5 ways to prevent pulling seedlings

Growing seedlings is not an easy task. Only avid gardeners know how much work it takes to grow strong and strong bushes. One of the difficulties they face is stretching. Such plants take root very poorly and, in general, always die.

Compliance with temperature conditions

One of the prerequisites for growing seedlings is compliance with the temperature regime. You must constantly pay attention to the room temperature. During the day, on average, it should not exceed 24 ° С, and at night not lower than 12 ° С.

Correct feeding

At the initial stage of seedling growth, not nitrogen fertilizers are needed, but phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Nitrogen must be added a little later (after 10-12 days). You can also use complex mineral fertilizers such as Agricola, Nitrofox, Effekton or Athlete. But do not get carried away with them, because the plants can be burned.

Do not thicken the planting

It is impossible to thicken the crops, as this can lead to a stretching of the hypocotal knee and lead to a black leg disease. If the seeds are sown densely, then after their germination, it is necessary to thin out in order to select strong shoots and free them from weaker neighbors.

Enough to illuminate

Proper lighting plays an important role in sprout formation. You can not put seedlings far from the light source, this will instantly lead to stretching. Today there are many lighting options, and you can choose any depending on what stage of growth the seedlings are at. For example, special lamps can be used.

To increase the light output when illuminated with fluorescent lamps, it is necessary to make a reflective screen. To do this, take the foil and stretch it along the seedling pot.

Do not overflow seedlings

It is strongly not recommended to transfuse seedlings. Also, do not water the seedlings with cold tap water. It should stand for a day and be at least 24 ° C. Water at room temperature speeds up the vital functions of all growth cells and helps to deliver all nutrients faster.

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