Garden gladioli: varieties of varieties, photos with names

Gladiolus flowers are a kind of symbol of the beginning of the school year, because it is they who are brought to teachers by first graders, and the flowering season of most varieties falls on early September. Naturally, some varieties of the flower bloom in the summer, but the flowering period reaches two weeks. Below you can find out about individual varieties by looking at the photo of the plant with the names.

Garden gladioli: varieties of varieties, photo

Currently, science knows about two hundred species that grow on three continents of the planet. The following varieties are considered the most popular:

  1. List of the most popular varieties of garden gladioliWhite Eagle.
  2. Grand Duchess Elizabeth.
  3. Long-awaited debut.
  4. Saxophone sounds.
  5. Daughter of Nastasya.
  6. Katerina.
  7. Contrast.
  8. Radiant greens.

The plant is distinguished by an upright, non-branching, single stem that can grow up to 50–150 centimeters in length and large 50–80 centimeter leaves, which can acquire linear or xiphoid.

Flowers are collected in unilateral or bilateral inflorescence. There are also spiral inflorescences up to 80 centimeters long. The cultivation of certain varieties requires special skills, knowledge and skills.

That is why, before starting to grow, you should familiarize yourself with the numerous subtleties and features. Different varieties of flowers may have the most varied colors, which is very clearly visible in the photo of gladioli.

Popular types and colors of flowers
Garden gladiolus variety White eagleView of the garden gladiolus of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth varietyType of flower of gladiolus variety Long-awaited debutGarden Gladiolus Flower Saxophone SoundsType of garden gladiolus variety Daughter of NastasyaDescription of the appearance of hybrid varieties of garden gladioli
  • white;
  • pink;
  • purple;
  • red.

The following colors are also often found:

  • Blue.
  • Lilac.
  • Orange.
  • Yellow flowers.

Hybrid varieties and cultivation features

Rules for growing hybrid garden gladioliArtificial cultivation of gladioli begins in May, and most varieties bloom in September.

The timing may differ depending on the climatic and geographical features of the area where the cultivation is carried out. With the arrival of cold weather plant bulbs are dugto keep them from freezing.

There are many hybrid varieties of gladiolus that are grown in ornamental floriculture. They can be divided into several distinct types: folded, plain, corrugated, terry, dragon.

There are also dissected decorative gladioli. To find out more information about a particular variety, just look at the photo with the names of the flowers. You can also get acquainted with the unique plant varieties that are grown only under appropriate conditions.

Cultivation should be carried out in warm, sunny and protected areas from strong winds. The likelihood of a good harvest of gladioli in such places is maximum. Flowers love well drained and light soilwhere a neutral or moderately acidic reaction is present.

Rules for growing garden gladioli and care

The nuances of growing garden gladioli and the rules for caring for them In order for the cultivation of gladiolus to be successful, it is necessary to remember about certain features and rules of such an action.

Gladiolus is fastidious and demanding flowerto which you need to find your own approach. It is worth noting that gladioli need abundant and regular watering.But in no case is it excessive, because the plant simply does not tolerate stagnation of liquid.

Before the start of cold snaps, the bulbs of gladiolus varieties need to be dug up. It is best to do this in mid-September, before the first frosts come. The process is as follows: the stem of the plant is cut shortly and the bulbs are dug out washed and dried for two weeks.

Then they must be sorted and placed in a dry, moderately cool place. You can use a refrigerator for this. The main thing is that the corms feel comfortable without sudden changes in temperature or humidity.

It is known that the flowers of this plant reproduce with the help of corms. And already at the beginning of May, or at the end of April, if the climate of the region allows it, you can start planting the bulbs directly in the flower garden.

Tips from experts and experienced gardeners

Preparing the soil for planting gladioli flowers begins in the fall. To do this, add 1–2 buckets of humus, 30–35 grams of potassium salt and 70 grams of superphosphate for each square meter of the flower garden.

Large-sized corms need to be buried inside the soil by 4-5 centimeters, medium-sized - by 3-4 centimeters, and small (less than 0.5 cm) by 2-2.4 centimeters.

Gladiolus flower garden needs ensure stable watering, systematic loosening of the soil and periodic feeding. As a top dressing, you can use a solution of mineral fertilizers with individual trace elements, if the first leaves appear.

Gladiolus flowers, photo and the names of which can be found on the Web, are subject to a wide variety of diseases, rot, bacterial scab, cancer and numerous insects that can destroy a flower in a short time.

That is why gladioli care should include reliable and effective protection from any pests and diseases. This is the only way you can grow healthy and beautiful gladioli.

It is worth recalling that these days it is easy to find photos with names and detailed descriptions of the features of individual gladiolus varieties. If you are interested in certain information, then it can be easily found in many sources.

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