How to get rid of pests on seedlings so that they do not destroy plants

Strong and healthy seedlings bountiful harvest guarantee. However, plants are often threatened by harmful insects. We will show you how to get rid of pests.


It is a small insect with a yellowish white or white color. It resembles a very small moth. Whiteflysticks leaves and trunks, destroying them.

You can get rid of whitefly with garlic infusion. To make it, chop 2 garlic cloves to exude juice. Then transfer the resulting mass to a glass jar or any other container. Next, fill the vessel with 1 liter of water and cover with a lid.

Let the liquid sit for 5 days. Before spraying the seedlings, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of this infusion in 1 liter of water. Then spray the plants. This mixture will kill the whitefly, release the seedlings and ward off other pests.


It very often spoils and destroys cultivated plants. There are many types of these insects. They drain plants, attract other pests to them, and spread dangerous viruses.

You can prevent the effects of aphids on your own by collecting the pests with your hands, and then sprinkling the garden crop with a solution of laundry soap.

To prepare it, you will need 25-30 g of regular soap per 1 liter of water. If there are a lot of aphids, treat the plants with insecticides. Use Inta-Vir,DecisKinmixFitoverm and other means that will destroy all harmful insects.


If silvery or white spots appear on the leaves, this is a sign that thrips have started on them. more pests. To cope with them will help insecticides such asFitovermVermiticAkarin and others.

It is important to consider that in order to completely get rid of thrips, at least three sprays will be required. The interval between procedures should be 7-10 days.

Spider mite

It is quite difficult to detect this pest because it is very small in size. In this regard, you will not notice them until they begin to destroy the plant.

Ticks settle in groups and suck the juice out of the seedlings. Leaves, emaciated by a tick, first become covered with white spots, and then acquire a pale shade, dry up and die off. A large group of ticks can completely destroy all plants in a few days.

You can protect your seedlings by using the following insecticides:FufanonKinmix, Iskra M,ActellicFitoverm... The spider mites will die, and the seedlings will be protected not only from ticks, but also from other pests.

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