Calibrachoa: growing from seeds, care and photos

Calibrachoa belongs to the Solanaceae family, like its closest relative, petunia. But at the same time, a number of distinctive external features can be distinguished in him. This plant has strong woody stems in the lower part, as well as long shoots, on the basis of which calibrachoa is considered to be an ampelous plant.

In addition, she has small flowers. Reproduction of calibrachoa is not an easy task, especially if the seed sowing method is used. Therefore, novice gardeners need to familiarize themselves with all the nuances of this event before moving on to reproduction.

Calibrachoa: the best plant varieties

The genus Calibrachoa includes a large number of varieties, and many of them do well in the middle zone of our country. Therefore, many of our compatriots received an excellent the ability to grow almost any species and varieties of calibrachoa on their sites. If you have patience and wait a couple of years, then young seedlings can turn out to be quite attractive and viable bushes that even novice growers can grow.

Calibrachoa "Kablum blue"

Kablum blue is a calibrachoa variety.The variety "Kablum blue" is one of the most popular, which gained fame due to the fact that it was among the first to be grown from seeds in the middle lane. It is mainly bred using cuttings, so it is the same can be successfully grown both outdoors, and in a flowerpot. But, in addition to this species, there are other varieties of calibrachoa that can be grown from seeds. However, even against the background of their great variety, specialists most often give preference to the types of the Kablum group.

Of the features of the variety, it is worth highlighting a small height of up to 35 cm, purple flowers of miniature size, which are decorated with a rectangular yellow eye in the center. Sowing seeds of this variety calibrachoa are carried out in early March, and it is undesirable to keep them in growth stimulants before sowing. It is enough just to water the earth, which will be enough to quickly dissolve their shell.

Calibrachoa "Million Bells"

Calibrachoa grows well in the garden.Among other popular varieties, it is worth highlighting the Million Bells calibrachoa. This variety is notable for its flowers, which can be painted in lilac, blue or purple, which has a lighter shade closer to the edge. The seeds of this variety germinate quite well., however, it is advisable at the 3rd week of life to carry out a liquid feeding with growth stimulants to accelerate the development of seedlings. Plants of this variety are usually classified as ampelous. Adult specimens usually have a height of 1 meter, moreover, they are distinguished by abundant flowering, which fully confirms their sonorous name.

Calibrachoa: growing from seed

In order to grow calibrachoa on your site, it is not necessary to purchase expensive seedlings. This method can effectively and successfully replace sowing seeds. The main thing is to follow all instructions exactly. it the plant cannot be considered too whimsicalhowever, at a young age, like any seedling, it is very vulnerable. Therefore, special attention should be paid at this stage of calibrachoa cultivation.

How to grow calibrachoaImmediately you need to prepare for the fact that it will take a very long time to wait for seed germination. Moreover, only some of them will hatch. In order to increase germination, experienced gardeners resort to various stimulants. Among them, Epin and Zircon are quite famous. In the absence of them can be replaced with an ordinary solution of potassium permanganate poor concentration.

The seeds should be in the prepared liquid for 24 hours, after which they are laid out on paper towels or a thin cloth to dry. But even in this case, one cannot be completely sure that after sowing most of the seeds will germinate. For crops, it is necessary to create favorable climatic conditions.

  • calibrachoa is a flowering plant, therefore, first of all, it especially needs a nutritious substrate. To prepare it, peat and compost must be used in combination with ordinary garden soil. Mineral fertilizers are added to the soil immediately before sowing. During the cultivation of seedlings of calibrachoa, until the moment of picking, it is necessary to carry out several dressings, combined with watering;
  • in addition, coarse sand must be added to the soil to give it a loose structure. This will provide better breathability. Also, attention should be paid to the acidity of the substrate, for which you need to add a small amount of lime. As a drainage, I put pebbles in the boxes with a layer of 4–5 cm, and sand is poured onto it with a layer of 0.5–1 cm. When the bottom of the boxes is filled with a similar drainage mat, they begin to add the main earthen mixture;
  • Care must be taken when choosing fertilizers for calibrachoa after the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden. You should not immediately use fresh manure for top dressing, since it creates good conditions for the development of fungal diseases of the root system. It is recommended to replace it with mineral mixtures, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers or ordinary compost. The first top dressing is carried out in early spring using nitrophosphate. From it, the plants will receive the necessary amount of fertilizer to enter the growing season.

