Growing eustoma from seeds at home, photo

A suburban area for many people is a place where you can take a break from the bustle of the city, restore health, be alone with your family, but to realize all this, you need convenience. Comfort is created not only thanks to comfortable furniture, layout and technology, here you also need to take into account aesthetic beauty, and it is in the courtyard of a country house.

Landscaping has long been used not only on city streets, but even near summer cottages. To create a beautiful area, people use various modern materials and, of course, unique and varied plants. One of these elements of landscape design today is eustoma. It is a flower that has gained popularity for its incomparable beauty and low maintenance requirements. Eustoma has just a colossal number of different shades, which allows you to create whole compositions in summer cottages. In addition, such a rich color variety finds its use even when creating wedding bouquets.

Eustoma appearance: photo

Sowed eustoma seedsEustoma is a flower that primarily attracts with its diversity. A large number of shades allows you to create compositions in the adjacent territory to the house. Among the brightest shades of eustoma are pink, lilac, purple and white. Closed buds of eustoma more like rosess, and loose on poppies.

The plant itself is very lush, which makes it possible, even with a small number of branches, to create large bouquets or compositions at their summer cottage. One has only to imagine, but due to the strong branching and large volume, up to 30 eustoma buds can be placed on one stem. Planting and grooming at home doesn't pose much of a problem either.

Strong branching and strength stem allows not only to create lush bouquets, but also helps the plant to survive in harsh climatic conditions, during hail or heavy rain. To some extent, the strength of the plant even prolongs its life already in the cut state, so the eustoma, or as it is also commonly called lisianthus, will be able to delight people in a vase much longer than other types of flowers.

Features of eustoma and variety of varieties

Nowadays on the market you can find a large number of Lisianthus seeds of different varieties. There are plenty of seeds and hybrid plants of this type. When choosing, you need to pay great attention to the varieties, not varieties, but types of plants. For example, there is dwarf and tall flowers.

  1. Dwarf eustomas are best placed exclusively in the house or on the balcony. Dwarf flowers are not used to rains and temperature changes, so they are likely to die at their summer cottage.
  2. Tall plants are accustomed to the street type of survival, therefore this type is most often acquired for planting at their summer cottage.

When determining the type of flower, it is also important to pay attention to the period of their life.Eustoma can hardly be called perennial, because it lives for 1–2 years, and then you have to plant new flowers, but this does not scare gardeners, because there are no problems with caring for this plant. Eustomas can also differ in the surface of leaves and buds. For example, there are varieties with a flat, smooth surface, but you can also find varieties that have a matte finish... Florists are especially fond of using matte flowers in their business. The seeds of these flowers are very easy to plant, because most often they are sold in the form of pills, which greatly facilitates planting.

Eustoma planting process

Eustoma growing rulesThe easiest way to grow lisianthus is to spread flowers through seeds. Some gardeners argue that this method requires experience, patience, and this is true, but the main thing is to approach the process of caring for the plant correctly and then there will be no problems with growing eustoma.

The main work falls on the first months of growing plants. During this period, you need to try create optimal conditions for growth seedlings. Gardeners usually start growing lisianthus in winter. The thing is that the shoots of these flowers appear in 15–20 weeks, which means there is simply no point in planting them in the spring, because they will not have time to ripen by the season. The entire procedure that concerns the care and planting of plants can be divided into several stages.

  1. At the beginning of planting, you need to prepare disposable cups and peat soil, which will contain perlite. It will further provide the plants with air permeability, and will also help the soil to remain in a loose state for a long time. These things will become the basis for planting eustoma seeds for the first time, until the first shoots appear.
  2. After all the seeds are planted, the plastic cups are covered with plastic wrap. This method was invented by gardeners to create a greenhouse effect. This is a kind of greenhouse that helps create favorable conditions for the growth of flowers.
  3. For the first two months, all glasses should be placed on a flat surface where there is constant access to sunlight. This will help keep the eustoma compact and keep the trunks straight and short. If you remove the plants in the shade, then the trunks will turn out to be elongated due to the fact that the eustoma will try to reach out to the sunlight.
  4. If the flowers were planted at the beginning of winter, then by the end of February the first shoots should appear. The optimum temperature for the emergence of eustoma shoots is 20-25 degrees, so it is recommended to put plastic glasses on the windowsill during the day, where sunlight falls.

