8 plants that are very difficult to get rid of in the country, once planting

Some plants are capable of capturing large areas. You need to be very careful with such aggressors, as they quickly take over space and litter garden plots.

Jerusalem artichoke

The plant is considered to be a weed that grows in gardens and vegetable gardens without maintenance. It gives a rich crop of tubers, which small rodents eat with pleasure. Getting rid of it on the site is not an easy task.

Tominabur, or earthen pear, has a rather modest appearance. Outwardly, it resembles a sunflower. It is a perennial herb, reaching a height of two meters. It has a long erect stem with numerous shoots covered with slight pubescence. The leaves are arranged on long petioles and are heart-shaped or oval. The leaf plate is smooth with serrated edges. The flowers are bright yellow, medium-sized, tubular, collected in inflorescences-baskets. The flowering period begins in August and lasts until the end of October. The root system forms very quickly and goes deep into the ground. A large number of tubers ripen on one plant during the season.

Jerusalem artichoke grows very quickly. If it is planted as a hedge, then after a while it will displace all ornamental plants from the site.

To get rid of the weed, you can use the following methods:

  • deep digging;
  • sowing over zucchini;
  • the use of chemicals;
  • shelter of growing places with boards, cardboard, dark film;
  • soil mulching.

Sosnovsky's hogweed

Hogweed refers to plants that develop a new territory without spreading throughout the entire site. It is capable of scattering seeds over long distances. He is familiar to almost all summer residents. Under favorable conditions, the height of adult specimens can reach 3-4 meters. The stem is thick, hollow inside, fluffy to the touch, with clear edges. The edge emits toxic substances that irritate the skin on contact. As a result, the skin becomes sensitive to sunlight, which causes stains and burns. The leaves look like maple leaves. Flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences, their diameter can reach 80 cm.

If the garden plot was clogged with seedlings, then it is recommended to mow the young shoots to combat, which is repeated every three weeks until the plants completely disappear. You can also dig deep into the ground and remove the roots with shoots from the soil.

Sow thistle

This is the most common plant-aggressor of the Astrov family. Height of adult specimens reaches 150-170 cm. The stem is dense, straight, rigid, branched. Depending on the species, it can be smooth or with small spines. The upper part of the shoot is practically devoid of foliage. The leaves are arranged alternately, wide on top, they gradually taper and turn into a petiole near the base, can be whole or feathery. There are small denticles along the edge. The plant forms a dense root system that is close to the soil surface. A large number of adventitious buds are formed during the season. They break off easily, and new shoots grow from them.

Sow thistle blooms with small yellow flowers, which are collected in inflorescences-baskets. They close in the evening and in cloudy weather.After flowering, more than 6 thousand seeds ripen on one plant, which are carried by the wind. The only way to control the weed is to dig up the young shoots along with the roots.

To dream

The herb has several names: daglitsa, grandfather, snitka, kupyr, lag. It is a perennial herb of the Umbrella family. During the period of active growth, it can reach a height of one meter. She has an erect, with clearly defined edges, a hollow stem inside. The upper leaves are wide, with jagged edges, elliptical in shape, located on long petioles. The surface of the leaf is smooth, and the lower part is covered with short fluff. Flowers are small, white, collected in small umbrellas, which are combined into one large inflorescence. During the flowering period, the plant emits a pleasant sweetish smell that attracts insects.

A distinctive feature of dreaming is a well-developed root system, which grows several meters from the mother plant and forms dense thickets.

To protect the garden area from weeds, you should install fences made of dense material, digging them into the ground to a depth of 20-30 cm.


Woodlice or stellate average is an annual herb. The people call it canary grass, hernia or biting midge. It grows in shaded wet areas, ditches and ravines. The plant has a low, creeping, stem, covered with numerous shoots, thanks to which moisture constantly accumulates inside. Leaves are small, slightly pointed towards the apex, formed from frequently located internodes. The root system is short, fibrous, located close to the surface of the earth. The flowers are small in size, they look like stars. After flowering, in their place, fruit boxes ripen, filled with round seeds. They are resistant to low temperatures and can survive on the plant during the winter.

In garden plots, the weed is weed out with a sharp hoe, trying to extract the entire root system. Weeding is recommended in dry weather, then the plant will not be able to root again.

Creeping wheatgrass

A common perennial of the Zlakov family, which can be found everywhere. The plant has a high straight stem up to 100-130 cm high. The leaves are long, flat, rather tough, alternately arranged on the shoots. The inflorescence is a spike, consisting of small flowers of a pale green color. Flowering lasts all summer.

The root system of wheatgrass does not have a dormant period and begins to grow even with slight damage. A small piece of rhizome is able to form a complete root system and shoots. Active growth occurs after the spring thaw of snow. It is almost impossible to completely get rid of wheatgrass in the garden. To combat, weeding and treatment of plantings with herbicides should be carried out regularly.


The height of this weed can reach 3-4 meters. The plant has a thick stem, inside which a white milky sap is produced, containing poisonous substances. The main danger is a well-developed root system, which is located deep in the soil and grows very quickly, capturing new areas. Euphorbia is able to reproduce even under adverse climatic conditions. Weed control begins in early spring when the plant comes out of hibernation.


It is a parasitic plant that has no roots or leaves. It has the ability to stick to the host and feed on its juices. Due to its thin shoots, the dodder looks like a yellow or orange cord. The flowers are pale pink or greenish in color, collected in small inflorescences. The seeds ripen in a capsule fruit. The embryo in the form of a spiral, thin and curved, has no roots. Seeds remain viable for 10 years, germinate very quickly.

Dodder covers large areas.Its shoots remain viable even in a semi-dried state. Plantings affected by weeds must be destroyed, since it is impossible to get rid of the parasite.

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    1. AvatarAnatoly

      1.Photos are poorly selected.
      2. The article is uninformative.

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