Brodieya con fabiola - planting and caring for a sophisticated flower in your garden

Brodieya con Fabiola is a plant with charming flowers that look like tiny lilies. This perennial from the bulbous family is able to decorate a garden, alpine slide or other landscape composition. If you plant flowers in small groups, they will look especially impressive. You can also grow brodie at home: the buds in a pot look no less elegant.

Where to grow brodieu con fabiola

Blue brodieya con fabiola

Brodiea flower shades vary in blue-violet tones

The beauty brodie can be raised in several ways. It is cultivated especially successfully:

  1. Outdoors. She feels best on the street, since the plant was originally bred as a garden plant. In this case, it is important to protect the flowers from direct sunlight, but provide diffused lighting.
  2. On the balcony. In summer, flower pots can be taken out onto the balcony, and when it gets colder they can be brought into the apartment. If the balcony is warm, the mini-garden is also left for the winter. At the same time, it is important to make sure that cold air does not enter the loggia and there are no drafts: the brodie will not tolerate this.
  3. In the apartment. The pot can be placed not only on the window sills, but also on the shelves in the back of the room, taking care of suitable lighting in advance. In complete darkness or in dim light, the brodie will bloom badly.

An interesting fact: Brodieia is often called Tritelia or Triteleia. Plants belong to the same species and are very similar to each other, however, there is still a difference between them, for example, in the height of flower bushes.

Brodieya in landscape design: examples of planting in the photo

Blue brodieya con fabiola in group planting

Low varieties can be supplemented with contrasting colors of stonecrops

Blue brodieya con fabiola

A decorative bow can complement a flower bed with brodieya

Brodieya in landscape design

High-grade Brodieya looks good without any additions

Reproduction methods

As a rule, brodieya is planted in September, and by the spring it already blooms. The plant can be propagated in two ways: by seeds or bulbs.

When choosing a planting method, it is important to take into account that with the seed method, flowering will occur only in the second or third year.


Dying brodiea flowers

After the flowers dry out, seed pods are formed, they can be collected for harvesting seeds

Healthy seeds should be elongated and black in color. Sowing directly into open ground rarely brings results, so you first need to prepare the seedlings. Here are some principles for a successful landing:

  • the procedure is carried out in April, and in September, young plants are transplanted into open ground;
  • you need to take a shallow oblong container, moisten the earth from a spray bottle and sprinkle the seeds;
  • seedlings are germinated in a warm, bright place, protected from direct sunlight.

It is important to remember that plants grown from seeds lose their "breed" characteristics: flowers become smaller and dimmer.Therefore, if possible, it is better to choose bulbous cultivation.


Blue brodieya con fabiola, flower and bulb

Bulbous propagation guarantees the preservation of the varietal qualities of the flower

First, you need to choose healthy bulbs. They must be resilient without the slightest damage. The cultivation takes place like this:

  1. Prepare containers. Bulbs are best planted in wooden or clay boxes in early fall.
  2. Pick up the soil. For brodieya, loose soil with a high content of sand and decayed foliage is suitable; drainage (brick chips, small pebbles) is also needed.
  3. Plant the bulbs. In prepared boxes with soil, you need to make small holes 10 cm apart from each other with a depth of 10-15 cm. A layer of drainage, a layer of earth is poured at the bottom, a bulb is placed and covered with soil.
  4. Leaving after disembarkation. Immediately after planting, the plants should be watered abundantly and placed in a bright place. When the first shoots appear, you can transfer the boxes to the sun. In autumn, grown plants are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden if necessary.

It is important to find the right place before planting in open ground. It should be lit, but without scorching rays. An area with grazing lighting under the crown of trees is a good choice. In addition, you need to prepare the soil: it should be light, with a sufficient content of peat, sand and leafy soil.

