3 ways to feed the money tree with eggshells

Fertilizing the soil is necessary when growing almost any plant. Indoor flowers need feeding no less, if not more, than plants growing in open ground. The money tree requires calcium for its intensive growth and development of a strong cell structure. One of the valuable products that is used to feed the fat woman is egg shells.

Money Tree

Infusion for watering

Methods for preparing infusion for irrigation:

  • Pour 1 glass of eggshells peeled from the protein film with 3 liters of settled water and let it brew for 12 hours, stirring occasionally, and then water the plants;
  • 2 tablespoons of crushed shells pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, also stirring thoroughly.

It is enough to fertilize the plant with such feeding once a month.

Drainage layer

For this, the product must be dried and chopped a little. When transplanting crassula, lay the egg shells on the bottom of the pot on top of expanded clay or other drainage material with a layer of 1.5-2 centimeters.

Thus, you will receive not only an additional layer of drainage, but also a prolonged organic fertilizer, since with each watering, calcium and other minerals contained in the fertilizing will enter the soil.

Eggshell Powder

When transplanting a money tree, mix 1 tablespoon of powdered shells with the substrate and use this mixture when planting.

It is easy to grind the product in a mortar, coffee grinder or blender, after drying it.

Top dressing for the money tree

During active growth, the fat woman needs feeding 1 time a week, or 1 time a month, but then the portion of fertilizer needs to be doubled. If there is no need to replant the plant, then the crushed shell can be mixed with the top layer of soil. The roots of the money tree do not spread horizontally, so this procedure cannot damage the tree.

In nature, the fat woman, like her other succulent relatives, feeding is associated with the rainy season. Therefore, the home plant should be fertilized only in spring and summer, during the growing season and frequent watering. In winter, when the rest period comes, feeding is not needed, and watering is reduced to 1 time per month.

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