Glen Ample is a commercial raspberry from Scotland

Glen Ample is a raspberry that is planted in hundreds and even hectares. The variety is suitable for both personal and industrial cultivation. His berries have an excellent presentation, do not crumple, and there are no thorns on the shoots!

Raspberry Glen Ample Story

The original name of the variety is Glen Ample, so in our country there are discrepancies: Glen Ample, Glen Ample and Glen Ample. Translated from English: glen - hollow, ampl - abundant. The second word points to the really impressive yield of this raspberry, and the first seems to point to its place of origin.

Glen Ample was bred in the very north of the Kingdom of Great Britain, on the lands of the Scottish Research Institute of Agricultural Crops. This is an old variety, work on its creation began in the late 70s. Scientists crossed the local varieties Glen Prosen and Glen Rose with the American Meeker. After testing, a variety was isolated from the seedlings, which with its characteristics met the requirements of the breeders. He was named Glen Ample.

The years of creation in different sources differ: 1981, 1996, 1998. The variety is not listed in the Russian State Register of Breeding Achievements, is not zoned, and did not receive an official permit for cultivation. The tests are carried out by gardeners and farmers themselves, and successfully.

In Scotland, a whole series of Glen has been created: Glen Fine, Glen Magma, Glen Dee and others. Glen Ample became the prototype for many.

Description of the variety

Glen Ample is a summer raspberry, that is, it gives one harvest in the summer on the shoots of the last year. Bushes are tall, grow up to 2.5 m, and with watering, top dressing and good weather - up to 3 m and more. Leaves of normal size, wrinkled, green. Flowers are large, up to 2.2 cm in diameter.

Video: huge shoots of Glen Ample

This is a mid-season variety. In his homeland, the berries begin to ripen on July 12-20, in the south of the Russian Federation - in mid-June. Raspberry Glen Ample seems large to some, but to sophisticated raspberry growers - medium. Fruit size 2.3x2.2 cm, usual weight - 4 g, maximum - 6-8 g.

Glen Ample berries are round, drupes are large, firmly fastened. The pulp is juicy and aromatic, with sourness, but in hot summer it is absolutely sweet. The separation from the fruit is easy, effortless, the variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting. The skin is very dense, which ensures high keeping quality and transportability. The berries do not crease, they can be stored for 2-3 days at room temperature and 6-7 in the refrigerator at +2 ° C.

Raspberry Glen Ample

Glen Ample berries are rounded, ripening, darken

Raspberries are resistant to viral diseases, but foliage can be affected by mottling. Glen Ample was bred in the northern region, so it is not afraid of frosts down to -35 ° C. In addition, the variety is famous for its stable and good yield. Shoots are covered with fruit twigs from the ground to the top, each with up to 20 berries. As a result, the yield is 1.2–1.6 kg per shoot, and for commercial cultivation - 22–25 t / ha. Glen Ample's purpose is universal. The ability to perfectly keep the shape allows you to use the variety for freezing, the berries remain intact in jams and compotes. But the most delicious and healthy thing is to eat fresh raspberries from the bush.

Video: Harvest Glen Ample

Comparison with other varieties

Most often, Glen Ample is compared to Glen Fine of the same selection. Their bushes are identical in appearance and vigor, both varieties do not have thorns, the taste is about the same, but Glen Fine is 30–40% more productive due to the fact that it begins fruiting earlier and ends later.

If you don't like a berry with sourness, then gardeners advise a sweeter variety - Brusvyanu, there are varieties that are more acidic than Glen Ample, for example, Octavia. The Inaccessible Raspberry is also pleasant to harvest, since it is large, but there are thorns on the shoots, and the crop is poorly stored and transported.

My "parent" is Glen Ample, American Meeker. In my opinion, his berries are large, dense, aromatic and tasty - there are more sweets, but there is a sourness necessary for harmony. Meeker is also fruitful, but the shoots are completely covered with very thorny thorns. This is its main drawback. I also have Glen Ample, planted with Meeker two years ago. In the first year, it took root well and grew a bush. In the second year, in the spring, it blossomed, and in the summer it dried up. By autumn, only one replacement shoot had grown. So in the spring I'll see if I have this variety or not. But Meeker is growing next to him healthy and powerful, he has already pleased with the harvest and has not been ill with anything.

Landing features

When choosing a place for Glen Ample, one must take into account its tallness and splendor of the shoots. For linear cultivation, it is recommended to place no more than 10-13 stems per 1 running meter; for bush cultivation, the distance between seedlings should be 50-60 cm. In any case, leave wide aisles - 2.5–3 m. With a denser planting, the berries will be smaller, you will lose in yield.

Large and sweet berries will grow only if they are well lit and heated by the sun. Therefore, plant raspberries in a sunny place, in the shade and dampness of the fence, they will wither. Glen Ample grows well on loamy and sandy loam soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Dig up the area before planting with humus or compost and wood ash. Instead of organic matter, you can use mineral fertilizers, for example, nitroammofosku, and add old sawdust, foliage, peat for looseness. Place the seedlings as shown. When planting, you can deepen the root collar by 2–3 cm.

Raspberry Care Glen Ample

The care feature is associated only with the formation. Very tall shoots of this variety must be tied up. But how to pick berries from a height of 2.5–3 m? There are two popular ways to deal with shoots that are too tall and not lose yield:

  • Double pruning: Will form a raspberry tree from each shoot. For this:
    1. In June, shorten the replacement shoots of the current year to a height of 1 m.
    2. In July, pinch the overgrown side branches. By August, a shoot with a height of about 1.5 m will be formed with branches of the second and third order, each next summer the harvest will ripen.

      Raspberry pruning scheme

      In young shoots of raspberries, the top is first cut off, and then the side branches are shortened

  • Raspberry braiding: wrap the top of each raspberry stem around the top wire of the trellis. It should be stretched at a height of about 1 m. Then all the fruit branches will be in the zone of comfortable access.

Video: braiding raspberries on a trellis

The rest of the care for Glen Ample is classic:

  • Preventive spraying in spring and autumn: against pests - with insecticides, against diseases - with fungicides.
  • Abundant watering: at the beginning of the growing season, during budding, flowering and 2-3 times with an interval of a week during the growth of ovaries. If there is not enough moisture in the soil, the berries will grow small.
  • Top dressing: in the spring - organic or nitrogen fertilizer, in the summer - with potassium and microelements, in the fall - with phosphorus-potassium.
  • Weeding, loosening and mulching between rows.
  • Bending to the ground for the winter. In regions with little snowy winters, cover the bent shoots with agrofibre or burlap. The variety is frost-resistant, but it is better not to risk it.

Reviews of gardeners about raspberries Glen Ample

Glen Ample is a well-known Scottish variety, it bore fruit for the first time this year, Berries of good raspberry flavor, sweet and sour 4–5 gr.weight (medium-large). The variety is very productive, with large berry literals. For a wound, an excellent option.


If taste is a priority, then Glen Ample is not an ideal choice: I also looked at Glen Ample, but according to reviews, because of the taste, I did not buy it. According to reviews from the Glenov, I chose Glen Fine.


It was a good season for raspberries on my site, the GLEN AMPL variety proved to be excellent. The taste is sweet, not watery with a good aroma, despite the abundance of rains, the berry did not flow and did not fall apart. In general, a wonderful and unpretentious variety, provided that you really have Glen Ample.


Glen Ample is a commercial variety with beautiful berries suitable for storage and transport. The main thing when growing: keep the sparse arrangement of the shoots, tie them up, shorten or twine around the trellis.

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