5 original options for outdoor flower pots

Outdoor hanging planters have several advantages. For example, they can be easily moved from one place to another, you can arrange various flower arrangements to your taste, as well as choose the design that is most attractive. Here are five original options for outdoor flower pots.

Macrame cache-pot

Flower pendants made using macrame technique stand out from the rest with their interesting and unique design. This decorative element can be made by hand if you have weaving skills.

But the disadvantages of such a suspension system include the fragility of the structure. Because of this, it should not be placed in doorways, nor should it be used to decorate arches. In windy weather, you will need to take care of securing this yard decoration.

Metal construction

Modern pendant products made from metal are more advanced than others. Thanks to the plug-in bottom, they are able to protect any surfaces from the flow of water, which makes this method of decorating the yard area not only original, but also practical.

These decorative metal pots have a beautifully designed bottom. There is no need to worry that metal can lose its beauty and grace over time under the influence of weather conditions.

Wooden box

The wooden box looks like a stand made of various types of wood. Often, such a planter is a wooden box that can be equipped with both special legs and a hanging system.

If you are going to add a little style and laconism to your exterior, then this kind of decorative element will definitely suit you. Wooden flower boxes look original and picturesque.

Wicker basket

Various vine-wicker planters attract attention at first sight. The colors of this decor element are simply delightfully combined with green plants. Wicker baskets are not only beautiful and unusual, which makes the decor original, but also have some advantages.

For example, they cannot be broken or accidentally broken: they are quite durable. Due to their structure, their design provides plants with sufficient air exchange, which has a beneficial effect on growth. But remember that any wicker planter does not tolerate dampness and requires special care.

Wooden coasters

Wooden stands are chosen as outdoor pots for several reasons. Firstly, this decor looks aesthetically pleasing in the interior. Secondly, such accessories can be easily made with your own hands from scrap materials. Thirdly, you have a unique opportunity to place several flower pots on the same structure. Finally, wooden stands are stable and durable.

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