Which cacti need pruning and how to do it right

Cacti are attractive plants that can blend in with almost any decor. Most often, they are unpretentious in care. The plant must be watered in a timely manner, to provide a suitable microclimate. Some cacti also need pruning. The viability of the plant depends on the correctness of this procedure.

100% need pruning

Many cacti can do without pruning throughout their life. But some species cannot do without this procedure. You should definitely cut Mikhanovich's Gymnocalycium. This round cactus has gained popularity among Russian flower growers. However, the plant needs grafting. For this, trimming is performed. For renewal or reanimation, the following types of cacti can also be pruned:

  • Cleistocactus Strauss;
  • Echinocactus;
  • Prickly pear;
  • Whitening Trichocereus;
  • Mammillaria;
  • Otto Notocactus;
  • Cylindropuntium;
  • Cereus;
  • Schlumberger.

Some plants are pruned without fail, others only if necessary.

Undercut reason

Living in extreme natural conditions, cacti have strong immunity. However, our microclimate for exotic plants is not familiar. In this regard, domestic cacti become vulnerable to various infections and pests. Waterlogging of the soil, infection of the plant with pathogenic fungi, inappropriate microclimate - all this leads to rotting of the cactus. Pruning is the only way to save the plant.

The procedure should be followed in such cases:

  • the plant began to stretch out (grow) intensively;
  • the specimen is noticeably deformed or warped;
  • many new shoots have appeared on the cactus or the growths are large.

By trimming, you can give the cactus the correct shape. But the procedure is performed only if there are no other options.

Undercutting period

Pruning during the winter is not recommended. At this time, the rooting of the plant is slower. In addition, the immunity of the cactus decreases, the risk of infection by pathogenic fungi and the appearance of pests increases. But if the plant is already sick, you cannot postpone pruning. Rot removal must be performed at any time of the year.

To correct the shape of a plant or remove large growths, it is worth choosing a period of active growing season. In spring or summer, the cactus will more easily endure such manipulations, the risk of death will decrease. And cuttings will quickly take root.

Rules for pruning and caring for a plant

To properly prune a plant, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • knife with a sharp blade;
  • rubber gloves;
  • powder of activated or charcoal for powdering the slices.

If cuttings will be planted in the ground, you need to prepare the soil, pot, drainage in advance. Shoots should not be planted in too large a container. Otherwise, with abundant watering, the young plant will rot again.

Pruning should be done with a sterile clean knife. The cut should be treated with activated charcoal or charcoal powder to avoid infection. It is extremely important to do this if the procedure was performed due to rot damage to the cactus. After pruning, the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Watering the cactus is not worth it right away. This can be done in 3-4 days.

Cut off branches also require proper care.Before rooting, the trimming site must be sharpened (as when sharpening a pencil). A straight cut quickly takes the form of a reverse funnel, which can also lead to suppuration. The plant should be planted in a soil consisting of drainage, sand and soil. After a while, the cutting will take root.

Pruning a cactus is a simple procedure. But it must be done correctly in order to prolong the life of an exotic plant.

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