12 common mistakes when growing seedlings that even experienced gardeners make

Any summer resident can grow strong healthy plants. The main thing is not to neglect some of the simple commandments of the gardener. No mistakes should interfere with this important process, and even an experienced gardener can make them.

Using poor quality seeds

The result of your work primarily depends on the quality of the planting material. Therefore, never buy poor quality seeds, even if the temptation to save is very great.

Proven grains from reliable companies are a guarantee that the seedlings will sprout and be strong. The bags must contain information about the manufacturer, the amount of planting material, and its expiration date.

Choosing the wrong soil

Just taking land from the garden and sowing seedlings into it is not a very good option. Indeed, in such a land there can be pests or diseases, and for delicate shoots it is too dense and heavy.

Therefore, it is best to purchase special soil from gardening shops or prepare the soil yourself. It should be composed of the following components: peat, humus, sod land. A loose light mixture is prepared for planting by placing it in the cold and then processing it with a special agent to improve microflora, for example, the drug "Baikal".

Selection of unsuitable containers

Choose light containers for sowing, made of material that holds its shape. Too large containers will not work for you, as well as very small ones.

The containers must have very good drainage so that there is no stagnation of water, otherwise the planting material may rot. The root system of seedlings will not be able to develop correctly if it is cramped, too spacious, and there is no drainage.

Neglecting seedbed preparation

Do not neglect handling your material before planting. Even if you grew it yourself, and even more so if you bought it on the market: plant diseases can be transmitted not only from the ground, but also through grains.

There are many ways of processing and disinfecting planting material: in a solution of potassium permanganate, in a saline solution, soaking in hydrogen peroxide, in a garlic infusion, in a growth stimulator. Everyone chooses for himself the method of pre-sowing preparation.

Striving to improve seeds already processed by the producer

If you buy seeds not "from hands", but from trusted firms, then they do not need to be processed. Usually, all large producers carry out pre-sowing treatment of the planting material themselves. This includes coating with various drugs, and impregnation with growth stimulants, and pelleting. Therefore, if you do something with such seeds, for example, soak, it will lead to disastrous consequences. They can lose germination, deteriorate, or even simply dissolve.

Failure to comply with the terms of sowing and cultivation

The timing of planting seedlings for each gardener is different. It is best to focus on those indicated on the back of the package. The earliest plantings can produce overgrown, elongated seedlings, which are difficult to take root in the open field. And if you are late for planting, the plants may be weak, frail, not yet ready for planting.

Excessive burial of seeds in the soil

When planting, be sure to observe the planting depth.Seeds that are too deeply planted may not grow at all, or they germinate with difficulty and because of this they grow weak.

There is a rule that is suitable for almost all types of seeds: the depth of planting in the soil should not be more than two diameters of the seed.

Thickened sowing of seeds

Another common mistake of thrifty gardeners is too densely planted seedlings. Young sprouts are not only cramped when they grow close to each other. They lack water, light, nutrients.

Closely planted plants get sick faster, develop unevenly. They stretch out, become fragile and weak.

Watering immediately after sowing

It is not recommended to water the grains immediately after sowing: they either float upward, or are drawn into the soil by water. The land for planting is moistened in advance, even before sowing. If it is necessary to irrigate the soil after planting, this is done from a sprayer.

Violation of growing conditions

In order for the seedlings to grow and develop correctly, it is necessary to observe the conditions of watering, lighting, temperature. Violation of even one of these factors, their excess or deficiency leads to irreversible processes.

Lack of feeding

Seedlings, like adult plants, need additional feeding. Only they should be much less concentrated so as not to burn fragile seedlings. Before fertilizing with any preparations, the earth is watered with ordinary water at room temperature.

Belated pick

Most plants need picking. It is done when the sprouts have a second true leaf. If you are late with this procedure, then the plants stretch, weaken, develop poorly.

When diving, the seedlings are buried into the ground up to the cotyledons, some even pinch off part of the root, for example, in tomatoes. Some plants, such as cucumbers, do not dive at all.

Knowing the features of garden plants, the rules for growing seedlings will help you sow and get healthy strong seedlings.

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