Katananche flower - growing from seed

Many gardeners will like this unpretentious flower, which can be both annual and perennial, due to flowering during all three months of the summer period. In addition, it can be cut off for drying and at the same time it will not change its natural appearance at all, and will retain all the richness of color in dried flowers.

The katananche flower has only five species and does not pamper the eye with a variety of colors. Inflorescences visually resemble cornflowers, which are white, yellow and purple. There is a blue variety of katananche that looks more like a chicory flower.

Flower history

The sixteenth century became significant for this plant, gardeners of that time drew attention to it and began to breed for decorative purposes... Flowerbeds and gardens of European countries were everywhere adorned with these sixty-centimeter plants, immediately attracting the attention of those walking.

Initially, this flower grew in the Mediterranean countries, but its unpretentiousness and endurance allowed it to spread to countries with a more severe climate.

Since ancient times, this flower has been credited with the ability to bewitch lovers, so everyone who had such intentions and suffering from unrequited love wanted to try its powers. Catananche also mesmerized the British, who gave it a meaningful name - "blue cupid".

Most popular at the moment, the types are:

  • Blue.
  • Yellow.
  • Sandy.
  • Turfy.

All katananche flowers do not like excessive moisture, but the sandy species is considered the most drought-resistant, which can withstand for a long time without watering.

Cultivation of katananche

How to plant a katananche flowerThe cultivation of these flowers from seeds does not differ in any difficulties or nuances. There is no need to grow seedlings from the winter months, and then plant them in open ground. Seeds are sown immediately in a place prepared for a flower garden. The main thing is to get a beautiful, abundantly flowering plant choose a suitable plot for sowing and the right time for planting, and then the plant will do everything on its own.

Catananche grows best in well-lit areas, so don't plant in shade. The soil must have good drainage properties, be loose and light.

Every year, flower beds with this culture need to be fertilized with lime, it is necessary for the full development of this plant.

Seeds for growing katananche are taken no older than three years of age. Seeds are sown in a selected place not earlier than May, sprinkled on top with a small layer of earth. The first shoots can be seen after three weeks. But Katananche will bloom only next year.

If there is an irresistible desire to get the first flowers in the year of planting, then you will have to complicate the task. In this case, you need to plant in March in a temporary place in a greenhouse, from which you will then need to transplant the seedlings. Seed sown to a centimeter depth into moist soil. Watering such crops is best done with a spray bottle. Such seedlings will be ready for transplanting in May.

It is better to dig it out in several shoots together with a lump of earth. To plant, you need to maintain a distance of twenty centimeters, this will allow the flowers to grow well, without interfering with each other.With such a planting, the flowering of katananche will not keep itself waiting long and will be already in the current year.

Growing can be done in another way - by dividing the bush into several small bushes. Of the plants planted for several years, you need to choose the most overgrown and dig it up. This is best done in May. The bush is divided into several parts, and planted in new places. Since the roots will be damaged during transplanting in any case, this method is not the best for reproduction of this plant. It will be better to grow these flowers from seeds.

Where can you drop a katananche?

Description of the Katananche flowerThis flower wide scope in landscape design. Katananche can be dropped off:

  • In the flowerbed.
  • In a mixed flower garden.
  • In the mixborder.
  • In an alpine slide.

Since this plant grows more than half a meter in height, it must be combined with low flowers. In principle, this flower can be used in any garden arrangement. The only thing that this plant really cannot do is create durable and reliable barrier as a hedge. Its stems are too airy and thin to be durable, which should protect the desired area.

It must be remembered that even though the katananche and perennial flowerbut it loses its beauty after a three-year period. Therefore, in order for it to please with its flowers constantly, it needs to be re-sown every three years, and for the winter period the bushes need to be covered with a small flooring of turf or spruce needles.

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