Seedlings of calibrachoa in the spring before planting in the ground.Given that a small number of seeds emerge during sowing, it is very important to distribute them as tightly as possible over the soil. To do this, follow the scheme - on an area of ​​10 x 10 cm, it is necessary to sow up to 50-70 seeds. therefore you need to purchase several bags of each type in advance calibrachoa. Otherwise, by the time of transplanting into open ground, you will have a very small number of bushes at your disposal.

It is necessary to ensure a high planting density in those situations when sowing is carried out in boxes suspended from the ceiling or located on the balcony. If in relation to seedlings you will pick, and then replanting it to a permanent place in the garden, then you can not worry too much about how many seeds you will use. In any case, all plants in the future will fall on the site.

  • while growing seedlings of calibrachoa, you need to constantly keep the soil moist. Therefore, after sowing, a film is pulled over the boxes, and the plantings themselves are placed at the window;
  • the main care measures during this period are spraying the soil three times a day, as well as watering the seedlings with warm, settled water. Liquid fertilizers need to be applied no more than 4 times within a month. Half of them must enter the ground by spraying;
  • after waiting for the formation of 3-4 leaves on the seedlings, they can be transferred to the balcony with an open window. When it becomes warm enough outside and the temperature during the day remains above 22 degrees, you can choose a day for transplanting calibrachoa to a permanent place.Alternatively, the plants can be left in boxes, however, in this case they must be kept in the fresh air - a loggia or a windowsill from the outside.

Calibrachoa: planting and grooming tips

Calibrachoa in a garden pot - beautiful flower beds.Regardless of where you grow calibrachoa - on the balcony or in the open field, you need to choose a well-lit place for the plant. But in addition to bright lighting, it is important to regularly water. If the plant will provided with sufficient moisturethen it will be able to tolerate direct sunlight well. But during periods of drought, bright lighting can harm it.

Do not keep Calibrachoa in shady places. Otherwise you risk not only not waiting for flowers, but also getting less bright leaves... Therefore, if you decide to keep the calibrachoa boxes next to the wall, then it is best to install them on the south side.

  • full development of calibrachoa depends on the thermal regime and protection from the winds. Considering that it is not always possible to fulfill these requirements in open ground conditions, many gardeners decide to grow calibrachoa in an apartment - on a loggia, where appropriate care can be provided;
  • while caring for calibrachoa in room conditions, you will have to use artificial light lamps to maintain a high temperature regime;
  • it is imperative to protect the plants from drafts and sudden gusts of wind to avoid damage to the stems.

The most susceptible to such unpleasant phenomena is the ampelous caliber, which can only feel good when grown on a balcony or outdoors in a sunny and quiet lowland.

Experienced gardeners advise to pay special attention to preparing the soil for transplanting seedlings. One the plant needs about 1.5-2 kg of land, which will be used as a source of obtaining nutrients. Therefore, you will have to change the substrate every season or carry out top dressing using compost or store fertilizers.

Germinating calibrachoa seeds at home.Calibrachoa responds well to regular watering. For the normal development of the plant, the soil must be kept moist. but this does not mean that during care it needs to be watered with water in large quantities... A more effective procedure is spraying with standing water at room temperature several times a day. This operation is complemented by watering at the root, carrying it out no more than once a week.

A serious disadvantage of many exotic flowers is that they cannot withstand the harsh Russian cold, so they need shelter. Calibrachoa is different in this regard, since it only needs protection from water jets falling on it. therefore you need to take care of exactly how moisture will flow to the plant not only during watering, but also during rains.

Calibrachoa is fragile, so if large droplets get on the leaves and petals, it can cause serious injury. The greatest harm is done for plants, prolonged rains, which in unfavorable periods can cause plants to completely stop blooming.

Calibrachoa can grow in pots at homeThe flowering of calibrachoa is very beautiful.The calibrachoa flower is very beautiful.Calibrachoa seeds are sold in stores.

Knowing about this nuance, many growers often decide to grow calibrachoa on balconies. Then, at the first danger from precipitation, they will be able to quickly bring boxes with flowers into the house, providing them with protection from bad weather.


The desire of many domestic gardeners to grow exotic plants on the site is not surprising, because, as a rule, they have a brighter and more colorful appearance... But at the same time, this is not such a simple matter, since special climatic conditions will have to be provided for such plants.

It seems difficult to grow calibrachoa in the open field, because it requires not only regular watering and open space, but also protection from drafts and precipitation. Unfortunately, not all regions of our country can find such places, therefore, gardeners often have to plant this flower indoors, keeping it on the balcony.Moreover, it is often the specimens grown in the apartment that are more durable and have more striking decorative properties.

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