How to properly cut currants in the fall - instructions for beginners

Even a novice summer resident should know how to properly cut currants in the fall. Old, damaged, weakened branches are cut from the shrub, which do not bear fruit, but only take vitality. So the plant is rejuvenated, the productivity of the bush is increased.

Is it right to cut currants in the fall

Currant pruning

Autumn pruning of currants is the most effective method to get rid of most fungal diseases and insects that live on plants.

Fruit buds currant lays on the growth of the current year. That is why the more young shoots, the higher the final yield of ripe and aromatic berries. By performing annual pruning to remove old and diseased branches, gardeners achieve good currant yields from year to year.

It is recommended to prune the bushes in early spring, before the buds begin to open, or in the fall. In the spring, it is more difficult to choose a favorable moment for the procedure: it is impossible to cut a plant that has begun to open its buds, and currants begin to wake up early. The cut bush at the wrong time weakens greatly, because strength is required both for the healing of the wounds received, and for the spring awakening. As a result, he is amazed currant diseases and pests.

Autumn pruning of black, white and red currants is carried out when the bush has completely thrown off the foliage, but the frost has not yet come.

Pros of autumn pruning:

  • In the fall, it is easier to choose the right moment, to organize the pruning slowly.
  • The removal of old branches contributes to increased nutrition, the rapid growth of young shoots that will bear fruit.
  • The currants are getting stronger.

Proper pruning results in a healthy plant with a bountiful berry yield.

In autumn pruning, the main thing is not to be late: if you cut a bush in freezing, you can provoke freezing of the branches.

The optimal time is after the foliage is shed, but 15–20 days before the onset of the first frost.

In the spring, it will remain to cut off the branches that have dried up over the winter.

What currants need autumn pruning

Currant pruning scheme

The branches in the center are removed so that the plant gets more air and sun

Autumn and spring pruning is carried out for all currant bushes, starting from the moment a young bush is planted:

  • A young bush (up to 1 year old) is cut strongly, leaving 3-5 buds on the shoot.
  • In 2-3 year olds, 3 to 5 of the strongest branches are left (their tops are cut from above for a couple of buds).
  • Starting from 4 years of age, old, fruiting branches are annually removed from an adult plant.

The simplest rule for novice gardeners: any branch that has not grown by 15 cm in a year is removed when pruning.

Planting ready-made blackcurrant seedlings is quite simple, but must be done according to all the rules:

Autumn pruning rules: instructions for beginners

Pruners and garden shears with short and long handles are used for work. Only sharpened tools are suitable for business.

Blunt blades will damage the plant: the bark exfoliates at the cut-off site, which leads to disease, pest reproduction.

Currant pruning with pruning shears

For cutting black currants, it is better to use two pruning shears: regular and with long retractable handles

The branches are removed from the currant bush:

  • dry, broken, deformed;
  • intertwined;
  • growing not from the center, but inside the bush;
  • lying on the ground;
  • growing far from the center.
Trimmed branch of currant

It is advisable to leave the branches without hemp - in the photo there is an incorrectly cut currant branch, you need to cut it along the red line

Pruning old branches for rejuvenation:

  • In small bushes, a third of the length is cut; in adults, branches older than 5 years are removed.
  • In abundant dense bushes, excess branches are also removed from the center.

Cutting off old branches that give a low yield of berries gives strength to the development of fruiting young shoots.

Pruning currants in the fall before and after

An example of pruning an adult currant bush in the fall before (in the photo on the left) and after (on the right)

If after pruning the branch gives juice, the pruning is postponed for a period later.

Wounds from sections that are more than 0.5 cm are treated with antimicrobial drugs, covered with garden varnish.

Feeding currants in the fall is a guarantee of a good harvest for the next year:

Video: correct pruning of berry bushes in the fall

Errors in pruning a currant bush

Pruning currant bush

Pruning currants in the fall can significantly increase its frost resistance

Important to remember:

  • Pruning is required from the moment of planting. Without it, a young bush at first gives good yields. But subsequently, due to the strong growth and density of the branches, the berries appear only at the ends of the branches. Their number will decrease every year.
  • It is a mistake to spare the plant, leaving many old branches. The shrub will spend energy on their maintenance and treatment, and not on the formation of new productive shoots.
  • If the bush is weak and stunted, no more than 5 branches are left on it. Otherwise, he will never gain strength to form new, stronger and healthier processes.
  • It is important to carry out autumn pruning at the right time! After the "operation" the weakened plant is vulnerable and may suffer from frost.

Pruning mistakes lead to poor bush development, low summer berry yield.

Even an inexperienced gardener will master a simple pruning of a bush. It is important to comply with the terms and rules of the procedure, not to forget about its necessity. And then the result will be an actively fruiting currant from year to year.

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