Zyugan's repair raspberry - two full-fledged harvests in one season!

In Europe, Zyugan's raspberries have been repeatedly recognized as the best of remontant varieties. He is also popular in our country. For gardeners who are not yet familiar with this noteworthy variety, it will be interesting and useful to learn in detail its characteristics and cultivation features.

Breeding history, description and characteristics of the Zyugan raspberry variety

In 1999, the breeders of the world famous Swedish campaign Lubera selected the first experimental seedlings of the future universal remontant raspberry Zyugana (Sugana). They appeared as a result of crossing the English early-maturing remontant variety Autumn Bliss and the famous Canadian Tulameen. And the first registrations of the new variety began in 2008. In 2012, the variety was entered into the Plant Register of Ukraine - the parent campaign of the Lyuber variety was the originator. There is no variety in the State Register of Russia yet.

The Zyugan variety is classified as a two timer, which means that it is capable of producing two full harvests in one season. The annual shoot bears fruit on the upper part in August - September and later, until the frost. The lower part of the stem, after trimming the spent top, will yield a harvest in the second year at the end of June - July.

Shoots are erect, powerful, but not too thick, studded. Their height is usually within one and a half to two meters, and in greenhouses, with good care, they reach two and a half meters. The first flowers bloom at the tops of the shoots, then gradually flowering falls below the entire length. Each shoot produces 250-300 ovaries over the entire fruiting period. The shoot-forming ability of the variety is very high. The root system is powerful, developed - it copes well with the nutrition of two full-fledged crops. The wood can withstand frosts down to -35 ° C. High heat resistance. The variety is immune to all common diseases.

Zyugana successfully resists negative natural phenomena:

  • It practically does not crumble in the wind.
  • The berries withstand prolonged rains, almost without being spoiled - sometimes only individual drupes rot.
  • Low temperatures and high humidity do not lead to loss of sweetness.
  • Even in strong sunshine, the berries are almost never baked.
  • The fruits retain their qualities in light frosts.

The yield is high. With appropriate agricultural technology, the summer yield is 2-3 kg per bush, and the total up to 9-10 kg (in the southern regions or in greenhouses). With reinforced top dressing in closed ground, according to some reports, up to 12 kg of berries are obtained from a bush formed by seven to ten stems.

Zyugana berries are large, dense, with well-linked drupes and strong elastic skin. This is the reason for their excellent transportability and keeping quality. Fruits are stored in a cool room for up to three days without loss of quality, and in the refrigerator for up to seven days. The average weight of one berry is 5-6 grams, and some reach 10-12 grams. The fruit has a characteristic raspberry aroma and a rich, refreshing taste. The pulp is juicy and sweet.The berries are homogeneous and have a high percentage of first class production (up to 98%). The purpose of the fruit is universal.

Zyugan yellow (Gold)

In the process of growing the usual red Zyugana, breeders selected bushes that gave yellow berries. Thus, this variety (Yellow Sugana) of the popular raspberry was obtained. She is absolutely identical in characteristics and properties to her red parent and does not differ from her in anything other than color. True, according to some reviews, yellow berries are sweeter, but it is not possible to confirm or refute this statement due to the lack of data on the sugar content in fruits.

Yellow raspberries

The properties of Zyugana yellow do not differ from her red parent

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety in comparison with similar

Many gardeners believe that Zyugana is currently the best type of remontant raspberry. Its main advantage over conventional remontant varieties is the ability to produce two full-fledged crops. This compares favorably with such well-known varieties as:

  • Shelf (Polka);
  • Hercules;
  • Bryansk miracle;
  • Brusvyan;
  • Augustine and others.

Let's briefly list all the positive qualities of Zyugana:

  • The ability to produce two full harvests per year.
  • Winter hardiness.
  • Drought resistance and heat resistance.
  • The resistance of berries to negative natural phenomena.
  • Immunity to fungal diseases.
  • Can be grown without trellises.
  • High shoot-forming ability.
  • Great berry taste.
  • High percentage of first class fruits.
  • Transportability.
  • Keeping quality.
  • Productivity.
  • Universal use of fruits.

Against this background, minor flaws of the variety are lost:

  • Spiny stems.
  • In areas with an early onset of cold weather, the berries do not have time to ripen.

