Grandma taught me how to save an apple tree if rodents even damaged the roots

Every summer I visited my grandmother in the village. Summer holidays were a real reward for me after a year of school. We planted plants in the garden and looked after them. My grandmother taught me how to do the housework properly and along the way told me all her secrets of a rich harvest.

With age, I also acquired a summer cottage. And first of all, she planted her favorite apple trees - as many as 10 seedlings, which should have already begun to bear fruit next year. They overwintered under cover, and in the spring one apple tree began to fall. I immediately realized that her root system was badly damaged and nothing could be done to help her.

In order not to lose the rest of the trees, I began to carefully examine them in search of hidden damage. In two more apple trees, the roots were eaten up by rodents, but since the trunks were even, I was confident that they would recover.

Thanks to my grandmother, who prompted and taught me how to help such trees. To do this, I expose the root system and treat each root with a special compound - "Heteroauxin". It stimulates tree growth and speeds up the healing of defects. You can buy such a drug without much difficulty in any specialized store.

After processing, I generously sprinkle ashes on all the roots. And when planting a plant back into the ground, I pour a mixture of earth, superphosphate and the same ash into the hole. Then it is imperative to compact the soil in the near-trunk zone and tie the tree to the post to make it more stable.

Since the dense crown of an apple tree takes away nutrients and water from the plant, which it uses to form buds, leaves and fruits, I cut off a very large part of the branches - I leave no more than a third of their length. In addition, it will relieve stress on the trunk and still weak roots.

But my grandmother said that if you keep a small number of thin twigs, on which buds have already set, the root system of the plant will recover much faster. After carrying out this procedure, it is better to refrain from additional feeding of the apple tree with any minerals.

After a week, I usually repeat the action, but this time I only bury the roots covered with ash in the soil. If, when removing a tree, I saw a healthy root system, then I do not open it anymore, but only apply fertilizers.

Taking into account my granny's advice, I grew an entire apple orchard on my site. Take advantage of her recommendations and harvest a rich harvest as soon as possible.

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