Lunar seed calendar for April 2019

In April, a real summer resident has no time to be bored. The beds left for the winter require attention, the thawed earth in the garden awaits for marking and fertilization, berry bushes and fruit trees in the garden are returning to life. And then there are boxes with young sprouts stretched out in slender rows on the windowsills; pests who are ready to wake up from sleep and target green pets; indoor plants with their own whims ... There is enough work for everyone, and the lunar sowing calendar for April 2019 will tell you which ones will be right to do on a particular day.

Lunar seed calendar for April 2019

Planting flowers in spring

When there is snow in one half of Russia, primroses bloom in full bloom in the other.

  • Date: April 1st.
    Lunar day: 25-26.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Volodya.

Until spring is in full force (in half of the regions of Russia at this time there is still snow in the garden), you can take a little rest. Prepare garden tools, tying pegs, and pest trapping belts. Birdhouses for feathered orderlies should be fixed to the trees before the arrival of the birds - hurry up with this so as not to be left without winged helpers.

  • Date: April 2.
    Lunar day: 26-27.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

One should not expect quick shoots from today's plantings, but you can sow cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers on seedlings for further transplantation into open ground. Sow root and leaf celery, radishes, turnips, carrots, mustard leaves, root parsley, lettuce, and herbs under the film and in the greenhouse. From flower crops, it is worth paying attention to climbing, creeping and ampelous plants. In the garden, straighten and tie the raspberry branches bent to the ground, remove the straw and leaves laid out for warming, cut out excess growth. And also, according to the calendar of the gardener and the gardener, in April the soil in the pots of indoor flowers and boxes for seedlings can be loosened and watered, but it is better to refuse feeding.

  • Date: April 3rd.
    Lunar day: 27-28.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

The day is similar to the previous one. Sow all the crops listed above on seedlings and greenhouses, adding parsnips, Swiss chard, spinach, hot peppers, and asparagus to them. On the garden plot, carefully rake off the soil from the trunks, with which the young trees have been sprinkled for the winter, inspect the bark to find damaged areas, clean and process them with pitch. Indoor flowers will accept loosening and moderate watering well, but not top dressing.

  • Date: April 4th.
    Lunar day: 28-29.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

Loosen, dig and plow, any of your efforts in the garden will pay off handsomely later. If the snow has melted, and the soil has thawed, start arranging the beds, if not, loosen the ground in flower pots and boxes with seedlings. Houseplants can be treated for diseases, and the near-stem circles of fruit trees on the site can be watered with a urea-based solution to stop the development of fungal diseases.

  • Date: April 5.
    Lunar day: 29-30-1.
    Phase: New Moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

Planting on the new moon is not worth it. Continue to cultivate thawed soil, drain excess water from the beds, and deal with trees and shrubs. Carry out a sanitary cleaning of the site, getting rid of the branches and bark that attacked during the winter, which often become distributors of the fungus, inspect the currant and gooseberry bushes, cutting out all the processes affected by powdery mildew and mites. In the absence of snow, you can carry out a full pruning, rejuvenating the berry bushes. Houseplants can be freed from dry leaves and carried out neat dry dressing.

Whitewashing trees in spring

In addition to lime solution for whitewashing, gardeners can use water-dispersible paint.

  • Date: April 6.
    Lunar day: 1-2.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aries.

The garden area is still in the spotlight. Do everything that you didn’t have time to: clean up and cover the traces of frost breakdown on the trees with varnish, remove moss and lichens, whitewash the trunks, dig up the trunks, fumigate or spray the plants from pests. If the temperature does not drop below -10 °, you can open grapes and standard plants warmed for the winter, except for roses, which have enough airing for now. Carefully feed the March seedlings - now the growth does not absorb nutrients quickly enough and it is easy to harm it, overdoing it - and at the same time, thin out the seedlings, loosen the soil.

  • Date: April 7.
    Lunar day: 2-3.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

While the soil has not had time to dry out, level the beds, select the rhizomes of weeds from the ground and sow the areas prepared for nightshade crops (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) with siderates - for example, mustard. Walk with a rake and on the lawn that has appeared from under the snow, apply mineral fertilizers to the soil. Now is not the right time for vegetable crops, but you can do flowers. Prepare tubers of begonias and dahlias for germination, sow annuals for seedlings, plant perennials in a greenhouse. Dive here the seedlings of flower crops sown in February and March.

  • Date: April 8th.
    Lunar day: 3-4.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Taurus.

The last spurt before the start of the "seed". Continue to prepare the beds for future plantings, loosen, cultivate and fertilize the soil. You can transplant bushes and trees, graft and root cuttings, soak seeds with dense shells. It is better to cancel the pick and change for today.

  • Date: April 9th.
    Lunar day: 4-5.
    Phase: waxing moon.

