet currants for children and adults

Black currantDespite the excellent taste characteristics, not every variety can be consumed without problems in its pure form, due to the thick or dense skin of the product. There are special varieties of black currant, which are not only large and sweet, but also very tender. Such berries are gladly absorbed by children, elderly people, as well as those who have dental problems.

Among the huge number of such varieties, it should be especially noted Venus and Raisin... The skin of the berries here is extremely thin and easy to chew. At the same time, the products have fantastic taste and a minimum amount of acids. Given the rich vitamin composition of these berries, these varieties are invaluable for the human body, especially for children.

Particular attention should be paid to such a variety as Incomparable. When listing the advantages of a plant, it is important to focus on the following:

  • the berries are large and can reach up to 7 g in weight;
  • currants are not only large, but also sweet. It is very juicy, therefore it has a high degree of demand in large enterprises;
  • this product has a very beneficial effect on, in fact, all internal organs of a person, and also increases brain activity.

Such impressive characteristics make blackcurrant berries indispensable. with the development of a young organism, preventive measures or treatment of all kinds of colds.

Processing nuances: what is important to know?

Black currantThe professionalism of domestic breeders is very high. Scientists are developing varieties that require a minimum of attention. However, any plant still needs care. Black and large currants need systematic watering, this fact must be remembered.

It is excellent, of course, if periodic weeding or irrigation with manure diluted with water is carried out. For example, in the Moscow region, the climate is such that for a plant manure will be very favorable, which not only "warms" the plant roots, but also enriches the soil with useful trace elements and minerals. The best varieties of black currant for the Moscow region are:

  1. Nara, Perun or Dobrynya.
  2. Raisin or Guliver.

These varieties thrive in places where there is moderate humidity and require additional care in arid regions. The Moscow region cannot be considered a place where drought is raging, therefore it is these varieties that will delight the gardener with large, sweet and juicy berries.

How to deal with diseases and pests of currants and how to carry out prevention:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/smorodina/bolezni-smorodinyi-opisanie-s-fotografiyami-i-sposobyi-lecheniya.html

Very important systematically look closely at the leaves of currant bushes... They are a kind of plant litmus test. If the leaves are green and large, the plant is healthy and a good harvest can be expected. There are many pests and diseases that can gradually destroy the bush. It is necessary to fight this ailment by spraying the bush with all kinds of solutions.

The ideal option would be natural-based solutions, which are sold in any store. Of course, there are chemical compounds that are very effective, but one should not forget that a child can pick berries and this one will lead to poisoning.

When choosing a bush of large black currant for your site, it is important to meticulously consult not only about what the harvest will be, but also about the "character" of the plant itself. It is important to realize whether this variety will take root in those climatic conditions where currants are destined to grow, how it will be transferred excessive moisture or drought.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, you can purchase a suitable variety of large black currants, effectively carry out the steps necessary when planting, and with pleasure watch how large, sweet and juicy berries of the plant gradually ripen in order to give incomparable joy and benefit to your owner ...

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