Outdoor brodie care: action table

Blue brodieya con fabiola

The flower does not tolerate moisture on any of its parts

You can't call Brodiea a capricious flower, but minimal care is still needed. Its features are presented in the table:

What do we have to do?Features:
To waterBrodieya requires abundant watering during the period of active flowering and growth (spring and summer). But at the same time, you need to ensure that the liquid does not get on the leaves and stems, otherwise the plant will get burned by the sun
Monitor temperatureThis is a thermophilic plant that thrives at an air temperature of 15°C. When the temperature drops, the brodieya begins to wilt, and with a cold snap, the upper part dies off
FertilizeTop dressing is needed only during the period of active growth. The plant under the root is watered with liquid complex fertilizers, alternating with organic ones. It is enough to do this every 20-30 days.
Solve possible problemsWhen growing brodie, you cannot do without problems. It can be:

  • yellow sluggish leaves during the flowering season: waterlogging, you need to reduce watering;
  • rotten bulbs: too moist soil or low air temperature;
  • lack of flowering: the plant lacks sunlight
Collect seedsWhen the plant sheds its petals, a box of seeds appears in place of the flower. They can be collected when the baskets are dry enough. If rainy autumn is expected, you can remove them in advance and dry them at home on a towel
Prepare for winteringIn late autumn, only the root and a small piece of the stem remain from the brodiea. They must be mulched with peat and leaves so that the root does not freeze. Some gardeners try to dig brodieya for the winter. In this case, the procedure is carried out in early autumn, and the dug out bulbs are removed to a warm place until spring.

Important! Make sure to remove the weeds regularly to avoid chopping the bulbs. As for transplants, Brodieya doesn't like them, so it's best to avoid them whenever possible.

Flower care when kept at home

Brodiei are sensitive to lack of light indoors, especially during periods of active growth. Despite this, they can be safely called typical indoor plants.

Growing a brodie at home is almost impossible if the conditions are unsuitable. It is very important to find a suitable place for the plant pot, provide it with lighting, ventilation and a comfortable temperature.

Blue brodiei in a large pot

It is better if the flowers are planted in groups, rather than individually.

Placement and lighting

For placement in a room, east and west window sills are suitable, as well as shelves and pieces of furniture near a window with direct lighting. The main principle is that it is better to choose places with light partial shade than with direct sunlight. When the aerial part dies off, the container with the flower is kept on the windowsill for another 2-3 weeks, and then transferred to a dark, cool place. The plant must prepare for the new flowering season. When the first signs of growth appear, it's time to bring the flower to the light.

When forcing a plant during a dormant period for winter or spring flowering, additional lighting is indispensable. These can be phyto-lamps or ordinary table lamps.

Air temperature

Blue brodieya con fabiola

It makes no sense to grow some bright varieties of brodiei at home, as their color will become less saturated over time.

In its active phase of flowering, indoor brodie can accept any temperature in the room. If it is too hot in the apartment, you can compensate for overheating by increasing air humidity: for example, put a container of water next to the pot. But even without such measures, the brodie will actively bloom.

During the flowering period, brodieya does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Also, flowers must be protected from drafts. As for wintering, the air temperature from +12 to +14 is sufficient for the plant.°C.

The principles of caring for a flower in a pot

Indoor brodie is more sensitive to changes in conditions than garden, and therefore requires careful maintenance. Due to an excessive susceptibility to improper watering and a love of moist air, the plant is more difficult to care for than crocuses and tulips. But if you surround brodieya with attention and care, she will certainly delight the owner with luxurious flowers.

Brodieya potted outdoors

It is better if in the southern regions the indoor brodie will spend spring and summer in the open air.

Features of caring for a bulbous plant:

  1. Watering. The plant is very sensitive to waterlogging and overdrying. He needs regular and plentiful watering, but with such frequency that the topsoil has time to dry out well between procedures. When flowering ends, the frequency of watering is reduced. After the dying off of the upper part, watering is stopped. With the onset of spring, the procedure is resumed gradually, starting with a slight moistening of the soil.
  2. Air humidity. Brodieya loves humid air, but does not tolerate spraying. The leaves must be protected from getting wet, even with careful watering. The plant will feel comfortable if you place it away from heating devices and place containers with wet moss or just water next to it. Additional humidification is required if the air humidity is less than 45%.
  3. Top dressing. Home brodie with the appearance of the first leaves requires a fertilization procedure. For this, complex classical fertilizers are used: mixtures for bulbous or flowering plants are suitable. Top dressing is carried out every 2-3 weeks and until the end of the flowering phase. It is important to remember that bulbs do not tolerate large doses of nitrogen.
  4. Pruning. There are no special problems with the formation of stems, the plant only needs to remove wilting flowers. This procedure will help prolong the active flowering period. Dried leaves also need to be cut off, but only after they have completely wilted.

Growing brodiea both in the house and on the site is a difficult task. But with a strong desire, even a beginner can cope with it. Efforts will quickly pay off, because already in the first year after planting, the plant will delight you with delicate blue and blue flowers.

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