Perennial phlox: types and varieties of flowers with photos, names

In almost every summer cottage, you can see beautiful flower beds on which phlox grow. They delight with their bright flowering from spring to late autumn. The phlox family includes about 60 species, which differ in height, shape, and color. That is why with their help in the garden you can easily create any composition, including continuously blooming. In this article, we will describe in detail the types and most popular varieties of amazingly beautiful flowers. And photos from our gallery will help gardeners choose the shape and phlox colorsneeded to draw up their flower beds.

Paniculate phlox - popular varieties with photos

Most often, different types of paniculata phlox are grown in garden plots. This species was bred by breeders from several varieties and types of phlox at once. The result is bush varieties height 60-70 cm or 80-100 cm.

The height of the paniculate phlox and its color palette are influenced by the illumination of the area on which it grows. In the shade, the bushes stretch out, and in the sun they grow squat. Bright petals of flowers in the open sun fade to white. Therefore, when planting phlox, this problem must be borne in mind.

All varieties of paniculate phlox by flowering time are divided into three types... This is very convenient because you can choose the option that suits the garden's attractiveness throughout the season.

Early flowering phlox

These types of plants include flowers that begin their flowering from the second half of June:

  1. Growing phlox in the gardenVariety "Alexander Immer" is distinguished by bright crimson flowers with a diameter of 3.5 cm, which are collected in a flat, loose inflorescence. Blooms in the twenties of June and blooms for 29-35 days.
  2. Phlox "Henry Gertz" bloom in early July with white flowers with a lilac-pink tint. The erect stems of the plant grow up to 50-55 cm. The loose pyramidal inflorescence measures 15x12 cm. It blooms for 30-35 days.
  3. The "Iris" variety is a bush up to 45-50 cm high. On a loose pyramidal inflorescence there are flowers with an uneven purple-lilac color and a carmine eye. It begins to bloom in early July and blooms for 29-35 days.
  4. Elizabeth Kambel is a medium-sized, upright shrub. Quite dense inflorescences grow up to 16 cm.The petals are salmon-pink in color, and the center of the flower is white. Blooms all July. Suitable for group planting and cutting.

Medium time plants

This type includes phlox, blooming in the second decade of July:

  1. How to plant phlox in the yardVariety "Le Madi" is distinguished by erect stems up to 40-50 cm high. From mid-July, it begins to bloom with dark violet-blue flowers with a carmine eye. The size of the rounded inflorescence reaches 11 cm. The duration of flowering is 25-38 days.
  2. Variety "Mayak" is a tall bush 80 cm tall. On its dense pyramidal inflorescence, bright crimson flowers with a lighter center bloom.Blooms from mid-July for 30-35 days.
  3. The Fiery Bird variety grows up to 60-65 cm. Its dense pyramidal inflorescence measures 17x12 cm. The flowers are fiery red with a carmine eye, bloom from July 17-19 and bloom for more than 30 days.
  4. The "Othello" variety is distinguished by flowers, which are dark purple in the daytime and blue in the evening. Each flower has a diameter of 3.5 cm and is located on an oval, loose inflorescence. Blooms from mid-July to mid-August. The height of the bush can reach 80-90 cm.
  5. Variety "Snegurochka" is a tall bushes with erect stems up to 80-90 cm high. On a dense pyramidal inflorescence there are white flowers with a diameter of 3.7 cm. It blooms in mid-July and blooms for 30-35 days.
  6. The Apple Blossom variety is a medium-sized bush with pale pink flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Blooms for about 40 days from mid-July.
  7. Variety "Schneeberg" is distinguished by branched, erect stems, the height of which can be up to 75-80 cm. Loose pyramidal inflorescences grow up to 20 cm and consist of white flowers 3.2 cm in diameter. It grows with a large number of simultaneously flowering shoots.
  8. The Ernst Immer variety is a 60-65 cm bush. On a round, dense inflorescence there are white flowers with a pink ring in the center. It blooms for 30 days from mid-July.

