Rules for planting and caring for Kampsis in the middle lane

There are many colors that are used by gardeners around the world to give their gardens an original style and natural aesthetic. Among all varieties of flowers, for example, Kampsis is distinguished, which is distinguished by its bright color and rich aroma. It is also worth noting that planting and caring for this plant does not present any difficulties, unlike other varieties of flowers.

Campsis is a flower that is difficult to describe in words and even photographs do not convey all the pristine beauty. Red-orange buds, so much can fit into the garden layout that sometimes you want to plant this plant throughout the garden plot.

Description of Kampsis

Kampsis has different names in many parts of the world. For example, some peoples call this flower "tekoma" or "tube flower". Such names came from the appearance of the plant, which is a tree-like liana. It can rise to a height of 10-15 meters.

Shoots of Kampsis are entwined with a large number of buds, which open under the rays of the sun in the daytime. The color of the buds can be varied, but the most common color is red-orange. The green mass abundantly covers all the shoots, and the leaves acquire a light green tint at an early age. The flowering period lasts from early June to September.

Today the most popular varieties are:

  • kampsis entrenched;
  • large-flowered campis.

Planting and caring for Kampsis

Large-flowered campsisEven despite the ease of care and planting, Kampsis still requires adherence to some rules that can help the plant take root faster in a new place, as well as increase the quality and number of buds.

The first thing to pay attention to is the choice of location. This color loves an abundant amount of heat and light, so you don't have to try to look for a darkened area. You don't even have to dwell on the choice of soil, since tekoma develops on any ground, but if you want to achieve high-quality flowering, then it is best to choose loose, fertile and slightly acidic soils. It is in such a soil that it will be easier for a plant to develop and at the same time have all the necessary nutrients. In order to provide the land with the greatest amount of nutrients, it is necessary to increase its fertility even in the autumn period and only in the spring start planting.

When preparing the soil in the autumn, you need to dig a hole, which will have a depth and width of 50 cm. A small amount of mineral fertilizers and half a bucket of humus are added to the hole. It does not hurt to add expanded clay or gravel in order to make drainage in the soil. In this form, the whole mass is mixed, sprinkled with a small layer of soil and remains until the start of planting the campus in the spring.

Planting begins in April, when the air temperature has passed beyond the beginning of the growing season. This can usually be seen by the growth of buds on the seedlings. Campsis planted in open ground... The basic rule is to pay attention when planting on roots, which should be evenly spread throughout the pit. After the flower is installed, it is covered with soil, tamped a little in a circle and peat is added. If the soil allows planting seedlings without preliminary preparation in the fall, then you need to dig a hole twice as large and exactly repeat the procedure described above.

Liana care

All the rules for caring for Kampsis can be divided into several groups.

  1. Campsis red-orangeWatering the vines is the main procedure for the favorable growth and flowering of the plant. It should be noted that Kampsis is, in principle, resistant to arid conditions, but still loves water. Therefore, watering must be carried out as soon as the soil begins to dry out, while it is impossible to overflow the soil and overmoisten the roots, which can simply begin to rot.
  2. Flower dressing is not needed if the level of soil fertility is high. If the soil does not have enough minerals, then it is better to add phosphorus or nitrogen fertilizers at the beginning of the spring period. This will be enough for the rest of the season.
  3. Pruning for creepers is probably one of the most important tasks that can help avoid many unpleasant consequences. For example, campsis grows quickly, so pruning at least allows you to control the height, shape, amount of green mass of the plant. In addition, quality pruning directly affects the number of buds. The fewer old branches and new stems, the more magnificent the flowering will be in summer.

Vines are pruned in the autumn or spring once a year... In winter, branches cannot be removed, due to the weakening of the plant due to frost, and in summer, pruning can negatively affect flowering. In summer, pruning can only be done in part, in order to trim the shape or reduce the amount of green mass.

During the trimming procedure it is important to follow some recommendations.

  1. On young plants, you can cut off almost all shoots, but at the same time leave 2–3 strongest branches, which will then form and become full-fledged and strong trunks.
  2. During the growing season and after pruning, all shoots and branches that remain need to be tied up, giving them a direction during growth.
  3. Similar actions of pruning and tying at a young age of kampsis are repeated 3-4 times a year. The number of trimmings decreases when the tree trunk gains the necessary strength.

In order for the whole plant to look well-groomed and beautiful, you need to prune, forming the correct direction of the main skeleton of the campus. That is why all young shoots are recommended at the beginning of the formation of vines. trim, leaving only 2-3 buds, but at the same time follow the direction of the main already stiff branches. As soon as the vine finishes forming the main skeleton, it will be possible to leave the required number of shoots to reduce or increase the green mass and the number of buds.

There are cases, especially after the winter period, when one of the main trunks is damaged or dies. In such a situation, they are simply replaced with the strongest of the remaining branches.

Pruning can be used not only to increase the number of buds, but also simply to rejuvenate the plant. This procedure is usually done every 5 years. The bottom line is to cut off all shoots and main trunks, leaving only 30 cm from the entire height. Naturally, after such pruning, Kampsis will be ugly and poor in flowering for the first year, but then you can see how such a technique allows even an old plant to rejuvenate and gain strength.

Preparing Kampsis for winter

Conditions for planting kampsisTekoma tolerates the winter climate well, so in those areas where the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees, there is nothing to worry about. If, nevertheless, the temperature falls below 20 degrees, which means that the Kampsis must first be prepared for wintering.

During preparation for wintering, the roots of the plant are covered with hay or pine branches. In addition, the roots are additionally covered with plastic wrap, but it is imperative to monitor the amount of condensate so that it does not freeze at night. When ice forms, the roots of the plant can be left without the necessary air and simply die.

All young shoots are cut... Only the skeleton and main shoots are left. After wintering, all shoots must be examined again for damage. If there are cracks or branches simply have lost strength, they must be cut off. If you do not do this, there is every chance that during the beginning of the growing season, the vine will start to hurt, and this will significantly reduce the number of buds during flowering.


Kampsis grows in the yardCampsis is an excellent choice for decorating a large part of your garden without any problems. In addition, such a plant is suitable for people who do not have time to constantly watering and pruning, but at the same time we must not forget about the basic rules of care. It is important to pay attention at the very beginning of the growth of the tekoma, to the formation of the main skeleton and to monitor the direction of the branches.

If you follow all the recommendations, then by the summer period you can get a vine with abundant flowering and a huge amount of green mass, which will become a real decoration on the territory of the house.

Plant kampsis
Kampsis flowerWhat conditions are needed for growing KampsisCampsis red-orangeCultivation of KampsisLarge-flowered campsisKampsis varietiesDescription of the plant KampsisCampsis red-orangeLiana KampsisWeaving plant kampsisKampsis varietyGrowing vines kampsisClimbing plant kampsisPlanting Kampsis in the yardPlant care kampsis

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    1. AvatarHelena

      I really like your articles, everything is clear.

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