Start sowing seedlings and planting eggplants, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peas, spinach, celery, parsley for the root, onions for turnips, garlic, horseradish, lettuce and herbs in the greenhouse. Do all kinds of work with the soil: loosen, weed, water, fertilize, dive and replant. Grafting and rooting of cuttings can be continued on the site, as well as composting.

  • Date: April 10.
    Lunar day: 5-6.
    Phase: waxing moon.

All work with the land is relevant, especially in greenhouses. Loosen the soil, weed the seedlings, apply fertilizers, but be careful with watering. Plant radishes, tomatoes, peas, dill, cilantro, rhubarb, horseradish, cabbage, asparagus, leafy celery, carrots, lettuce, parsnips, parsley over herbs, garlic, and onions. Among flower crops, give preference to ampelous plants, although it is not forbidden to engage in planting bulbous and tuberous ones. Sow annual flowers, but refrain from transplanting perennials. The division of bushes of peonies, irises, phlox is allowed.

Division of irises in spring

The most successful irises are divided at the end of summer, but if necessary, you can carry out this procedure in the spring.

  • Date: April 11.
    Lunar day: 6-7.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

The planting of low-growing plants and crops with a fruiting underground part will be favorable - tall and climbing ones, planted during this period, as a rule, grow difficult and bring a poor harvest. Transfer cabbage, nightshade, cucumber seedlings to the greenhouse soil; sow root crops. If the ground has time to warm up to + 8-10 °, start planting early potatoes. Engage in weeding, loosening, fertilizing the soil, moderate watering.

  • Date: April 12.
    Lunar day: 7-8.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Cancer.

For work in greenhouses, the recommendations of the previous day are saved. In a suburban area, you can plant berry bushes, propagate currants by cuttings, loosen and mulch the soil near raspberry bushes. Clean the beds with strawberries and strawberries from the covering material, loosen the aisles, remove dry leaves and antennae, feed the berries with nitrogen fertilizer. If any of the indoor plants are in bloom, they also need feeding.

  • Date: April 13.
    Lunar day: 8-9.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

Postpone planting, sowing and diving for a while, the infertile period begins. The only exception is fruit tree seedlings. It will not hurt to feed mature trees with a solution that ensures the resistance of the crop to rot, and treat with chemicals against pests. Processing is also required for the flower garden, but those owners who live in the country, and do not come here on weekends, can try to fight insects, shaking them off in the morning on a litter of light material. You can dig, loosen, huddle, mulch, lay compost.

  • Date: April 14.
    Lunar day: 9-10.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

Infertile period, not conducive to high yields. However, you can tackle the flower bed. Clean perennials from the foliage that covered them, if necessary, divide and transplant them. Cut out the weak shoots of the delphinium so that they do not take away the vitality from the stronger ones, which will give large flowers a little later. Free the roses from the hiding places.

  • Date: April 15.
    Lunar day: 10-11.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Leo.

Favorable planting days are gradually returning. Start small: plant potatoes and parsley on the root. Also, keep practicing flowers, especially bulbous and tuberous crops, and climbing crops. Remove excess shoots of berry bushes, vaccinate. Good time to start composting.

Compost in a barrel

Coniferous humus is one of the constituents of the soil for transplanting indoor flowers

  • Date: April 16.
    Lunar day: 11-12.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

If the ground has managed to warm up to + 10 ° C, it's time to start planting strawberries and strawberries. Place new bushes in the gaps between old ones or to replace missing ones and cover the soil around. Old berries can be fed with nitrogen fertilizer. Sow annual flowers, plant shrubs and small ornamental trees, and graft cuttings. In greenhouses, loosening, weeding, hilling, picking and replanting are allowed, but with caution - take care of the roots of pets.

  • Date: April 17.
    Lunar day: 12-13.
    Phase: waxing moon.
    Zodiac sign: Virgo.

In most regions of Russia, you can plant brain peas, various types of cabbage, lettuce, arugula, asparagus, spinach, parsnips, chard, carrots, radishes, beets, parsley for herbs, horseradish, garlic, onions for feathers and turnips, herbs (dill , cilantro, basil, cumin). Prepare a dark wrap to cover the beds in case the cold returns, although these crops usually survive a drop in temperature easily. At the site, continue planting trees and shrubs, grafting, propagation by cuttings, dividing bushes and tubers. Indoor plants are allowed to be transplanted and reloaded.

  • Date: April 18.
    Lunar day: 13-14.
    Phase: waxing moon.

You can continue to plant all of the plants listed above. Sow the beds that you plan to leave free with fast-growing green manure, they will still have time to rise and prepare the ground for more noble crops. Plant potatoes. If the spring weather pleases with a good temperature, you can start up the tubers that did not have time to sprout, but if the heat has not yet established, limit yourself to sprouted potatoes and cover the beds with foil. Sow annual and perennial flowers with seeds, root cuttings.

