Dieffenbachia care secrets: how to grow it luxurious

Dieffenbachia has long become one of the most beloved indoor plants in the homes of Russians. The homeland of Dieffenbachia spotted is South America, but in order to grow a gorgeous flower in unusual conditions for it, you must follow some rules. A few tips from experienced growers will help you care for Dieffenbachia so that it becomes a real decoration of your home garden.

Compliance with the watering regime

Spotted Dieffenbachia is a rather large plant with wide leaves. In its natural habitat, Dieffenbachia lives in swampy areas and in a rather hot climate. Therefore, a large amount of water and heat can turn a small flower into a large tree. Regular watering will give more resources for the growth of the plant, and in three and a half years it can stretch to a height of about one and a half meters!

Indoor flower lovers note that, on average, dieffenbachia requires 500-700 ml of water every three days. If the volume of the pot is more than three liters, then the amount of water will have to be increased. Of course, you don't need to create a real swamp in a flower pot, otherwise the roots of the flower will start to rot. Large, fast growing members of the species require more frequent and abundant watering.

You need to monitor the condition of your "pet" and adjust the amount of water in order to find a balance that will be ideal for the plant.

Mixed soil

The soil in which the flower is to be placed must be properly prepared. A medium sized seedling can be planted in a 5 liter pot. Pieces of red brick or expanded clay are laid on its bottom so that it takes about a third of the pot. Next, lay out the ground for cacti, which is already mixed with a lot of sand, this layer should also take about a third of the capacity. The third layer is turf mixed with dry spruce needles. The top layer is black soil also with the addition of sand. It is this composition of the soil that will allow the plant to grow quite quickly, start up new shoots with wide leaves and even bloom!


Dieffenbachia loves constancy, so it is better to immediately choose for an inappropriate place in the house and not disturb with permutations. When choosing a place, the future dimensions of the plant are taken into account, because the flower can grow quite quickly and take up a lot of space. The flower corner should be sunny and light, preferably opposite the window, but not next to it. Dieffenbachia will not withstand drafts and frequent ventilation and will begin to shed leaves. In addition, there are usually batteries under the windows that dry the air. Dieffenbachia spotted loves humid air and temperatures not lower than 18 ° C.

Rejuvenation and reproduction

Dieffenbachia lives long enough, but every three years it needs rejuvenation. To do this, cut the leaves from the top and a small piece of the stem (be sure to wear gloves, since the plant sap is very poisonous!) And leave to dry for a couple of hours. Then the cut part is placed in clean, settled water at room temperature, removed to a warm, bright place. You can leave the seedling alone for 2-3 weeks, since it does not need a water change. When the roots grow back, you can plant a young flower in the ground.

The stem of the plant remaining after the cut must be shortened to 20 cm and left, it will soon start up new shoots.

Dieffenbachia can be propagated by cuttings.For this method, segments of 10-12 centimeters are measured on the plant (there should be at least two buds on each site). Then these cuttings can be planted, but they must be done horizontally so that they do not rot! Place the cuttings on the ground and sprinkle about to the middle. After a couple of weeks, the lower bud will take root, while the upper one will sprout into a shoot. Transplanting dieffenbachia in winter, they create a greenhouse effect for it by covering the pot with foil.

It is not at all difficult to settle spotted dieffenbachia at home: it is easy to care for it, but it will not grow surprisingly quickly. Proper watering, microclimate and a little attention will make this flower truly impressive and beautiful. Dieffenbachia will delight you with the density of wide leaves and mesmerizing flowering. The plant produces a large amount of oxygen and retains dust, the main thing is to spray and wipe the leaves more often.

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