How to save conifers from diseases and pests in spring

To enjoy the beauty of conifers, you need to take care of their health in advance. Even such unassuming crops can infest diseases and pests. The following 5 ways can help save conifers.

Infusion of garlic and onion

It is effective against the Sitka spruce aphid. After application, yellow spots form on the old needles, and after a while the needles fall off. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour the raw materials (1 glass of onion and garlic husks each) with 10 liters of water. Insist for a day, filter and use for spraying.

Copper preparations

The products are effective for treating pine needles rust. Moreover, they can be used for prevention.

Rust is a fungal disease that affects the needles in the spring. The yellow bubbles crack over time, and the spores spread to neighboring crops.

The following drugs are suitable for treatment:

  • "Hom";
  • "Cuprikol";
  • Blitoks and Zoltosan.

"Hom" has a wide spectrum of action. Available in powder form, which must be diluted with water. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of disease. "Hom" effectively copes with various fungi, but it is better to use it at an early stage of the development of the disease. "Kuprikol" is a contact drug based on copper oxychloride. Effective against fungal diseases. The solution particles are small, so it is more stable than analogues. Blitox and Zoltosan are effective but less popular drugs.

Trapping belts

They are used against the nun butterfly. She eats the needles completely, but most of all she loves short needles. There are several ways to make a trapping belt.

You will need cloth or parchment for the glue belt. The selected material should be wrapped around the trunk at a height of 40-60 cm from the ground. Apply Acryl or Pestefix glue 10 cm wide.

The second method is a double-sided funnel belt. Such a device can be made very quickly, and it protects from pests that move in two directions at once. It is necessary to apply an insecticide on a piece of cloth 30-40 cm wide, and then wrap the material around the trunk of the plant. Attach the center of the fabric to the trunk with twine, and fill the free "pockets" that have appeared above and below with clay. As soon as the pests find themselves in the area saturated with insecticide, they will die.

In addition to hunting belts, you can collect and destroy eggs of insects, broods of caterpillars and female butterflies.


The preparations are effective for combating brown snow mold. High humidity and neglect of plantings can affect the development of the disease.

For preventive purposes, the roots of young plants need to be soaked in preparations such as:

  • "Maksim";
  • "Baktofit";
  • "Vitaros".

With the development of symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to water the soil with one of the following solutions:

  • Fitosporin-M;
  • Alirin-B;
  • "Gamair".

Feeding with immunostimulants and micronutrients is also effective.

Soap solution

Used against spruce leaf rollers. This pest braids the needles with cobwebs, and its larvae eat the foliage. With a slight lesion, the diseased needles can be removed.

A solution of a soap emulsion is effective, for the preparation of which you need to grind 150-300 g of laundry soap on a grater and pour 10 liters of hot water. After the liquid has cooled down, you need to make sure that there are no solid particles left in it.They can cause plant burns, so it's best to filter the solution through cheesecloth.

You can treat the needles with potash soap. To do this, dissolve 40-100 g of product in a bucket of water. After a day, the solution is ready for use. No more than 3 procedures can be performed.

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