6 mistakes in caring for a capricious azalea that lead to its death

Azalea is a rather beautiful plant that belongs to the heather family. Its other name is rhododendron. This plant is capricious and with improper care of it, leaves begin to dry, flowers fall off, and soon the plant dies altogether. In this article, we will analyze the most common mistakes when caring for an azalea.

Buying several bushes in 1 pot

It is unacceptable to breed several azalea bushes in one pot, as the plants will interfere with each other during growth. For example, two growing bushes can clog the third, as a result of which the roots of a dead plant will begin to rot, and this can have a bad effect on a "healthy" flower. Division is usually done when pruning the root system. Each bush is transplanted separately, into previously prepared containers.

Transfer in winter

After the purchase, a mandatory event is a plant transplant, since it is not known what care the flower received, and in what state its root system is. It is customary to replant healthy indoor plants regularly. Young ones are transplanted annually, and adults - once every 2-3 years. When transplanting, a special microflora is formed around the root system of the azalea, therefore, one should take into account the fact that if the plant is incorrectly transplanted, the plant may die. The flower is not recommended for replanting in winter and during flowering. The best time to change soil is spring.

Dry air

The main problem faced by residents of urban apartments when growing azaleas is the temperature and dry air in the room. For a favorable flowering, this flower needs a temperature not higher than 20 degrees: the lower the temperature, the better the plant feels. Indoor air is usually humidified with a spray bottle without touching the leaves. In the warm season, the azalea is taken out to the balcony or garden, while placing it in the shade.

Universal primer

Azalea prefers increased soil acidity. Specialized soil is available in flower shops. To create a similar environment, coniferous soil and a mixture of humus and sand are used in the manufacture of the mixture. A thick layer of drainage is placed on the bottom of the container; it can also be replaced with expanded clay.

Rare watering

The plant loves exceptionally soft water and abundant watering: it is watered every other day or every day, depending on the dryness of the soil and air. Do not allow the soil to dry out - this leads to the fall of buds and leaves. Some growers put a layer of snow or ice at the bottom of the pot to maintain soil moisture. Sometimes before watering, the water is acidified by adding citric acid to it so that the flowering is abundant and bright.

Forget about pinching

Pinching is a technique that increases the flowering intensity of an azalea, but if pruned frequently, this can harm the plant more than it benefits. After the plant has stopped forming buds, it is necessary to remove the brown leaves from the bush, cut off weak shoots. The most appropriate time to pinch is after flowering.

Azalea is a delicate and sophisticated flower that requires careful and constant care. The plant is more susceptible to diseases and pests than others, so it needs to be given proper attention and care for a favorable flowering.Water often, humidify the air, replant in spring, cut the shoots in a timely manner, fertilize the soil, and then the flower will delight you with its rich and lush flowers.

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