Home garden: what vegetables and berries can be grown on the balcony

Even if you do not have a summer cottage, you can successfully grow berries and vegetables on the balcony. Some varieties of unpretentious crops are specially bred for home breeding.

Cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomato varieties are valued not only for their excellent taste, but also for their attractive appearance. They can be grown not only in the form of bushes, but also as ampelous plants, in the form of vines, with cascading shoots.

To make your tomatoes feel good, plant them not in rectangular boxes, but in deep containers or hanging planters. They need a lot of sunlight, regular ventilation, drainage, and fertile loose soil.

Top dressing of tomatoes is needed every 10 days. Arrange drafts for them, water rarely, but abundantly, make sure that the temperature is + 22-25 ° C during the day and + 16-18 ° C at night.

The best varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes for growing on a loggia: Cascade Red, Balconi Red and Elo, Bonsai micro, Balconnoe miracle, Kishmish, Angelica.


It will be nice to pick a crispy cucumber right on the balcony without leaving your apartment. In order for this vegetable to grow on your loggia, you need the following:

  • protection from the wind: cucumbers do not like drafts;
  • rectangular box with good drainage and versatile soil;
  • a lot of sun and moisture.

It is necessary that the balcony is located on any side except the north. They do not tolerate cold and drafts. The grown lashes will need to be tied to the trellises or just nail a few nails and stretch the ropes to them. From extreme heat or cold, cucumbers need to be covered.

The best varieties and hybrids of cucumbers for a home garden: City cucumber, Balconnoe miracle, Machaon, Diamant, Courage, Berendey.


To get fragrant berries in your home garden, you first need to choose a species to plant. A good harvest gives: Queen Elizabeth II, Moscow delicacy, Homemade delicacy, Supreme, Tuscany.

Strawberries need the following conditions:

  • good illumination;
  • various containers, pots, hanging pots;
  • a mixture of peat, earth and sand;
  • artificial pollination (for example, a soft brush).

With good regular care, strawberries grow well and bear fruit on the loggia. It needs to be watered on time, cut off the mustache and excess flowers, feed and make sure that the soil is always slightly moist. You can stick a nail in a pot of earth or put iron: this is how strawberries grow better.


The useful and unusual blueberry in home cultivation will pleasantly revive your balcony. For cross-pollination, you must pick up at least two bushes of the same species. Large pots, a place on a sunny balcony or in the shade, good soil and peat, sufficient watering - that's all that is needed to grow this fragrant berry. The potted shrub does not grow as large as it does outdoors. Remember that he is afraid of the wind and loves the sun.

The best varieties for home: Bluecrop, Elizabeth, Brigitte Blue, Northland, Duke, Nelson.


Without taking up much space, you can have fragrant strawberries at home. Any container is suitable for this: from hanging containers to plastic bottles. Not only the taste, but also the smell, and the very sight of these berries will transform your balcony. To grow and bear fruit, strawberries need to be in the sun for at least 6-7 hours a day. She is afraid of drafts, so it will only be necessary to ventilate the closed balcony in sunny weather.

There are the best varieties of strawberries for balcony gardening: Florina, Pink Flamingo, Festivalnaya, Tristan. But it is known that any varieties of strawberries can be grown at home, as well as on the site.


Peppers can also be grown on the balcony. Just do not plant sweet and bitter varieties together: when pollinated, they will all become bitter.

This culture loves light and warmth. On sunny days, the pepper needs to be shaded, so you need to make blinds or curtains. He also needs top dressing, a container with drainage and a universal soil.

Since pepper can grow for up to 5 years in one pot, it can be brought into the apartment for the winter and placed on the windowsill as an ornamental plant.

The best varieties for home cultivation are Elephant Trunk, Super Chili, Ogonyok, Dwarf, Mysterious Island, Hot Cherry.

Thus, with a minimum of effort, you can even grow a small vegetable garden on the balcony. It will delight you not only with its greens and freshness, but also with vitamins, vegetables and berries.

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