Watering conditions for eustoma

Eustoma in a greenhouseIn the first two months, watering the plant can be done only in exceptional cases, for example, if the room is too hot. Usually, if necessary, you need to water the flowers only in small quantities around the edge of the glass. Otherwise, moisture will come from the plastic film, which creates condensation. A small amount of moisture due to the greenhouse effect is enough for the plant to have its first shoots. The film must be removed, changed or turned over every two weeks so that condensation does not accumulate in large quantities.

Seedling picking procedure

After the first shoots of eustoma appeared on the surface of the earth they need to dive... This is a flower transplant, but getting it right is hard enough. The fact is that people who have no experience, when diving, can easily damage the roots of a plant. Even a small amount of damage is enough to end the flowers simply die. Plant transplantation is truly a gem, but it is necessary for the eustoma to continue growing in a comfortable environment. With the correct transplant, you can see a negative or positive result within a few days. If the plant has taken root, then the seedlings will begin to rise at a rapid pace above the ground.

The transplant usually takes place at the end of February. To do this, you must prepare a flower pot in advance. According to the rules, the bottom of the flowerpot is sprinkled with a small amount of expanded clay to create drainage conditions during watering. After transplanting, flower pots cannot cover with plastic wrap... All seedlings must independently adapt to the sunlight on the windowsill.

Time for planting seedlings in the ground

How to get good seedlings of eustoma flowerIn fact, after the first seedlings appeared, and the flowers were successfully transplanted into pots, the work can be considered finished. More precisely, the most difficult part of plant care is over. The next stage is planting eustoma in the ground at a summer cottage.

This part of growing eustoma is quite simple, because in fact the plant has already gained all the necessary strength, and the transplant is needed simply in order to give the plant the necessary space. Transplanting eustoma into the ground carried out in late May or early June. By this time, the first true leaves have already appeared on the seedlings. The most interesting thing is that after transplanting the eustoma into the ground, you can see how the plant begins to ripen and grow at a rapid pace.

Even though the plants seem to have grown stronger, you still need to follow some recommendations.

  1. The plant should be transplanted only in the evening.
  2. It is impossible to clean the roots from the earthy coma. You should dig a hole in the ground and rearrange the eustomas along with the earthen lump. Before placing the flower in the hole, the hole should be watered abundantly. After planting a flower with an earthen clod, watering is carried out in a small amount, but the earth after that does not compact as in most cases with other flowers.
  3. After planting, the seedlings need to be covered with plastic bottles. This method will provide protection in the event of a drop in temperature at night.

Eustoma seedlingsEustoma is very beautiful plant, and this can be seen within a few weeks after transplanting the flower into the ground. The sunny side, fresh air, warm summer weather helps the plant to open up in a short period of time. Watering is then done as the soil dries up. That is, in cases where there is an obvious drought in the summer, then watering should be done regularly. If there is no drought, and it rains regularly, then additional watering can only harm the flowers.

Top dressing is also an important part when caring for eustoma. Usually, fertilizing with fertilizers begins to be applied after a month after planting the flowers in the ground. Fertilizers help the eustoma develop, grow lush and healthy. Top dressing is, first of all, a large amount of nutrients necessary for growth.

Eustoma bloom starts around July and ends in October. The stems of the flower during this period become branched and very powerful, and then buds appear at their ends. Flowers are pollinated quite easily, as a result of which small boxes with seeds are formed, which can be reused for planting eustoma. Growing in this way can be done every year, unless, of course, we are talking about hybrids or perennials.


Not many flowers can boast of such beauty, simple growing process and resistance to external factors as Lisianthus. Photos on the Internet help to consider all the beauty and variety of these flowers, to see the compositions that were made by landscape designers, florists with their own hands, and maybe even take advantage of some ideas. In any case, eustomas will significantly increase the aesthetic appearance of the summer cottage.

Growing eustoma
How long does eustoma bloomEustoma at homePlanting and caring for eustomaEustoma bloomEustoma plantEustoma growing methodsHow to grow eustoma at homeFeatures of growing eustomaHow eustoma is grownEustoma flowering periodBeautiful eustoma bloomWhat kind of eustoma flowerHow eustoma growsWays to grow eustoma

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