What 7 flowers should be planted in spring to attract good luck and happiness

There are plants that are not only pleasing to the eye, but can also magically help the owner. When choosing flowers for spring planting, you should pay attention to such "green magicians".


If you are looking to establish or strengthen a relationship with your beloved man, choose white lilies. The flower is able to endow the mistress with feminine charms. For this, the lily must be regularly illuminated by moonlight: it is believed that this is how it receives energy.

The magical properties of the plant are pronounced: it reduces mental suffering, protects against evil thoughts and rash acts. With the help of a lily, you can clear the room of negative energy. In ancient times, young men gave a flower to girls to demonstrate the purity and purity of thoughts.


This herbaceous plant improves energy flows and relieves melancholy. Magicians use chamomile in conspiracies to successfully complete the work they have begun and improve their personal lives. She is able to reconcile warring parties, resolve serious conflicts.

Chamomile also improves mood, drives away sadness and restores lost strength. Flowers growing at home protect against damage, the evil eye and negative energy. Outwardly, the plant resembles an umbrella. Because of this, a legend arose that under the chamomile little field gnomes sheltered from the rain.


Aquilegia flowers are modest but graceful. In Christianity, the plant personifies the Holy Spirit, and its petals symbolize gifts of grace. In the Middle Ages, the flower was considered an attribute of Freya, the goddess of love and fertility.

There is a belief that aquilegia relieves a person of contentiousness, anger and anxious thoughts.


Successful people are encouraged to plant peonies so that they don't have to worry about possible financial failures. However, if the plant senses mercantile intentions, then it will not help.

When growing peonies, their color is of great importance:

  • pink ones help to establish relationships with loved ones;
  • snow-white - suitable for the generation of sincerity;
  • lilac will give confidence;
  • red is a symbol of passion.


The flower radiates a warm and soft energy that creates a festive presence in the home. The plant helps to smooth out conflict situations, relieves the feeling of being lost. Violets improve your financial situation and promote career advancement. They will not allow you to waste energy on useless deeds.

However, one should be careful to start a violet in the house: its bright energy can scare men away.


As early as the 15th century, perfumers were preparing a spray for the royal chambers from the root of the plant. Iris, with its refined scent, was considered a symbol of excellence.

The flower brings harmony and helps to achieve high goals. He is able to protect housing from the influence of evil people. If you constantly carry the iris root with you, the meeting with your soul mate will happen faster. Also, the plant protects from betrayal of the narrowed.

rose flower

The magical properties of the rose are used to create harmony in the family, as well as for protective rituals. A delicate flower regulates energy flows in the house, brings love and happiness. Plant owners become less hot-tempered and lazy.

Lush roses in the garden will protect against envy, damage and the evil eye - thorns reflect all negative energy.

The most important thing when growing flowers is not to treat them like a consumer, but to give them care and proper care. Then the plants will thank you with happiness and good luck.

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