Good lighting is one of the important conditions for plant development. Those who grow seedlings for open ground or are engaged in indoor floriculture know that in conditions of a lack of light, seedlings can hurt, their stems become brittle. But only strong and well-developed seedlings can take root in open soil, grow and yield crops. Phytolamps are able to solve this problem, the main thing is to choose the right device.
Briefly about phytolamps
Usually, all work with seedlings falls on a period when the daylight hours are still quite short. In low light, seedlings get sick, photosynthesis proceeds very slowly, and the required volume of biomass does not increase. That is why highlighting is useful for seedlings. But do not use ordinary incandescent bulbs for this. They cannot provide the required spectrum and emit only 5% of light, the remaining 95% is spent on heat production. As a result, the plant will simply get a leaf burn.
The full spectral composition provides sunlight, consisting of waves of different colors and lengths. Special multifunctional devices "Fitosvet" are designed to create its full range for seedlings, close to natural. It is a color temperature measured in Kelvin (K) and ranges from 2000 K (warm shades) to 8000 K (cool shades).
All parts of the spectrum affect plants differently:
Both promote the production of chlorophyll, which is important for the rapid development of seedlings;
- Ultraviolet light in moderation, included in the invisible part of the spectrum, fights bacteria, fungi;
- Red increases seed germination, improves vegetation and flowering, and helps the development of stems. It is often used for adult specimens that need backlighting to complete the growing season;
- Blue and violet help, cell growth, root formation. They are optimal for seedlings.
When purchasing a phytolamp, it is important to know rules for growing each crop... It depends on how much power the device needs. After all, the needs of all plants are different: some need to provide a long daylight hours, others a short one. There are varieties that benefit from a break for a while, while others need more light for bud formation.
It is worth considering the phototropism of seedlings, that is, its reaction to the angle of incidence of light. The most natural direction is from above - then she does not need to change the position of the leaves, and the lighting will be uniform.
Due to the use of phytolamps, containers with seedlings can be placed in any convenient place. Even where there is no natural light. In such cases, the device is usually turned on around the clock, then the time is reduced. gradually up to 14-16 hours... Fitosvet devices are also suitable for adult indoor plants, they are applicable in greenhouses and winter gardens, indoor conditions.
Varieties of lamps
There are fluorescent and LED devices. The spectral composition of the "Fitosvet-D" lamp radiation is provided by LED elements. It is suitable not only for seedlings of flowers or vegetables. Will create comfortable conditions for exotic plants.When used in barley and wheat sprouts, the content of substances such as vitamin E, proteins and carotenoids... Many grow pet food under them. Or greenery, which grows beautifully at home in autumn and winter, illuminated by a phytolamp.
The scope of the construction is really wide. It is important to install it in small greenhouses in the country and on farms. There are models of different sizes and power. Lamps of 24, 48, 72 W are suitable for indoor use, and lamps up to 300 W are provided for industrial greenhouses. In addition, the device features a long-term operation.
LED devices combine two spectra: blue and red... It is possible to adjust the light temperature, taking into account the needs of the seedlings, which change as they grow. Before diving seedlings, they need a combination of cold and warm colors in a 2: 1 ratio. The blue tint affects the growth of the roots, does not allow the shoots to stretch, due to which the stem is strong.
After the pick, the seedlings are under stress for some time. Here it is better to reduce the backlight a little and let them rest. After that, the blue and red spectra are distributed in a 1: 1 ratio. The advantages of the LED device "Fitosvet" include:
- High efficiency and reduced energy consumption;
- Fire safety, strength;
- Easy to install, and compact;
- It does not contain mercury;
- Does not dry the air in the greenhouse.
The device practically does not heat up, which means that it can be safely placed close to the plant, without fear of burning the leaves and heating the soil. It is convenient to use for seedling racks.
LED lamps are not afraid of voltage surges and they have directional light, it does not scatter and focuses exclusively on plants. To enhance this effect will help mirror reflector made of aluminum... When used in an apartment, it minimizes the risk of headaches and eye irritation from the unusual light spectrum.
The intensity of illumination is also important, it depends on the power of the lamp. For "Fitosvet" the minimum indicator is 24 W, the maximum is 96 W. There are also models with increased power. It is also influenced by the distance between the lamp and the plant. Suspension chains allow you to conveniently adjust the desired level. The aluminum housing dissipates heat, so it should not be covered with cloth or anything else.
Features of the device "Fitosvet-L"
Lamp "Fitosvet L" is a device with fluorescent lamps LFU-30 power of 30 watts. The mechanism for starting the device is an electronic control gear, due to it, electricity consumption is reduced, the service life of the structure is increased, and a greater flow of light is produced. It can also be enhanced with reflectors.
Such lighting has a good effect on the formation of useful microelements, vitamins in vegetables, greens and the growth of green mass. It promotes earlier flowering of seedlings of ornamental crops. It is also used in biocomplexes for plant microclones and their adaptation in a greenhouse.
So, "Fitosvet L":
- Small in size;
- Economical;
- Safe.
The device is quite suitable as the main light source for seedlings of lettuce, parsley, celery, green onions. But it is also applicable as additional lighting. With its help, you can get a harvest several times a year, providing year-round vegetation for many crops. And for this, only highlighting is sufficient in addition to the natural spectrum. Therefore, for a large number of plants, the use of the device is cost effective.
Fitosvet L is sold assembled, complete with LFU lamps and chains for suspension. What is the best way to arrange it on the rack? It is good to set the backlight 10 cm further from its edge, so the light will be distributed correctly. The distance for undersized specimens from the lamp to the shelf level is about 20 cm, for high ones - 30 cm.
Do not leave the device on permanently, this can harm plants... After all, they need illumination and shadow in certain proportions for development. Shade-loving specimens are best kept separate from those that love light, so that everyone gets exactly what they need. The number and power of the lamps are chosen based on the same principle of the needs of crops.
Here are some examples of lighting standards for different cultures. She measured in suites (lx):
- Pepper ─3000─4000 lx;
- Citrus - 6000 - 8000 lux (the same need for roses);
- Pomegranate ─ 4000─ 6000 lux.
Greenhouse lamps
For comfortable cultivation in a confined space of crops with different needs, it is important to correctly arrange the rows or levels. For example, tomatoes, lettuce, parsley are best planted in different places. Saving space in the greenhouse is also relevant.
The irrigation regime should also be combined with lighting in time. Also needs to be correct calculate the number of fixtures... The parameters required for this:
- Height and type of greenhouse;
- Placing beds;
- Lamp wattage and length.
Correct lighting calculation will provide optimal plant illumination... Usually, an automatic control system is also offered with a phytolamp. Installing reflectors on the devices themselves or as side lighting on the walls of the greenhouse makes them more efficient.
The high level of protection of the device from moisture allows it to work safely with irrigation systems. Irradiation with the Fitosvet lamp, even for several hours a day, allows you to get a crop earlier by 2─3 weeks.
Only by providing the plants with comfortable conditions can you get a good harvest or abundant flowering. For this it is worth trying, and multifunctional lamps "Fitosvet" will be an excellent assistant in this matter.