No chemicals: 3 natural fertilizers for home flowers

Indoor flowers are irreplaceable helpers in creating coziness and decorativeness in the house. However, it often happens that houseplants begin to dry out quickly, wither, ache, or simply grow slowly. Let's talk about the most successful organic products that will help bring your favorite plants back to life.

Potato broth

It is very difficult to imagine a house in which there would be no potatoes. These tubers are eaten almost daily. However, not everyone knows that water from boiled potatoes can be used as fertilizer for indoor plants. In such a liquid, many mineral compounds are retained, as well as starch, potassium and fiber. These substances are a kind of energy "pill" that helps plants to form and grow properly.

For fertilization, they take drained and cooled water, filter it after boiling potato tubers. It is important to remember that you cannot use salt in the cooking process. Salt deposits will definitely not benefit your flowers and will negatively affect their growth and the quality of the soil in planting containers.

Water the plants at the rate of 50-100 ml of broth per pot. Watering should be done no more than 1 time in 14 days. Sometimes water from other vegetables, such as carrots, celery, cabbage, or root parsley, is used as an alternative.


Sugar is very often used by flower growers to feed home plants. This option is not only effective but also affordable in terms of budget. In addition, everyone has sugar in the house, so feeding will always be freely available.

Granulated sugar breaks down into glucose and fructose. Fructose, in fact, is useless for plants, but glucose is the most important source of energy for them. Glucose is consumed during respiration, during the absorption of mineral compounds and other useful substances, in addition, it contributes to the rapid growth and proper development of plants, since it takes part in the formation of complex organic molecules.

However, before rushing to the bag with sugar and pouring it over the plant, you need to take into account that glucose is absorbed by the plant and promotes its growth only when it receives enough carbon dioxide. If the gas is obtained by the flower in an insufficient volume, then the sweet solution that has got into the ground will not give noticeable benefit, but will form a nutrient medium that rot and moldy fungi adore.

In order to avoid the appearance of rot, you need to feed the flowers with sugar, mixing it with EM preparations (for example, Baikal EM-1). This cocktail will help the plant absorb the glucose better.

Top dressing is done as follows:

  1. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 500 ml of pure water, pour 1 heaped tablespoon of sugar into it.
  2. The composition mixes well. It is possible, in theory, to immediately pour dry granulated sugar into the ground, and then fill it with clean water, but this method is less effective.
  3. The finished fertilizer must be applied to the soil mixture once every 28 days.

Alternatively, you can use a pure glucose fertilizer. You can buy tablets at any pharmacy. One whole tablet is enough for a liter of pure water. After the drug is dissolved, you can pour the prepared cocktail on the substrate or spray it on the plant from the spray bottle.The frequency of such feeding is also once every 28 days.


Many will be surprised, but a hygiene product such as tooth powder is often used when caring for indoor flowers. This drug is believed to help lower acidity levels in the soil. So the product is indispensable for those plant varieties that prefer an alkaline environment.

Plus, the tooth powder fights root rot very well. Experienced flower growers advise preparing the following composition to combat this disease:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of tooth powder. Mix them with 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate and 2 tablespoons of wood ash.
  2. All components need to be filled with ½ glass of clean water.
  3. Shake the mixture well.
  4. Dig the soil in the pot slightly and pour the resulting top dressing directly under the root, concentrating on the stem of the plant.
  5. In order to achieve the best effect, stop watering the flower for a while and quarantine it in a warm, dry place with no light. In such a quarantine, the flower should spend several days.

You can also use some types of toothpastes for feeding, which are also capable of lowering the acidity of the soil. To prepare top dressing, you need to mix a third of a tube of paste with a liter of clean water at room temperature. With this composition you need to water the plant.

Top dressing helps plants develop and grow properly, as well as protect them from many diseases, help rehabilitate after stress or lingering diseases. These substances are indispensable for the care of any kind of indoor flowers.

Many people prefer to buy ready-made fertilizer mixtures, but home-made homemade compounds are in no way inferior in quality to purchased ones. However, before preparing such organic mixtures, make sure you follow all the rules and proportions and plant preferences. Sometimes unbalanced or improper feeding can kill a flower.

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