How I fight pests on currants without using chemicals

I grow currants in large quantities in the country. Its berries are not only tasty, but also healthy. But to get a big harvest, I not only regularly take care of the plant, but also carry out timely treatment against pests.

No need to rush and buy chemistry right away. Not only will the bushes suffer from it, but the berries will also turn blue. Bitter wormwood helps me to drive away parasites such as a tick, aphid or a sawfly from the bush. It can be planted near currants or a pot with a repellent plant, such as geraniums, can be placed next to it.

I also use a laundry soap solution. I dissolve 150 g of crushed soap shavings in 5 liters of water. I spray the affected bushes with the resulting solution.

Just as effective is the garlic solution I use between the buds swelling and flowering. To prepare the product, I grind 150 g of garlic, pour in a bucket of water. I stir everything and leave it for 2 days. Before use, I filter the solution and spray the bushes. I repeat the procedure after 5 days.

To fight aphids that cover the plant with brown spots, the EM-5 preparation, created on the basis of the popular "Baikal", helps. The composition of the product contains microorganisms that devour the pest.

After treatment, the plant becomes healthy and strong. But most importantly, the drug is completely safe for currants during and after flowering. I carry out processing with it only in dry weather.

The following method saves me from the spider mite: the old rubber (galoshes, hoses) must be set on fire in a bucket, the fire must be extinguished and set in the wind 1 m from the plant. Within 10-15 minutes, the bush will be completely cleared of insects.

But a pest like glass is very difficult to exterminate from the site. The fact is that it hides inside the stems of a berry bush, gnawing out the core. If I notice this parasite on my currants, then I immediately break off all damaged shoots.

To combat glass, I loosen the soil well, and then scatter a composition mixed from the following components:

  • ash - 300 g;
  • tobacco dust - 200 g;
  • mustard powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground pepper - 1 tbsp.

For prevention, I planted lemon balm between the currant bushes, but coriander and catnip are also suitable.

The traditional infusion of wood ash helps me to defeat the moth. I process bushes only when the berries begin to ripen. For cooking, I take 1 part of the ash and add it to the bucket of water. I wait 2 days, filter and spray berry bushes.

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