Fertilizer "Athlete" for the growth of seedlings: characteristics and reviews

The drug Athlete is used for seedlings, as well as in the garden and in the vegetable garden.Today, chemists and biologists are constantly developing special stimulants for seedlings that help to strengthen the immunity of plants that, for one reason or another, do not grow in the most suitable conditions for themselves. Also, such drugs promote their growth. There are a lot of them on the market, one of such means is “Athlete” fertilizer for seedlings. Unlike organic fertilizers, it does not have an unpleasant odor and is more effective.

Why are dressings used?

Many gardeners and gardeners are well aware that it is impossible to find the ideal temperature conditions for all plants at the same time. Someone needs more light, and someone needs shade, some plants need warmth and dryness for growth, while others need coolness and moisture.

As a result, many of them stunt growth or grow too fast, which causes problems with yield and flowering. In order to put this process in some order, you need use special stimulants for seedlings... Many people use organic products, but they do not have a very pleasant smell and are not so easy to find in urban environments. Therefore, it is better to use factory fertilizers like "Athlete".

Fertilizer application "Athlete"

The use of fertilizers is necessary in order to protect them from harmful effects."Athlete" is recommended to be used for fertilizing seedlings of vegetables and ornamental crops. This helps them to cope better with the transplanting process, accelerates the growth of seedlings and helps the root system to develop. Also, the seedling preparation does not allow the upper part of the plant to outgrow and outstrip the development of the root system.

Thanks to the "Athlete" vegetables tolerate dry periods better and give better yields, and when used for ornamental plants, their qualities are improved and the flowering period is extended.

The Athlete manufacturer recommends using it for such plants:

  • ornamental shrubs;
  • flowers that are grown at home;
  • vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc.).

Drug action

Granular fertilizer is used in greenhouses and on plots.Means "Athlete" must be diluted in water strictly according to the instructions on its packaging. Then it is introduced into the soil or sprayed directly onto the plants themselves. It is recommended to treat with this stimulant those seedlings that grew in greenhouses in a humid, warm and poorly lit environment.

Thanks to this effect, plant growth will begin to accelerate and consume more nutrients. At the same time, it will not negatively affect the growth of roots, leaves and plant trunk.

As a result, after processing, we see the following:

  • the stem thickens;
  • foliage becomes larger;
  • the root system of the plant develops faster.

Because of all this vegetable yield increases by more than a thirdbecause the plant starts growing earlier and the number of ovaries also increases.

"Athlete" is good because it is not harmful to bees that actively pollinate plants. For a person, he also does not carry any danger upon contact.

Rules for the use of the "Athlete"

The ampoule athlete is a fertilizer specifically for seedlings.Fertilizer "Athlete" is contained in ampoules of 1.5 ml. Before use, the product must be diluted in a liter of water. But if we are talking about tomatoes and houseplants, then the concentration will be higher and one ampoule will require about 300 ml of liquid.

Plants are processed by the "Athlete", as already mentioned, in two ways - watering the soil where the seedlings grow or by spraying... There are some requirements regarding the number of treatments for certain plants, since they all have different characteristics.

For example, vegetables are processed by the Athlete as follows:

  • eggplants are watered or sprayed when at least 3 leaves appear on the seedlings. One plant requires up to 50 ml of the product;
  • cabbage seedlings are processed at the expense of a liter of diluted product per square meter of land. It needs to be processed three times with a break per week;
  • tomatoes need to be watered at the root once when 3 leaves appear or the seedlings should be sprayed up to 4 times. To process the plant, you need 50 ml of the finished product.

Spraying seedlings is possible using any kind of sprinkler.Re-spraying tomatoes is carried out a week after the first and after the same amount of time after the second. If the weather was such that it didn't work out after the third spraying, transplant seedlings into open groundbut a fourth spray is carried out. If we move away from this scheme of processing tomatoes by the "Athlete" and process them only once, then this only stimulates the growth of the plant in height, and the roots, leaves and stems will not develop so actively.

And if we talk about the use of the means "Athlete" for indoor and ornamental plants, then everything is done like this:

  • potted flowers and plants processed if necessary if the seedlings outgrow. There should be two treatments in total, with a break of one week;
  • ornamental shrubs are processed twice after the flower buds appear on them. The interval between treatments is also 7 days.

Recommendations for the use of the "Athlete"

Experienced gardeners give beginners the following tips when using the Athlete seedling product:

  • when processing seedlings with the Athlete, they do not need to be watered in the usual way for some time. If you sprayed it, then within one day, if watered under the root, then within three days;
  • the last treatment with fertilization should be carried out 5 days before transplanting into open ground;
  • if white spots appear on the leaves, then you have somewhat overdose the drug. There is no need to be afraid of such a phenomenon, everything will disappear very quickly on its own.

Means "Athlete" for seedlings: reviews

When looking for one or another means for fertilizing seedlings, most will be interested in the opinion of others. What do they write on the specialized forums about the "Athlete", let's read below.

I want to say that "Athlete" is an effective drug, with its help the growth of seedlings is accelerated, but it is better to plant everything on time. I recommend spraying in the fresh air, but in general it is best to choose one watering for several sprays. I cannot precisely determine the degree of influence on the tomato crop.

Oleg, Saratov
Three times I used "Athlete" for processing tomatoes at home and he helped me a lot. The trunk has become thicker, and the plant has become so strong, as if it grows in a greenhouse, and not in an apartment when heated. I chose the irrigation method because many people are not satisfied with the spraying method.

Ekaterina, Moscow
The principle of action of this drug is that it does not allow the plant to stretch upwards, but at the same time improves its root system, stem and leaves. I practiced both methods of processing, I want to note that the effect of watering the plant is slower, but when spraying, the results are much earlier. Moreover, in both cases, everything is the same: the seedlings are stronger and more viable. I advise everyone to use this remedy for seedlings.

Natalia, Volgograd
An athlete for plant fertilization helps to increase the flowering period of many indoor plants, it promotes an earlier harvest of many vegetables and increases it. It is important that such a stimulant is more convenient to use than organic fertilizers and has a more effective effect on plants compared to it.

Vera, Samara

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    1. AvatarSergey Filatov

      I processed the tomatoes in the phase of the cotyledons, otherwise they were very elongated, but they write that only in the phase of three real leaves?

    2. AvatarJoy

      I like "Athlete". Tomatoes stretch strongly. Pale, thin-legged, at this time I water the seedlings once with "Athlete". Intensive growth stops, the trunks thicken.

    3. AvatarAlyona

      I have been using ATLET for several years when growing tomato seedlings at home. Natural lighting in the apartment is weak, since the sun appears on our side of the house only after lunch, behind the windows there are tall trees. Seedlings are stretched upwards with threads. But the use of ATHLET helps a lot, with its help it is still possible to grow normal plants. I tried both spraying and watering. According to the results, I tend to watering more: it is both more efficient and less troublesome. Plants stretch up significantly less, the trunks get stronger. I recommend!

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