Growing coleus: varieties and photos of flowers

Coleus is a very unpretentious plant, so today it can be successfully grown not only in an apartment, but also in open ground. Moreover, the change in conditions does not in any way affect the quality of its growth and flowering. Coleus will delight everywhere with a spectacular view and a quick set of green mass. But even here, he will need to provide some care so that he justifies the effort put on him.

Coleus flower: types

Coleus is one of the brightest representatives of the lamb family, which includes more than 150 species. Many people know this plant under the name "nettle", which can be explained by the unusual shape and texture of its leaves. Others no less popular nickname is "poor man's croton": This nickname he received because of the similar color with the famous ornamental plant.

If you look closely, it is decorated with the same bizarre patterns as that of Croton, and the latter is much more expensive than its copy. it provides additional superiority to Coleus, because it not only has a rich color palette and provides many different types, but is also more profitable in terms of cost.

Under natural conditions, Coleus grows in the forests of Asia and Africa, where Coleus red-leaved - one of the varieties of a flowering plantit is used not only as an ornamental plantbut also food. However, this does not mean that our compatriots, who decided to grow this plant at home, can act like the aborigines. After all, these are not the plants that grow wild.

Mainly hybrid varieties are available in our country., which are only decorative. In the wild, coleus grow in the form of shrubs or semi-shrubs, reaching a height of 30-50 cm. Moreover, they are quite pleasant in appearance due to the fact that they are very similar to the well-known nettle.

In the process of getting to know this plant, everyone notes how various shades and patterns are present in the coleus. By its external design, it can compete on equal terms with any variegated plant. Coleus leaves can have a wide variety of shades.: bright green, brown, purple, yellow, cream, red, burgundy, pink.

The most attractive are those species in which there are several colors that form an original pattern. Coleus leaves have a velvet cover, complemented by contrasting piping. Dots, stripes, streaks, large or small specks, marble pattern give the foliage aesthetics. As a result, Coleus looks very exotic.

Although Coleus belongs to flowering plants, its foliage rather than flowers seems to be more decorative in terms of decoration. Many varieties of this plant form an arrow in the process of growth, which is decorated with miniature white or bluish flowers.

  • one of the popular varieties is the Renelta (Coleus rehneltianus). This plant stands out with a matte red foliage, which is effectively emphasized by a green or cream edging;
  • Coleus pumilus became famous as an ampelous plant.A similar belonging is demonstrated by lodging stems, which can be given any position to form a lush bush;
  • coleus blumei. This variety of Coleus was bred on the basis of the Scutellarioides variety. Thanks to him, a wide variety of species were created, distinguished by a rich color palette. The plant got its name in honor of the botanist Karl Blum, thanks to whose efforts this variety of Coleus appeared.
Crimson Ruffles are a variety of Coleus.Coleus Bluma is one of the hybrid varieties.Coleus Renelta is another variety of this beautiful plant.The Coleus bush looks very bright.Coleus can grow in a pot or in a flower bed.Coleus flower is very beautifulColeus Magilla Perilla - flowering Coleus in the photoColeus pumila has a red leaf tint.

Planting and care in the open field

Growing Coleus indoors is quite simple. Therefore, beginner growers can also cope with this task. The main thing to understand - good lighting is very important for Coleus. Therefore, first of all, you need to worry about its creation.

Temperature and lighting

Coleus is a beautiful flower that can grow in a pot.Since the main advantage of the domestic coleus is the bright color of the leaves, it needs increased illumination to maintain it. If in the room where the coleus is grown, there will be enough sunlight, the leaves will regularly form original color patterns.

Wherein you need to constantly monitor the condition of the wheel... At the first signs of leaf wilting, adjustments should be made in the care, as this indicates overheating. In winter, the lack of sunlight is compensated for with artificial lighting to ensure optimal daylight hours.

  • nettle responds positively to heat, therefore, for normal development, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room within 20-25 degrees. But nothing bad will happen if the temperature fluctuates for a short time;
  • in the summer, Coleus can be kept on the balcony, because fresh air will benefit him;
  • you need to be very careful with watering during a cold snap to + 16 degrees. If you do not reduce watering during this period, this can lead to root rot.

Coleus belongs to the group of those rare flowers that can grow actively throughout the year. But for this you have to create favorable growing conditions for him on the windowsill. Then he will be able to delight you in the winter.

Watering and moisture

In the summer, Coleus especially needs frequent watering, but they need to be carried out only at the moment when signs of drying out of the upper soil layer appear. When grown in bright light and at a comfortable temperature, it actively consumes water. During a cold snap coleus grown in a dark place should be watered less frequently. It is possible to carry out the next watering only after the pot is half dry.

Indoor nettle is another name for Coleus.Excessive moisture is more destructive for Coleus flowers than temporary drought. However, even in case of doubts about the advisability of watering you can easily determine this. The nettle itself can tell about this: just pay attention to its leaves - at such moments they become drooping.

The development of Coleus depends to a large extent on whether there is enough moisture in the air. Therefore, at elevated temperatures, special measures must be taken. Firstly a fine spray should be usedwhich can easily turn water into dust. The decision to wipe the velvet leaves will not be beneficial, but harm. Indeed, in this case, you can easily break the structure of the hairs.

Fertilizers and feeding

Usually, the flowers of the home coleus feel good in an apartment if it is provided with enough sunlight. However, it does not hurt to carry out top dressing from time to time, which will have a positive effect on the appearance and its leaves.

  • in the spring-summer period, it is necessary to apply fertilizers at least once a week;
  • when caring for young nettle flowers, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dose of fertilizers: for them it is recommended to use half the rate;
  • excellent results can be achieved if mineral salts and organic matter are introduced into the soil.The effect of their use is even more noticeable if fertilizers are applied alternately. In winter, the Coleus' need for nutrients decreases, so feeding is carried out no more than once a month. Moreover, the fertilizer rate should not exceed 1/3 of that specified in the instructions.

Reproduction and transplantation

The Coleus flower bed looks very unusual.If after planting throughout the season to carry out the necessary measures for the care of the Coleus, then you will have to transplant it into larger containers at least once a year... To avoid injury, it is recommended to do this by transshipment. Ceramic and plastic pots can be used as containers, however, cylindrical or tulip pots are more suitable for this.

Nettle can grow well in any soil, so transplant pots can be filled with regular garden soil. In order to increase the fertility of the soil, you can add compost or peat to it. Give the planting substrate a looser structure you can add vermiculite or sand. Use these components in a 2: 2: 1 ratio. When growing nettles in nutritious soils, you will soon notice how bright and colorful their blooms will be. However, in the absence of the above-described soil, it can be replaced with a commercially available universal substrate.


Coleus is one of the popular plants that many growers grow for ornamental purposes. The plant fell in love with gardeners not only for its striking appearance, but also for its unpretentious care. Therefore, you can enjoy the beauty of this plant not only in your summer cottage, but also in your apartment.

Few tropical plants have such a quality, therefore it is not surprising that not only specialists, but also beginner growers show such increased attention to Coleus... Growing and caring for Coleus is pretty simple. Therefore, knowing all these tricks, you can effortlessly help the plant to remain active in the future, thanks to which it can maintain its attractiveness all year round.

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