Shabo carnation: planting and care features, flower photo

Carnation belongs to the category of perennial flowers, its name is translated as "divine flower". Today it is one of the most popular garden plants.

Today we will tell you what types of garden carnations exist, you will learn more about the Shabo carnation, the features of its cultivation and care. You will also see photos of different samples of this plant.

Perennial carnation features

In nature, carnation occurs as a biennial or perennial plant. It is a dense bush with narrow blue or gray leaves. And on the peduncles there are fragrant flowers of different shades. In the photo you can see how it looks.

Growing carnations practiced in different places:

  • in flower beds;
  • on curbs;
  • in flowerpots;
  • in window boxes;
  • on rosaries.

The garden carnation, from which many varieties are derived, including the Shabo carnation or the remontant flower, is found in its original form in the Mediterranean countries. In total, there are about 300 varieties of this flower, its geography is quite extensive:

  • Europe;
  • Asia;
  • North Africa.

Varieties of garden carnations and their photos

Garden carnation has a large number of types, but we will consider only a few of them. Some descriptions are supplemented with photos, in which you can see with your own eyes this or that flower.

Turkish carnation

CarnationA garden flower with that name refers to biennial, its height ranges from 20 to 60 cm. The flowers are variegated or monochromatic, have slightly flattened caps.

The homeland of this plant is Southern Europe, it grows in the wild in places such as:

  • groves;
  • deciduous forests;
  • river sands;
  • rocky slopes;
  • meadows.

In Russia, occasionally found in the European partand also in the Far East.

Artificial planting and growing is often practiced. The most popular are mixtures of different varieties with variegated flowers.

Cultivated turkish carnation as a biennial plant, but it is still considered a perennial flower. In the first year, a leafy rosette appears, and the plant begins to bloom in summer in the second year. This continues for about one and a half months. In the third year, in most cases, planting must be done again.

Repair carnation

It is this type of carnation that can be most often found on the shelves of flower shops... They can stand cut for the longest time and are well transported. The height of such a flower can reach one meter, and the leaves have a waxy coating. Varieties are classified according to their height into tall, medium-sized and compact. These flowers are great for growing on the balcony or in the garden. The compact varieties are good for potting.

The color of the repair carnations can be different:

  • Carnation shabowhite;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • Orange;
  • bicolor.


Repair carnation has two forms, which some gardeners still consider separate species:

  • Shabo carnation;
  • Grenadine.

The garden carnation Grenadine is a biennial plant. In the photo you can see its features:

  • strong branches;
  • height up to 70 cm;
  • leaves with a silvery-bluish bloom and notches.

After planting in the first year of cultivation at home or garden a root rosette is formed, and in the second year the plant gives abundant flowering, lasting the whole summer.

The range of shades of this type of carnation is also quite large, ranging from white and yellow to variegated, in some cases with a border.

Description of Shabo clove

Carnation Shabo is an annual flower, in some regions it is two years old. Its height reaches 60 centimeters. The flower stems are knotty and straight. And the flowers themselves are double and fragrant, their diameter is 6 cm.

Carnation Shabo loves light and warmth, is able to withstand small frosts. Most often, they are practiced planting and growing in places such as:

  • discounts;
  • flower beds;
  • mixborders;
  • loggias and balconies.

This kind of carnation characterized by long flowering... The shade depends on the selected variety, for example:

  • La France is light pink in color;
  • The Pink Queen is hot pink;
  • Aurora has a salmon tint;
  • Mikado is purple in color;
  • Luminette Mixt impresses with its color variety.

In the photo you can see some varieties of Shabo carnations of different varieties.

The Shabo carnation develops rather slowly, from the moment of planting to flowering, it takes about six months. The plant begins to bloom around July and this process ends closer to frost. Overwinter the flower in the open field and only in the southern regions. Provided shelter in open ground can survive the wintertypical for central Russia.

This type of carnation also has new types of hybrids that are used to decorate flower beds. They are distinguished by their small height, compactness, and abundant flowering.

Carnation Shabo: growing from seed

What are the varieties of carnationsThe Shabo garden carnation is propagated by seed. They can be planted directly in the ground or on seedlings. The seed is planted around January or February, and the seedlings can appear in a few days. Seedlings can be dived in a month. Crops must be kept at a temperature of about 15 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch out. Before transplanting flowers into the ground to enhance bushiness you need to pinch. The distance between plants should be about 40 cm.

The soil for carnations should be:

  • open;
  • solar;
  • wet;
  • loamy;
  • without organic fertilizers.

And in order for a carnation to bloom long and well, you need soil fertilize periodically with minerals and water abundantly. It is undesirable to allow stagnation of rainwater on it.

Planting rules for Shabo cloves

How to properly care for carnationsIf you want to enjoy blooming regularly, the plant should be planted outdoors every spring. Before that, you need to germinate a seed at home. It is necessary to do this already in winter, since at least six months pass from the moment the share leaves grow and until flowering. The cultivation of this flower is very long.

Germinating seeds does not require any special conditions. First you need to take containers filled with a substrate based on:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • leafy land.

Before planting, the seed is treated by placing it in warm water, slightly diluted with potassium permanganate. Such treatment will reliably protect the flower from viruses and parasites in the future.

Further, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Moisten the soil poured into containers well;
  • at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, make shallow holes in it;
  • we place the seed of the plant in them and sprinkle them with a small amount of soil;
  • after planting, cover the containers with plastic wrap and do not remove it for the first 2-3 days. This will help to achieve the greenhouse effect and maintain the optimal temperature under the film at about 25 degrees;
  • put the containers themselves in a warm and well-lit place;
  • on the third day, remove the film for a few minutes and water the seeds;
  • repeat the procedure every 2-3 days until the first shoots appear;
  • after that, the film is removed every day so that the flowers can breathe.

From the moment the carnation seeds are planted until they germinate at least 10 days must pass... Despite the good germination of Shabo clove seeds, it develops slowly. The seedlings are hardened only when the first leaves appear, and this is about a month after planting.

The film is finally removed after the complete preparation of the plant, after which the seedlings must be constantly kept in a warm room.

Transplanting cloves into the ground and further care

CarnationTransplanting Shabo cloves into open ground is carried out closer to summer, when the ground is well warmed up and there is no likelihood of night frosts. Choose a place for landing not darkened and not in a draft... At the same time, you do not need to fertilize the soil, but if there is a little compost or ash in it, this will be a big plus.

Please note that when the carnation grows, its height is about a meter, and its bushes are quite voluminous and lush. Therefore, seedlings should be placed at least 50 cm apart. Carnation will bloom until frost, so after the first flower stalks appear, drive in pegs next to the bushes and tie up those that can break under their weight.

Further cultivation and care are as simple as possible: for abundant flowering, plants are fed with mineral fertilizers every couple of weeks. Do not forget loosen and undermine the soil around the plant for free breathing of the roots. It is necessary to water the carnation if the dry weather lasts at least 2 weeks, since it tolerates a shortage of water quite easily and does not need abundant watering.

In order for the bushes to look neat and aesthetically pleasing, they need to be pinched once a season and side shoots removed.

With proper care, the Shabo carnation will delight you and your guests with incredibly beautiful and abundant flowering for a long time. It is only important not to forget about the flower and devote time to it.

Carnation Shabo
Grabbing a variety of carnationsThe most popular varieties of carnationsTypes of carnationsWays to grow carnationsCarnation variety nameHow to grow shabo carnationsHow to pull up carnation bushesVarieties and types of carnationsDescription of the variety of clovesCarnation shaboCarnation colorHow to grow a shabo carnationPlanting a carnationHow does carnation grow?

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