5 natural dressings to help you grow organic foods

These dressings will help you maintain not only plant health, but yours as well. And all because they are completely natural, and the products grown with their use will be environmentally friendly and safe for the body.

Infusion of apples

This fertilizer can be used to feed all garden plants. But it has the most positive effect on garden berry crops:

  • raspberries;
  • currants;
  • blackberries;
  • strawberries.

Regular application of fruit dressing will protect the crop from diseases and pests, enhance its growth and increase yields.

To prepare the composition, you need to grind 1 kg of apples, pour 5 liters of water into the gruel. Infuse for 3 days, and then water the planting at the root.

Mushroom water

The infusion will help the plants look beautiful and healthy. Suitable not only for watering, but also for soaking seeds. You can use a variety of dry edible mushrooms. They contain many nutrients, including:

  • protein;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • iodine.

For cooking, pour 30 g of dried mushrooms with a glass of water. After a day, drain the solution, add water again. After 24 hours, the composition can be used to water the plants.

Castor oil

Top dressing is effective in stimulating flowering and fruit formation. Castor is a thick and viscous vegetable oil made from castor oil plant, which contains many nutrients that are beneficial to plants. Such feeding has a beneficial effect on flowering types of crops in the budding phase.

To prepare top dressing, you need to combine 1 tsp in a bottle. castor oil with 1 liter of water. Shake the resulting liquid vigorously, as the oil is poorly soluble in water. Watering should be done immediately after shaking until the castor oil collects on the surface of the water again.

Tea mushroom

An excellent remedy for stimulating growth. To prepare it, you need to dilute 200 ml of mushroom infusion in 1 liter of water. The solution can be used to water seedlings when planting in open ground or after picking.

The infusion acidifies the soil. From garden plants, acidic soil is loved by representatives of the heather family and hydrangea. You can also pour sour infusion:

  • heather;
  • lupine;
  • pion;
  • sunflower.

Calcium water

This fertilizer contains many trace elements that are beneficial:

  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • pepper;
  • lemon.

Eggshell infusion activates plant growth and development. To prepare it, you need to grind an egg shell from 3-4 eggs, pour 3 liters of water into it. Insist the product in a loosely closed container for 2-3 days. If there is a hydrogen sulfide odor and turbidity, then the solution is ready for use.

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