5 simple steps to get rid of mold in a flower pot

Black, blue, green, brown and the most common, white mold on the ground in flower pots is common. Its appearance can cause improper plant care, poor soil quality, violation of temperature and humidity conditions. Here's what you can do to get rid of adversity quickly and easily.

Remove the first layer of soil

This will help if the formation of white bloom on the surface is associated with a violation of the irrigation regime, rare loosening or improper care of the plants in general. Due to such an environment (lack of oxygen, excess moisture), conditions arise that are comfortable for the reproduction of pathogens, and mold in particular.

To prevent the fungus from penetrating deeper into the ground, the first step is to remove the topsoil and discard it. Otherwise, the flower will rot and die.

Loosen the soil well

Loosening of the soil is necessary so that oxygen and water can freely penetrate into its deep layers. Moreover, it helps the liquid to be distributed evenly throughout the entire thickness, and not to accumulate on the surface.

Loosening is necessary for all indoor plants. Moreover, it is advisable to do this at least 2 times a month and be sure to touch the middle layers of the earth, but try not to damage the roots of plants.

Fill up the missing amount of soil

Since the topsoil has been removed, it needs to be replenished. This will require a small amount of soil with the addition of a germicidal agent, which can be purchased at a specialty store.

This agent will act as a filter and prevent the penetration of possible sources of mold from moisture. Crushed sphagnum or charcoal can be used as soil protection.

Disinfect the soil

Fungal spores and pathogenic bacteria can remain on the pot, leaves, or stem of the plant. They are also constantly in the environment. To prevent re-infection of the soil, you need to prepare a special solution: 2 g of foundationol per 1 liter of water.

This means you need to water the flower, if necessary, spray it on the leaves.

Loosen the soil again

Re-loosening is necessary so that the topsoil is not too dense and does not retain moisture. Moisture evaporates faster through loose soil, and the less it is, the harder it is for fungal spores to spread.

Mold in the soil of indoor plants can have completely different appearance and color. But do not panic and worry about the life of the flower, because timely measures taken will help to disinfect the soil and maintain the health of green pets.

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