  • Date: April 19.
    Lunar day: 14-15.
    Phase: full moon.

Take a break from work. Admire what has already been done, adjust plans for further planting, sharpen the working tool.

  • Date: April 20.
    Lunar day: 15-16.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

A good day to tidy up already filled beds. Loosen the soil, thin out the seedlings, weed out the weeds. Watering, use of mineral fertilizers, pest control are allowed.Refrain from grafting trees, pruning, dividing tubers - plants react hard to all kinds of wounds.

The cut tree sprouted

Sometimes garden pitch is replaced with clay putty.

  • Date: April 21.
    Lunar day: 16-17.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

All types of work with the soil are allowed, as long as they do not affect the roots. Spray and fumigate against pests, apply organic fertilizers, and compost. Refrain from transplanting, so as not to damage the seedlings, and from sowing, the period does not differ in fertility.

  • Date: April 22.
    Lunar day: 17-18.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Dedicate a day to planting plants with a fruiting underground part and climbing crops: radishes, beets, daikon, horseradish, garlic, onions (for a turnip), parsley (for the root), peas, beans. It's not too late to plant potatoes. In general, the day is good for planting, replanting and diving, and also for thinning seedlings and pest control, and this applies to both garden crops and indoor crops. In a suburban area, sow lawn grasses and plant bulbous and tuberous flowers.

  • Date: April 23rd.
    Lunar day: 18-19.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

The crops of the day are horseradish, garlic, onions, potatoes, bell peppers, various types of cabbage, asparagus and sunflowers. All this can be planted in greenhouses or open ground, depending on the established weather, but it is better to postpone other work (weeding, hilling, feeding) for a while. In the garden, prune berry bushes, get rid of excess tree shoots, and pick off strawberry whiskers. At home, it's time to start landscaping the balcony. Plant flowers in large containers that do well in the cool April weather - pansies, daisies, marigolds, balsam, cyclamen, ivy.

  • Date: April 24.
    Lunar day: 19–20.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Weeding and thinning will be especially successful today. The time is right for planting or diving white, red and cauliflower cabbage, asparagus, sunflower, eggplant, root vegetables, roots. On the garden plot, you can plant gooseberries and grapes, graft, sprinkle layers, plant annual flowers and transplant perennials.

Planting a plant in a groove

Many bushes and trees are difficult to propagate by cuttings; in this matter, layering is more productive

  • Date: April 25.
    Lunar day: 20-21.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Take care of flowers. This is a good day to sow the seeds of annuals and dive into separate containers previously sown sprouts. Check if the potted potted plants are not cramped, the favorable period for their transplantation and transshipment is about to expire - in May-June the resettlement will be more difficult. Feeding is allowed, but not the flowers that you transplanted. Give them time to recover, and only after 2-3 weeks use fertilizer.

  • Date: April 26.
    Lunar day: 19–20.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Planting potatoes, onions on a turnip, garlic, parsley on the root, beets, carrots, radishes and other root crops is recommended. Already planted plants require intensive watering and feeding, loosening the soil, hilling, protection from pests and diseases.

  • Date: April 27.
    Lunar day: 21-22.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

The ground has warmed up enough, so you can safely plant most of the seedlings in open ground: cucumbers and tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini, beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, daikon, peas, beans, beans, watermelons and melons. Any type of work on the beds is allowed, including watering and feeding. Plant ornamental shrubs and roses in the flower garden, sow lawn grasses in your summer cottage, and there is still time to grow green manure in free beds to improve the quality of the soil.

Seedlings of cultivated plants

On this day, it is better to plant something, thinning should be done later

  • Date: April 28.
    Lunar day: 22-23.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

A controversial day.Loosening the earth, weeding and hilling will be successful, but the plants sown or transplanted today will have to come to their senses for a long time. Prepare the beds for planting, apply fertilizer, treat the garden and flower garden with pest preparations. Stop watering and feeding, both of which will adversely affect the condition of the roots.

  • Date: April 29.
    Lunar day: 23-24.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

An auspicious day for sowing and planting any vegetables, but especially solanaceous plants (eggplant, tomatoes, peppers) and pumpkin seeds - watermelons, melons, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, zucchini - promise to rise. The favorable period for grafting trees and reproduction of flowers by cuttings is coming to an end, if you have not yet implemented all the plans for updating the garden and flower garden, hurry up. Very moderate feeding and watering are allowed.

  • Date: April 30.
    Lunar day: 24-25.
    Phase: waning moon.
    Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Celebrate the last day of April by planting potatoes, root vegetables (beets, carrots, radishes), melons, lettuce and herbs. It is worth postponing the pruning of trees and the treatment of plants from pests, but you can engage in grafting and budding, rooting cuttings, sprinkling with cuttings, planting tuberous and bulbous flowers.

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