Video: Zyugan's raspberry review

Features of planting and growing

Planting rules for the variety are common for the culture. This raspberry can be grown without trellises, but nevertheless, if there is a possibility of arranging them, then care will be simplified, and the illumination and ventilation of the bushes will be optimal. Zyugan's raspberry belongs to unpretentious varieties and can grow and bear fruit safely with minimal care. But to achieve high yields and improved characteristics of the berries, she will need a little more attention. Emphasis should be placed on the following points:

  • Regular watering. Despite the high drought resistance, weekly watering with soil moistening to a depth of 30-40 cm will help to increase yields and improve the taste of berries.
  • Loosening and mulching will improve the oxygenation of the soil. Given that raspberries have shallow roots, care must be taken when loosening to avoid damaging them.
  • Enhanced nutrition is the key to high yields. The feeding scheme is as follows:
    • In the fall, for digging, you need to make 1-2 buckets of humus and 30-40 grams of superphosphate for each square meter.
    • In early spring, urea or ammonium nitrate is introduced at a rate of 20-30 g / m2.
    • At the beginning of summer, ash is introduced (0.5-1 l / m2) and potassium monophosphate (10-20 g / m2).
    • During the summer, liquid organic fertilizers (infusion of mullein, bird droppings or freshly cut grass) are applied several times with an interval of 10-15 days.
    • Two or three foliar dressing in summer with an interval of 2-3 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers will also not be superfluous.
  • The most important point is trimming. After the end of summer fruiting, last year's shoots are cut out, and in the fall, before going into winter, the upper, spent part is cut out from annuals. In the spring, the replacement shoots are thinned, leaving 7-10 pieces for each bush.

    Raspberry pruning

    After the first harvest in the summer, two-year-old shoots that have borne fruit are cut

  • In regions where the cold comes early, Zyugana is grown as an annual crop. For this, in late autumn, all shoots are cut out at the root. In early summer, to increase the yield of newly grown shoots, before flowering, you can shorten the tops, which will cause increased branching, but somewhat delay the ripening of berries.Usually, this technique is not used for remontant varieties, but some sources recommend it for Zyugana when grown for one year.

    pruning remontant raspberries

    When grown for 1 crop in autumn, remontants are cut at the root

Since the variety is immune, its treatment with chemical means of protection, as a rule, is not practiced. If necessary, biological preparations are dispensed with, for example, Fitosporin-M (from fungi), Fitoverm, Iskra-Bio (from pests).

Gardeners reviews

I don’t know how anyone, but my Zyugana has a high marketability of berries. The berry is dry, transportability at the level!

Oleg Saveiko, Poltava region

Sugana - (two timer) two times a day, which means that the top bears fruit in the first year, and the rest of the shoot is ready to harvest in the second year. Any slowdown in growth will push the yield off the branch to a second year. Watch the video from Lubera, they practice the ribbon form in a row, in one plant and (quite) often.

N.V.K., Germany

Zyugan has shown herself well this year. The berry is larger than the shelf, but not as sweet. Regarding the fact that it is upright, I will say that in a strong wind in 2011, the Regiment lay down all, and Zyugana and Phenomenon remained standing (more or less), at least a day later they rose. It was a spring planting.

Sortosad, Kiev

And I like Zyugan. And to taste, and transportability, and yield. I have one drip tape. But despite the heat, the berry does not grow smaller.

Oleg Saveiko, Poltava region

Re: Sugana Excellent variety. Really high yield and high taste pleases. Conducted an experiment. I put Zyugana in a Spanish strawberry package and put it in the refrigerator. After 6 days I got it, the berry seemed to come from a bush.

Tezier, Kiev

Zyuganu's taste began to deteriorate a bit. Before that it was sweeter than summer. Continues to bloom en masse, I do not have time to cut. I didn't pick berries for a week, it was raining. On Brusilovskaya and KhZCh, some berries lay fallen on the ground - not one on Zyugan. After a week of storage in the refrigerator, I do not know how the market is, but I did not notice much difference with the one that was plucked. I have to tie it up: the lower laterals grow huge. Sometimes you don't immediately understand that this is not the main branch. So they have to be tied up so that they do not lie on the ground.

arsenal, Zaporozhye

Zyugan's raspberry variety is very progressive and promising. It has a lot of advantages with practically no disadvantages. Raspberry Zyugan can be confidently recommended for cultivation in garden plots and in farm gardens in central Russia, and especially in its southern regions.

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