4 reasons to choose a flower pot made of plastic, not ceramic

Indoor plants are usually kept in ceramic pots. For many gardeners, this is an unshakable rule. There are many reasons for this: the material is environmentally friendly and looks noble. However, few people think that in fact, plastic pots are better than ceramic ones for a number of reasons. And that's why it's high time for you to go to the flower shop to buy new plastic pots to replace the old ones.


Compared to ceramic pots, plastic pots are very light. This makes them much easier to carry. What is important, modern technological capabilities make it possible to cast plastic molds of completely different thicknesses.

Problems with selection will not arise not for small fragile violets, not for huge palms. Also, a sufficiently large wall thickness makes the pot resistant to falling, while its total mass still remains very small.

Variety of shapes and colors

Plastic is one of the most flexible materials in the world. Plastic products can be of completely different shapes, colors and sizes. The appearance of a plastic flower pot is limited only by imagination.

Even in the most modest store, a fairly wide range is presented, among which every lover of indoor flowers can find what he likes and suits the interior.

Automatic irrigation system

The planter differs from ordinary pots in that it does not have special drainage holes. The water remains inside the ground in which the plant is planted. Considering that plastic is a man-made material and does not have breathability, there is a problem with the timely evaporation of moisture.

This difficulty can be solved with the help of a special planter, into which a transparent tube and a water full indicator are inserted. A colored bar will show you when to water the flower. Even ceramic pots do not have such a convenient system.

Healing properties

Most plastic pots have large circular drainage holes. They are used to drain water during over-irrigation, as well as to circulate air, oxygenate the roots and generally increase breathability.

When choosing a plastic pot, the florist does not have to independently lay a drainage layer at its bottom, as is the case with containers made of other materials, and this is a very big saving of time, effort and money (especially with regular transplanting of flowers).

So, despite a fairly large number of prejudices against plastic, it is one of the best options for growing indoor plants. With the help of modern technology, this material has been made no less environmentally friendly and practical than all the others.

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