Late flowering paniculate phlox

This group of plants blooms in August and even in September:

  1. Phlox in the flowerbedThe Lilac Late variety begins to bloom in early September. On its rather dense inflorescence there are lilac-pink flowers, the diameter of which reaches 3.8 cm.The erect stems are very high - up to 110 cm.The flowering period is about 40 days.
  2. The variety "Pink hydrangea" is a small bush up to 55-60 cm high. Its light pink flowers with a carmine eye form a dense, oval inflorescence up to 16x12 cm in size. It begins to bloom in late July and blooms for 20-30 days.
  3. Variety "Ostankino" is a tall bush 85-90 cm high. Dense, pyramidal stems are located both on the central bush and on the side shoots at the same time. In early August, it blooms with crimson flowers 4 cm in diameter. Flowering continues until September.
  4. Variety "Frau Antoine Buchner" is distinguished by erect stems, growing up to 100-120 cm. White flowers with a faint pink-lilac shade grow on a wide loose inflorescence. Blooms from mid-August until frost. Suitable for group planting and cutting.
  5. Variety "Shkolnik" is a bush up to 70 cm high. Its dense inflorescences consist of light purple flowers, which seem bluish at a great distance. It begins to bloom at the end of July.
  6. Variety "Yunost" is a tall plant with stems reaching 80-85 cm in height. Its pink-lilac flowers 4.2 cm in diameter are collected in an oval, loose inflorescence. Begins to bloom in early August, bears fruit.

Ground cover perennial phlox - photo

Creeping phlox species bloom in May. Their positive characteristics include small height up to 20 cm, drought tolerance and fairly easy reproduction.

Among gardeners, the following varieties of ground cover phlox are most popular:

  1. Varieties of phloxForked phlox is a plant with pubescent stems and hard leaves. The flower petals are dissected, which gives the impression that there are twice as many flowers on the inflorescence. The color can be from blue to white.
  2. The Douglas variety is only about 10 cm high. It blooms for the first time in May, and then at the end of August. Differs in a dense pad of tough stems and flowers of various colors. Their color can be from white or lilac to purple.
  3. The subulate phlox resembles moss in appearance and is very popular among gardeners.
  4. Snow phlox differs in flowers from pink to orange. It is a very compact and winter hardy variety.

Loose phlox - photo

Loose phlox bloom right after the ground cover.These are forest plants that are resistant to temperature changes and abundant flowering. The most famous varieties:

  1. The splayed phlox is a shrub with delicate and lush blue or white flowers that look like a cloud during flowering. The plant grows well on any drained soil.
  2. The variety "Adsurgens" is distinguished by its large flowers, so it looks very elegant during flowering. Loves well-drained, nutritious soils.
  3. The "Pressed" variety is a 30 cm tall shrub that blooms with pink flowers. Grows well on loose, nutritious soils.

Stoliferous phlox - photo

These are unpretentious plants that, thanks to the stolons rooting in the nodes, develop very quickly. They have a dense rhizome, and their stems grow so that even weeds do not germinate through them. They take root literally from one contact with the ground. As a result, new flower stalks grow, and dense, beautiful carpet... They need to be planted in fertile, moist soils and shady areas.

The most popular varieties are:

  1. The Blue Ridge variety grows up to 25 cm and blooms with purple-blue flowers with a yellow stamen. It prefers to grow on loose soil and semi-shady areas. Loves abundant watering.
  2. Variety "Purpurea" grows well in partial shade. Its peduncles reach 25 cm in length and are composed of pale pink flowers with yellow stamens.
  3. Fuller's White is a flexible, creeping plant with a height of about 30 cm. It blooms for a long time with white flowers without any extraneous impurities and shades. Suitable for the formation of an alpine slide and wall decoration. Suitable for cutting.
  4. The Violet Queen variety grows up to 40 cm and blooms with blue flowers with a lilac tint. Flowering lasts no more than thirty days, after which the peduncles are cut off. Suitable for cutting.

Phlox in landscape design - photo examples

Phlox spread outPerennial flowers will look great both in single plantings and in composition with other plants. With the help of some paniculate varieties, you can disguise a fence, a barrel, wall errors, old curbs on the site. They you can divide the garden into zones.

Alpine slides, flower beds, lawns, garden paths are decorated with subulate phloxes. A brightly colored carpet can be grown from groundcover varieties instead of lawn grass.

Phlox will look good with other colors. Their neighbors can be roses, daylilies or silvery ephedra. Bright roses will look very impressive against the background of pale white phlox. An interesting "carpet" can be created from a group of plants of the same color, but different shades.

Despite the simplicity of the buds and the uncomplicated lines, with the help of phlox, you can wonderfully decorate a summer cottage, garden, front garden or balcony. And among the variety of species, even the most fastidious florist will find a variety to his liking.

Perennial phlox
Planting and caring for phloxHow to care for phloxPhlox used in decorative combinationPerennial phloxPhlox used in decorative designPhlox flowersDescription of the phlox plantUsing phloxPerennial flowersBlooming phloxPhlox in the gardenHow to plant phloxPhlox seedlingsHow phlox grows

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