Picking strawberry seedlings: timing, soil preparation, technology

Traditionally, it is customary to propagate strawberries and strawberries by rosettes or by dividing the bush. But some varieties reproduce exclusively by seeds, in addition, to obtain new hybrids with unique properties, the seed propagation method is also used.

Preparing the soil for picking strawberry and strawberry seedlings

It is better to dive young strawberry seedlings grown from seeds into fertile loose soil, which is made up of a mixture of sod, leafy, garden soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1: 1, that is, one part is taken for six parts of the soil mixture nutritious humus and one part of baking powder - sand.

But recently, few people have been harvesting soil, collecting soil in the forest (leaf humus) or independently making sod land. It's much easier to go to the store and buy a pack of all-purpose soil. But even such a soil must be prepared for use and a soil mixture consisting of:

  • 10 liters of peat-based soil,
  • 3-4 liters of coconut substrate (previously soaked in water),
  • 1 liter of vermicompost,
  • 100-150 grams vermiculite (about 1 liter).

Photo gallery: soil components

I do not advise replacing vermiculite with agroperlite or foam chips. In addition to the ability to loosen the earth, vermiculite contains useful minerals, including silicon, thanks to which the rooting of plants is better.

Coconut substrate is sold dry pressed, in briquettes of various capacities. Usually, the label says how much water needs to be poured so that the coconut is saturated with water and swells to the desired state. If you could not find a 3-4 liter coconut briquette, you can replace it with a large briquette (7-8 liters), soak it, take half. The leftover coconut can come in handy later, it will not deteriorate even if it dries up.

All components of the soil mixture must be thoroughly mixed - and you can start picking.

Please note that such soil should not be ignited in the oven or spilled with boiling water. If you take your soil from the garden instead of peat, then disinfect it before mixing with coconut and vermicompost.

How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse - variety selection, growing in pots and on racks, warm strawberry beds:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/klubnika/vyirashhivanie-klubniki-v-teplitse.html

The choice of capacity for transplant

It is best to dive strawberry seedlings into individual pots or cassettes (cells), then the grown seedlings are simply transferred to a permanent place. Each plant needs a lot of space for growth and nutrition, so it is better to take pots of 200-250 ml. You can use disposable cups, having previously drilled holes in the bottom with a hot nail. For convenience, cassettes or pots are placed in boxes of a suitable size.

seedling cells

There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the seedling cells.

Dates for picking strawberries and strawberries grown from seeds, preparation for picking

The main requirement for strawberry seedlings is the presence of 3-4 true leaves. This usually corresponds to 40-50 day old seedlings.

strawberries before picking

Strawberry seedlings, ready for picking, should have 3-4 true leaves

Before picking, the seedlings are best shed with such preparations as Epin-extra (one ampoule is diluted in 5 liters of water), Zircon (4 drops per 1 liter of water) or HB 101 (1 drop per 0.5-1 liter of water). All drugs reduce transplant stress and increase seedling survival.

Photo Gallery: Growth Regulators That Reduce Picking Stress

Since Epin-Extra and Zircon are sold in small ampoules, it is not always convenient to use them several times, especially for a small amount of seedlings - ready-made solutions are not stored. Therefore, I use HB-101, it has a convenient bottle with a dispenser, from which it is easy to drop 1 drop.

Pick rules and technology

Despite the fact that the seedlings of strawberries and strawberries are very small, the plants seem delicate, fragile, it has a very well-developed root system, and besides, the seedlings are very well tolerated.

Sowing strawberries for seedlings with seeds, preparation and sowing methods:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/klubnika/posadka-zemlyaniki-semenami.html

Stages of a pick

  1. The prepared soil is poured into cassettes or cells, a small depression is made in the center and 1 tablespoon of water is poured into it.


    We pour the earth into the pot and make a depression

  2. A strawberry bush with a lump of earth is taken out of the bowl with seedlings with a small fork. If the seedlings sit very tightly, you can take out a few pieces and carefully divide into individual seedlings.


    We plant one plant in each cassette

  3. The seedlings are placed in a recess, making sure that the roots do not bend up. Roots that are too long are better cut or pinched off than rolled into a ball at the bottom of the fossa.


    Holding on to the leaves, we lower the roots into the depression, making sure that the roots do not turn up

  4. Sprinkle the roots with soil mixture in such a way that the heart of the plant (the place where the leaves grow from) is not covered, slightly compacted with a finger.


    Sprinkle with earth and lightly compact the soil around the strawberries

  5. Pour another 1 tablespoon of water with a growth stimulant onto the strawberries.
  6. Cassettes or cells are placed in a box, covered with a transparent bag on top so that a mini-greenhouse is obtained. Strawberry leaves should not touch the film.


    After picking, finished plants are placed in a homemade greenhouse

  7. Ready-made greenhouses are cleaned in a bright place, preferably under the lamps, and not on the windowsill. Optimum temperature for strawberry growth +230+250FROM.

Further care consists in periodically airing the greenhouse - 1-2 times a day, you can also spray the cut seedlings with growth stimulants.

I don't put my wild strawberries in greenhouses. I have a temperature at home within +220+240C, but 3 times a day I spray the seedlings with water, sometimes adding a drop of HB-101 to it. But with the hotter and drier air of the apartment, it is better to keep strawberries in greenhouses for the first days.

After 7–10 days, the transplanted strawberries have new leaves, which means that the seedlings have taken root and the film can be removed. Usually, a small gap is left at first, increasing it every day.

If strawberries grew in peat tablets, then picking will be replaced by transshipment. The peat pellet is released from the shell and immediately placed in a cell with soil. The soil mixture is added to the side of the tablet and lightly watered. You don't even need to build a greenhouse for such plants, because the root system does not worry at all.

After the pick, the strawberries start growing together and build up a powerful aerial part.

Why you need to plant strawberries and when you should do it:https://iflower.desigusxpro.com/en/yagody/klubnika/kogda-rassazhivat-klubniku-vesnoy.html

after the pick

Strawberries grow very well after picking

Video: picking strawberries

Do not be afraid of picking small strawberry seedlings. Thanks to a powerful root system, seedlings take root very well in loose and nutritious soil. Further care of strawberries is also simple and comes down to regular watering, top dressing and periodic spraying.

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